So basically, this tool just stops windows automatically updating stuff, also disables the auto-updates for windows store-apps? BUT.... i can still check for updates manually with WUMT tool? I ran WUMT, checked for updates, there was none but i think i am fully up to date anyway. Also i was able to still manually check for and install an update in the App-Store. So far this seems pretty awesome.
Hey uffbros, weren't you the one earlier that asked about anyone on 14393.970? I am on that version also, and the tool works fine here so far, but i just started using it like an hour ago and was already on .970, Maybe after any major update it needs to be re-applied? I don't see why it would though. By the way the "code" above, that's just simple batch file code, like .bat or .cmd, simplest way to make a blank text file, then save it then replace .txt with .cmd EDIT: also wanted to add, wherever you installed it from, it has to be there still. If you delete or move the file "UpdaterDisabler.exe" it will stop working. The service points to where it was setup from. Just realized that myself when inspecting the service.
I have no idea why...But I removed and reinstalled the program before posting the other day and that didn't fix it. I just did same removal/install and now it works again. When I use windows Update it returns a message of "We could not install some updates because the PC was turned off". Thanks.
Code: rd "%WinDir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Schedule Scan" /s /q ren "%WinDir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Schedule Scan.bak" "Schedule Scan" schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Schedule Scan" /Enable rd "%WinDir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start" /s /q ren "%WinDir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start.bak" "Scheduled Start" schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start" /Enable Or simply remove both tasks from Task Scheduler, Windows will restore them automatically, thus the reason for creating false tasks to prevent it from doing it.
I'll tell you why I asked for the way to reverse stopping automatic updates.I think it's a rule dealing with changes you do to OSs is to know how to reverse them the same thing as we do a back up of registry before making many changes.Users tend to keep simple patches to accomplish their needs with one click.We all don't have the same level of knowledge and MDL is a trusted source for a lot of people members or guests to learn how to deal with the technology they use everyday. We all bear the responsibility to make things simple and trustworthy.So thank you.I hope I made my point clear.Cheers.
Update disablers are way cool! I want to keep my OS as unprotected as possible so the latest ransomeware can attack me!
Oh, a snippy bold post ... feeling better now? Disabling auto-updates doesn't necessarily imply an unprotected system .
You can laugh all you want, but not updating your system leaves it vulnerable to attacks. This is exactly why updates are automatic now. Too many people left their systems not updated, and were infected. Bit you can do as you wish. I will be safe.
Security.!! CIA has it all,Vault 7,through our "trusted" OSs manufacturers.! Yet they can't protect their stuff.! Ransomware,stay poor,nobody will care to think about you or even notice you're there.! It's a wonderful world.!
People, who disable auto-updates, know, why they are doing it. I used Windows without updates, without AV and without a firewall for a year, downloading warez, and it was never infected.