Agree. Everyone just ignore him and let him post his enemy agent BS all he wants... nobody post anything else in here
Don't stop now, please continue. Let me guess: Bill Gates is the devil, satan, prince of darkness? And how about 9-11. Recall the rumor that Bill Gates wasn't seen in public for three months after 9-11? Supposedly conferencing with the terrorists. Don't let that jem slip through your fingers.
I tried to warn him, Yen warned him. There's always a constructive way to get facts out without stepping on others. The entire net and websites are all doing the same as spyware goes. If 10 is truly malware, I never thought I'd like malware, as long as micro doesn't post my naked pics around an scare the world, I'll still use it.
Ive read pages and pages of this thread.... What will people use after windows 7 support finishes? less than 5 years. 5 years is not a lot of time. What OS does Yen use? Is there a solution to this privacy issue in Windows 10?
If I'd agree with him I am doing it because of the fact that Microsoft tried to re-install that update KB (check my sig.) 3 times even though I don't want w10.... add to Vico: I am using w7 for my job and I have an android tab and one android phone. I am running a linux based media server a linux based router /VPN....and I use ubuntu in a virtual box.
I think most of the privacy issues in Windows 10 are Cortina, using MS account, MS email account, and some of the other glitzy apps. Change the privacy setting, use local account and don't use MS account, Store, etc and you will be just fine.
It's one thing to have an opinion, it's another to purposely spam a thread with the same line over and over and over, in every single post IMO, he was purposely trying to flamebait, knowing his end was nigh
When 7 and 8.1 are done it will be 10. There are several posts around this site to help with privacy, and on the net there's VPN's. I'm not as smart as the mod's or some of the posters here, to many to name, but I don't think there's a true way from some data leaving and going to redmond. Even with 7, and using a third party firewall, you can block most of what goes out, but you can't block everything or you can't get online. I don't see if there's a way to prove nothing leaves, but if there is, I'm sure someone will post it and correct me as I'm no Gates.
@MysTikAL3: What you say about the EULA is true. But, the EULA has not been created for the benefit of the user; It's written to protect the "rights" of the corporate entity. And that's an important distinction here. Read over the GNU licensing agreement. To the lay person, It's just as confusing and riddled with apparent subterfuge. If it weren't for the tech people who analyze the OS and spot these issues, then the world would truly be ignorant of that fact. Take some comfort in that fact. I do. Yes. It is devious, as you say. But it's devious because it benefits the agenda of others, and not the world at large. As far as being Malicious, that depends on your perspective. Smartphones use the exact same practices, as well as locking the OS and ROM so that you can not protect yourself. It's sad, but this is the state of the world today. Everybody wants to know everybodys business. And some want to profit from that. True. Discussion and debate is healthy. Name calling and slinging FUD is not. :MJ
@yen IMHO telling the truth in an unpleasant way is not so good. But banning someone because the crowd asked to, is even worse. It's too easy to appear unpleasant when one is surrounded by a bunch of hyenas. Respect should be bidirectional, and so the moderation actions.
negive: This idiot was banned because of insulting other members repeatedly. This has nothing to do with any kind of truth imao
I'm not backing everything he did or wrote, but If being an idiot is the metric, half of the fanboy kids who replied to him in this very tread should be banned as well...
why? MDL is a nice place to talk about some technical stuff around Windows and other software. Many ppl get useful information and many make useful contributions for the sake of this forum. Idiots like the banned one intensively tried to start flames all over his posts insulting harmless members who just wanted to express their hate upon that guy, nothing more nothing less. Go with that guy and let us here without new blabla
Paul Nice discussion ends when someone starts writing something like this Please realize that if someone replies in harsh way to a sentence like this, the idiot is not that guy.