Previous update(17763.439) was marked as 2019-05 on catalog, now this one is 2019-04 and released on third of may. MS is busy...
not only that, KB4501835 (17763.439) is a catalog only update (not available thru UUP dump and not available thru windows update) KB4495667 (17763.475), however, is available thru UUP dump, windows update and from ms update catalog as I just checked myself
Yes, iso is available. No, it's not final, only released for developers, expect final release at the end of may
yes it is possible. Check GezoeSloog sig and click to svf collection you'll find links to download it en-US langage and convert it to the one you need
It helps if you look the the right place
Been running 18362 since 20 March. The Build # 18362 has NOT CHANGED. Just have had CU's, so maybe it's Final ?????
Currently in version 1809/1903 to make Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase on a live system properly needs the DisableResetbase = 0 trick on the registry or something else? I do not know if this is just for offline image for me this is a bit confusing.
If you leave the registry alone, it's set to resetbase = disabled. When you enable it, it will perform the /resetbase and it breaks windows functionality like "resetpc".
Losing this would never bother me at all since I have never used it, not even once. Re-installing is so extremely simple.
I swear I posted this already, but not here. On Windows LTSC 2019 after integrating all the updates with W10IU KB4495667 reinstalls. I'm pretty sure it's after I install .NET Framework 4.8 and reboot a few times.