Windows 7 Hotfix repository

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by SoLoR, May 22, 2010.

  1. Shortyportuguese

    Shortyportuguese MDL Addicted

    Apr 3, 2019
  2. mb_force

    mb_force MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2017

    the links I posted are from v2 I need v3
  3. steven4554

    steven4554 MDL Expert

    Jul 12, 2009
  4. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Warning: Security-only update KB4507456 is infected with Diagtrack malware! Unless a cleaned-up variant surfaces, I will not install it.
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    MELERIX MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2011
    malware ? lol, its just basic telemetry to check and report automatically the issues related with Windows Update, thats all.
  6. BetADNA

    BetADNA MDL Junior Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I just love all the exaggerations about telemetry and the use of specific terms, like bomb or infected, etcetc,, On 7 it's just technical and ofcourse msft keeps an eye on the upgrade compatibility for when EOS arrives.
  8. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    How to put this politely? They have no business to sniff around on MY systems. All they've achieved is that I will not install that update (and any further including that malware), ever. Idiots.
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    MELERIX MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2011
    they are not sniffing around your system, they are only getting report data about specifically Windows Update issues.
  10. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Which I NEVER consented to. They have to ask me. And I will say NO.
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    MELERIX MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2011
    #10473 MELERIX, Jul 12, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2019
    they don't need to ask you for that, becase they are the owner of the OS not you, you are just an user of the OS.
  12. joluboga

    joluboga MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    You already consented to it, when you installed the OS. Did you actually read the EULA or just pressed NEXT?
  13. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #10475 case-sensitive, Jul 12, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2019
    Mini rant with a smile :) ---- >

    >the don't need to ask you for that, becase they are the owner of the OS not you, you are just an user of the OS.
    >You already consented to it, when you installed the OS. Did you actually read the EULA or just pressed NEXT?

    Gentlemen ......... You dont understand law . Laws are a feeble attempt to write down RIGHTS . Rights come before laws ....... and laws have to be legitimate . Laws that dont respect rights are not legitimate . Contracts that dont respect rights are not legitimate . Laws can not disqualify other laws ...... OR rights .

    When i buy something it's mine to do with what i want when i want . I can sell and give away what i own . I am not a kackpitalist slave with no rights that only rents things . I am not on the planet to be farmed on the way to the slaughterhause by the criminaly rich .

    Human rights come before governments , rich people and corperations / firms . In a democracy people have rights ...... for the people by the people ...... not for the criminaly rich by the criminaly rich .

    The US ' legal system ' is a kackpitalist ' legal system ' . With kackpitalist ' laws ' and kackpitalist ' courts ' , ' judges ' , ' state prosecuters ' and ' prisons ' . The drug ' laws ' prove that ........ the most people in prison in the US are there for ' drug offences ' ....... the US has the largest prison population in the world ...... and the vast majority are black or hispanic that ' lived ' in poverty = A large part of the US society has been made poor , criminalised and ...... farmed ...... for not buying government drugs = Alcohol , sugar and tobaco ...... the three worst / most dangerous drugs that we know . The whole production , dealer and suplier chain is backed and protected by the governments . Those drug laws cause the whole world massive problems and burden our health systems with costs ...... that the governments and kackpitalists that sell the alc , sugar and tobaco deal and make masive profits from . Just as the kackpitalists did with china twice in opium wars trying to force china to be good kackpitalist consumers / victims ........ by making them opiate addicts ...... same same with alc , sugar and tobaco .

    Drug addicts are a captive market ...... they have to buy those products .

    That means that instead of representing the people and doing things for the country they do it for the criminaly rich ........ and at the same time make imense profits that they then buy weapons from themselves with ....... and cause finacial wars a la 1984 ...... for instance ...... the war against terror ( But they dont bomb the culprits = THEMSELVES !!! ) ....... the ' war against drugs ' where they put billions of $$ in the hands of the international mafia and are responsible for hundreds of thousands of victims , deaths and poverty ........ or the curent 2nd american cold war against the rest of the world .

