Thanks, Correct me if i am wrong - So by using these file a user can upgrade Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 with Update 1.
how do i use those file correctly? i follow the step until step 3 but when in step 4 use command prompt as admin it show "incorrect usage or filename"
I faced the same problem and same message. You must execute decrypt in the folder where all the files are located in command prompt as an Admin and not launch decrypt.cmd from Windows.
For your collection: x86fre_professionalwmc_ru-ru.esd h__ps://!ugxW3KJR!Xps7iAgmIFm5A6tq7-70fxkISwgauGI8AmdQpFzdOUc"]x86fre_professionalwmc_ru-ru.esd File: x86fre_professionalwmc_ru-ru.esd SHA1: 801e906d159b2844103ced976e1b9fd2442106eb Original File Name: 9600.17050.winblue_refresh.140317-1640_x86fre_client_professionalwmc_ru-ru-ir3_cpwmca_x86frer_ru-ru_esd.esd
Any torrent mirrors for this files, I downloaded these files and the download was complete but am not able to decrypt them and the hash are different if I get a torrent link I can fix the file using the torrent re-check method. x86fre_coresinglelanguage_en-us.esd x64fre_coresinglelanguage_en-us.esd x86fre_professionalwmc_en-us.esd x64fre_professionalwmc_en-us.esd
@murphy78 Sorry to tell you that but link 2 and 4 are leading to the same file => Pro WMC esd en-US x86.