Just a quick announcement: abbodi1406 will be taking over Win8.1 "repo-master" duties. burfadel will still be in charge of the Office 2013 repo duties though. Burf has been a huge help so far, but his schedule is a bit busy at the moment, so abbodi1406 will take over to get the Win8.1 repo up and running. Many thanks to Burf for his ongoing help in this project. A huge thanks goes to abbodi1406 who has been working tirelessly on creating the new lists for Win7 and now Win8.1. The amount of work he has done is amazing. And a huge thanks to Alphawaves for his ongoing efforts in updating WHD for this new repo approach. His WHD tool is crucial to this project. Of course, komm is still the other "repo-master" here for his repo, and his KUC utility is an extremely valuable tool that we hope he is able to continue on with. -------------------- An update to everybody: just a couple hours now after Abbodi started on the Win8.1 repo and he has it completed already! His skills are amazing. Testing still needs to be done, but things are progressing very nicely. Thanks very much Abbodi!
Sounds good. If people are rewriting code, may i suggest making the directory layout (or possibility to sort) the updates in a more dism friendly way for offline updates. Pre-requisites and pending updates in particular to utilize reset base. For instance, with win 8.1 i integrate roughly in this order. Dism /image:$Mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"'Windows 8.1 x86\Security Updates" /PreventPending Dism /image:$Mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"'Windows 8.1 x86\Non-Security Updates" /PreventPending Dism /image:$Mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"'Windows 8.1 x86\.NET Framework 4.5 Updates" /PreventPending Dism /image:$Mount /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase Dism /image:$Mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"'Windows 8.1 x86\GA" Dism /image:$Mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"'Windows 8.1 x86\Pending" Dism /image:$Mount /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:"'sources\81GAx86\sources\sxs" Dism /image:$Mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"'Windows 8.1 x86\.NET Framework 3.5.1 Updates" Ever since the repo went down and Win 8.1 added new dism commands its been a real PITA staying on top of what order to do with what command.
Well, that would be superfluous even if we track down every update "pending" status, we cannot guarantee that this status will be persistent i mean, some updates may triggers the pending flag to other updates.. and so on. besides, the repo is not dedicated for offline usage only what really matters is to distinguish the non integratable updates, and the additonal (non regular) ones like camera codec nevertheless, i see that resetbase command doesn't have that much usefulness in the offline procedure the non pending updates mostly are small and individual components.
This is exactly right; I have tried it and while it works, it does nothing concrete at all offline for updates; they must be installed first before any culling can take place. I tried it offline because I remove all the appx packages from the image; meh . I just run the command at first logon with all updates slipstreamed-Bob's you're uncle.
Thanks for the reply abbodi1406. It makes sense what you said. Getting all the updates integrated is my main goal; reducing size and leftover files is secondary. I honestly thought the prevent pending and reset base commands were being used by the "cool kids" and was trying to reap the benefits of the command. Just to make sure i'm clear with your suggestions; forget the pending switch, forget the reset base command, and run component cleanup via firstlogon.cmd? With zero dism errors, i currently do it in this order, with the * being optional: Mount Updates non-Pending reset base updates pending Net3 net updates add key AppAssociations remove default Add App Associations .xml Copy overlay and custom WinRE *Offline Reg Edit Drivers *Apply Unattended .xml *Get Packages Unmount commit
Thanks RickSteele. I already do the same via a firstlogon.exe run via the autounattend. I was looking at doing that offline also to shrink my AIO 7\8\8.1\x86\x64 wim a bit as its about 17 gig updated.
Could you maybe post a tutorial on how to use WimLib? I'm all for reducing the size of my wim I just don't have a good understanding on how use this.
any program to integrate hotfixes into 8.1 wim cos this WHD 4.4 still not working also program for download hotfixes
If you want to integrate Hotfixes into 8.1, you can try my ToolKit, you can find it in my signature section.
thanks uff but so no any program to download this hotfixes cos i dont know which updates is after rollup cos now i have wim from windows 8.1 pro with rollup