    Have we got legal rights ? Are we free ? If we arent free we are at best victims and at worst slaves . A very easy and undenyable democracy test :) ---- >

    Do you live in democracy ? Or are you ( WE ) slaves ? IF we're free WE decide . If we live in dictatorship ........ we dont decide ...... people decide for us ...... make a profit out of it and us ...... and we have to pay for it , have to take the responsibility for it ...... and them ....... and we DIE .

    Did you vote for the climate kacktastrophy ?

    Did you vote for the disaperance of the small animals , the insects , wild flowers , the fish in the sea and rivers , the polution of our drinking water , for the atmospheric polution , for the light polution , for the comming mass extermination of species

    Did you vote for the nuclear attacks against two defensless civilian targets

    Did you vote for the holocaust and chemical weapons attacks against vietnam , thailand , kambodia and laos ...... and over 400 exterminated vilages like my lai ...... wich was based on the lie that the vietnamese attacked the american fleet with rubber dingys ...... wich the americans lost

    Did you vote for the holocausts in iraq 2 times with the use of nuclear shells based on american lies about weapons of mass deception

    Did you vote for the holocaust in and destabilisation of libya based on the lie that gadafi was an evil person ...... because he wouldnt lick american arse and sell them cheep petrolium products

    Did you vote for the holocaust in and destabilisation of syria based on the lie that it's a civil war allthough the americans anounced their attack in a list of 7 countrys to be attacked before they organised and caused the fake revolution ....... wich the americans lost .

    Did you vote for the holocaust in and destabilisation of yemen by the saudi barbarians and other ultra right wing dictaterships

    Did you vote for the holocaust in and destabilisation of somalia

    Did you vote for the holocaust , apartheid and sytematic extermination of the palastinian people ...... phosphor bombs on childrens playing grounds !!!

    Did you vote for the war in / against africa that's going on behind our backs .

    ALL things caused and profited from by governments and their kackpitalist masters ...... on our backs at our cost .

    = I own what i buy .
  14. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    The EULA I accepted at the time of installing Windows 7 did not contain anything about that privacy-invasive malware-like behavior the Diagtrack stuff does. Remember CEIP? IF you opt out, they only get the things they absolutely need. It was completely voluntarily. Intonation on "was", Diagtrack doesn't care about your choices. Thus it stays OUT.

    And here in Europe, you own the stuff you buy.
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  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    A user of a license has rights which cannot be circumvented.

    MSFT actually has to inform upon request WHAT they read from your device. It's not about ownership of the OS, it's about private content that does NOT belong to them.
    It's simply about transparency and MSFT has to ask, means enabling of any telemetry service, no matter what it reads has to be done voluntarily and default should be disabled.
    If a manufacturer wants to know how somebody uses his product, the manufacturer has to ask for agreement.

    This plays no role since:
    An EULA is no guaranty for MSFT that they can write what they want and when you press next it becomes law.
    An EULA must not overrule local laws. And here in the EU an EULA has to be presented to the potential customer before the purchase is completed AND has agreed.
    In other words the EULA must be known to the potential purchaser so he can consider it at his decision to purchase the license.
    Anything presented after purchase is void.

    This thread should not turn into a discussion about EULA.

    Hot-fix REPOS are there to inform about hotfixes and people can consider if they want to install the particular KB or not.
    Any reasonable enterprise admin who is responsible checks which updates can be provided (WSUS) for the clients for update. That's normal and everybody has an own idea which is not subject to be discussed here.

    I know it's a hot topic, but offtopic and has been discussed at other threads already.
    Back to original topic, please. Thanks.
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    MELERIX MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2011
    yes, but in this case is just basic telemetry for Windows Update, and not private content that does not belong to them.
  17. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Well, that is what they SAY. Not enough evidence that it is, indeed, restricted to anonymous technical data. Do you really blindly trust anything this company said and says? Sorry, I don't. They have screwed users several times in the past, why should that change? Big data is worth big money.
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  18. solarstone2149

    solarstone2149 MDL Member

    Dec 11, 2009
    for those of you who keep track of whats going on
    were there some newer SYSTEM exploits +fixes for them
    after the "meltdown-spectre" and SMB, ones ?

    (i don't care for IE, .net , and the rest MS crap, just the system)