Windows 10 is Malware

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Vladimar, Aug 4, 2015.

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  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    There is a difference. Either I talk about privacy of an OS and cooperation with the NSA or about why w10 is offered for free...(required due to bad marketing strategy)

    Considering privacy all US IT companies are the same bad so all of them have their 'evil character'.......the paranoid behaviour of the US government appears as for instance as NSA. To cooperate with the industry is a service in the name of the nation. Too bad that they also spy on their own citizens.
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  2. Vladimar

    Vladimar MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Maybe, but open source code is OPEN, so whatever attempts at government infiltration will be open for exposure, discussion, etc... Closed-source code is much more dangerous, always. You aren't describing a technical difference in security, but only a government's desire to "infiltrate" an open-sourced system. Sure they WANT to. The real question is how effective will they be.
  3. pirithous

    pirithous MDL Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    Sounds like you live in a very black or white world, when the world really is grey.

    Very true. Thanks for not making me have to write all that.
  4. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    True but you all have options and choices in the current market your not stuck just with using one media
  5. venioni

    venioni MDL Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    so that who read on this thread of discusson the conclusion are that the windows 7 still the most safty and best OS for work and more other stuff..:cool:
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  6. pirithous

    pirithous MDL Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    Windows 10 obviously has kernel optimizations and many other code improvements over Windows 7, so in terms of technical aspects it's better. And it will get better in that regard as time goes on. When we're talking about the privacy aspect, no, it's much, much worse.
  7. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    and windows xp in China and Russia these two windows versions wont be going out anytime in the future
  8. Edwe

    Edwe MDL Member

    Sep 1, 2011
    Naah conclusion is lost of time, Pizza anyone:tasty:
  9. Vladimar

    Vladimar MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Again, what's the point. First you denigrate open-source, and then you equivocate closed-source code. Your fundamental point is that there isn't any security anywhere, so you may as well roll over, gape your butt-cheeks and let Microsoft do whatever it wants.

    And that's wrong. You know it's wrong. You aren't stupid, but you do have an agenda. You'd like to assert that you have something relevant to say, but what you say isn't really relevant. However it's effect is to encourage people into an aversion/aversion conflict and the resultant paralysis and inaction that occurs.

    Which is consistent with Microsoft's agenda of infecting everyone's computers with their malware.
  10. Vladimar

    Vladimar MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Lame and meaningless response to a lame and meaningless post, intended to distract attention from the topic and derail the thread into inane retards trying to "one-up" each other with their inane and retarded drivel.

    I haven't the time, but someone should check to see if either of these members have every posted anything of substance, the entire time they've been here. If yes, then why would they crap in this particular thread, and if no then why are they on the forum at all?
  11. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    When a commercial company gives something to you w/o asking for money, I'ts because it gains more with "something else".

    That's not human nature or a conspiracy theory, that's simple math.
  12. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Take off the tinfoil hat, bro.
    MS is a company. All companies try to make money.
    Currently, they all make money by selling your personal choices to advertisers.

    Would I pay for win10 knowing that there's all these privacy issues? No, I wouldn't.
    I thought enterprise LTSB would be better, but it's not. The entire OS is a secret leaking machine.
    I could plug the holes, true. I, personally, wouldn't pay for an OS that does this.

    Just because I present a counter-argument doesn't mean that I endorse their business decisions.
  13. venioni

    venioni MDL Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    I think after two or three months people who upgrades windows 7 to 10 looking to this forum windows 7 isos for make clean install the upgrades pcs.....:biggrin:
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  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Android is based on open source, give Google 2 more years to degenerate it even more and it will be the same as windows...the reason for it is that Google is also an US company and cooperates....
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  15. Vladimar

    Vladimar MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Another thread has a chart that shows a comparison between Win7, Win8 and Win10, using benchmarks from several well-known softwares. Maybe someone could post the link.

    The result are not nearly as conclusive as your post indicates. It's not dramatically better. In some areas it's better, in some areas it's the same, and in some areas it's worse. Looking at the chart from a very general perspective, I got the idea that they were all more or less equivalent, and that the difference in quality depended on what the User used the system for, and what their personal preferences are. In any case, none of the different Operating Systems seemed dramatically better in terms of performance, the differences were measurable, but not dramatic.

    Given that, the lack of a dramatic difference in performance between Windows 10 and "everything else" means the only thing to talk about is the thing that IS dramatically different, which is the fact that it's malware.

    But thanks for playing. Please do try again, I mean to derail attention away from the fact that Windows 10 is malware.
  16. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    PERFECT, you hit it out of the park with this one...:clap:

    Not the case here Vladimar, you don't know murphy78.
    You're attacking your own, one of the good guys...;)
  17. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    So Yen, going open source and given a part of Windows core code is going to be smart?

    You better then hit me up for a copy of Linux Mint, Yen you will need it, you will have every hacker in: ( I just won the jack pot in lotto)
  18. Vladimar

    Vladimar MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    I made a point similar to this, and differentiated between scary, anonymous "hackers" and microsoft, and he makes a differentiation between "inside" being safe and "outside" being not safe, is false. Inside is also not safe, now that Windows 10 is malware. Essentially the two points are exactly the same.

    And, with regard to the war against the fanbois that infest this forum, this is an intelligent and honest person. I endorse his/her character. Important, when there are so many stupid and dishonest people running around telling lies and trying to derail honest conversations with propaganda and bulls**t.

    But also, I don't want to call them "fanbois" or "fanboys" anymore. I want to call them "enemy agents", and wonder if anyone else feels the same way.
  19. Don

    Don MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    If anybody really cared about their security or so called "rights" they would never connect to the internet again in their lives and all they need to do is pick up any newspaper any day to see don't pretend you don't have an agenda too, it's obvious you do.
  20. LiteOS

    LiteOS Windowizer

    Mar 7, 2014
    If China hackers or the GOV will say its malware then panic

    for now relax and dont install it no need to rush :)