new method to prevent Teams Re Installation from hydropepon can be change easily via High privileges command prompt easy way over here :: How to Run Command Prompt as Trusted Installer or via my new Updated File :: Widget Chat Teams Cleaner
Look what they did to my boy! MS removed the Taskbar custom Toolbar option; the quick, and handy option to add shortcuts, urls, and quick cascading access to stuff I've been using since XP Any way to get this back?
Showing seconds on taskbar clock, have been using that on win10 for years (and t-clock before that), seems to no longer work on 11 when i tried Code: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] "ShowSecondsInSystemClock"=dword:00000001
Thats indeed nice if it works for you, maybe it needs something else set to a specific value (which it isn't on mine and GeRmAnOs's) Anything at least remotely related (taskbar, regional settings) comes to mind?