That would be KB2959977 then . Search for KB2919355 at Windows Update Catalog Site and it will show all included updates.
Yeah, KB2919355 is a bundle of updates containing: Code: windows8.1-kb2919442 windows8.1-kb2919355 windows8.1-kb2932046 windows8.1-kb2937592 windows8.1-kb2938439 windows8.1-kb2934018 windows8.1-kb2959977 The last 2 are not part of the updated ISOs.
On Windows 8.1 with Update, WU is offering me KB2931366 (.NET 4.5.1) even though I installed 4.5.2 via the stand-alone installer previously. According to MS14-026 (KB293166), .NET 4.5.2 belongs to the Non-Affected Software. Since 4.5.2 replaces 4.5.1, shouldn't KB2931366 be part of 4.5.2?
Can anyone provide me a working link for this update KB2937295 as this update downloaded using WHD 8.1.2 is getting corrupted and also this update is not available in other places.
It's downloaded fine here you can use the view list button to get the link (the microscope next to "Path:") or Extract button at bottom you may use KUC to get it after all, we got it of it in the first place (thanks to komm)
Don't know for unknown reasons the update which is around 4.41 MB when download through WHD 8.1.2 it was just around 4 MB. and after writing the above post and then I tried again and this time it downloaded properly.
I wasn't able to find a link on MS Download Center, but I was able to find a download on Windows Update Catalog. Open IE and go there and search for KB2955164 and it will also download 2965500. Sry I don't have the download link skills like some people have... It uses a custom downloader.