A CU for 1809 is soon planned to correct the 2, 3 bugs (task manager between other) or wait for the patch tuesday ? Thanks
Yes, next Tuesday there should be another CU for v1803 and other versions of Win10 that are supported.
[QUOTE = "abbodi1406, postagem: 1469758, membro: 204274"] Não sei [/ QUOTE] I asked about why you had done a boy on the versions so I do not know where and what I did here worked out, it was more or less like this; for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('dism\dism.exe /english /get-wiminfo /wimfile:"%DVDDIR%\sources\install.wim" ^| findstr "1-9"') do set VERSIONS=%%i would be 9 images to be mounted but not right in the error index, just wanted to know about it, but okay, thank you anyway !
But MS fixed the 3 bugs (2 in Task manager + File Explorer) that was also in 18247. So they can also fix them in 17763. People waiting for this update.
If an update is needed to be onboard for upgrading it will make the majority of windows users unable to upgrade succesfully. People on tech forums tend to forget that the majority of windows users is not capable of integrating the updates (should not even be needed at all).
I just hope I'll get CUs on this initial build. I really really don't want to install again, not because I'm lazy, but because I'm cheap and would rather preserve SSD lifetime. This exact crap happened the last time, now I waited until the build appeared "officially" on WU, and they still borked it. Not satisfied with the upgrade process. I mean, for me this build is working perfectly fine, why? Because I installed cleanly and backed up my stuff separately. The upgrade process failed yet again. I love the frequent "service packs", I think it's the right way to do the OS, but stability should come first and should be tested thoroughly. An RTM release should at least be stable, flaws accepted, but deletion of files and serving another full build and expecting the user to perform another full upgrade is not stable at all, it's not even Beta stage, it's Alpha.
MSRT for 1809 (17763.55) is available on WU. New updates for 1809: SSU: KB4465477 (17763.52.1.1) CU: KB4464330 (17763.55) Flash: KB4462930 @abbodi1406 published the WU URL's: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-327#post-1471204