deployment with mdt update 2 stopped working with build 143834 and 14385 when I try to import full set source it doesn't Recognize the install.wim so I think we need to wait for new adk version for rs1.
it seems that the wim I created was made correctly so I couldn't able to import to mdt deployment share so I made a new one and I was able to add it to mdt.
I googled it and couldn't find additional info about it. Could you point to some documentation please?
Documentation for the parameter or extended attributes? the parameter is simply shown with dism help Code: dism /Capture-Image /?
No, let's not add to the confusion by adopting those misleading version numbers (TH2 ADK setup has version 10.1.10586.0).
This is RS1 RTM because it targets the 14393 (RTM) build. So no, we aren't going to see another release for RS1 any time soon (or ever, as with TH2).
That's what I though, thanks. I always used the TH2 offline installation files but I wanted to get confirmation just in case
WADK 10.1.14393.0 RTM (1607) contains a new file DISM Siloed Package Provider (siloedpackageprovider.dll) inside the DISM folder. It may be related to App Side Loading?