Ya, WZor hinted at key-less activation as well...overkill IMHO - even with KMS, that unknown 8-bytes will probably be used to ID each machine on their activation servers - thus KMS will no longer be purely offline. By having all activation online they are in effect forcing one to hook offline activation (i.e. telephone activation and loopback whatever phones home) ...We'll see.
Yes, we'll see. Anyway we have experienced that M$ is going after those who are tied to NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and unveil secrets. Also when leaking pre-builds. It is not easy to provide real informations being first and not to get into focus of M$, I guess WZOR knows it best....to me to keep MDL running smoothly without issues has priority, I guess that's reasonable . When OA became version 3 it got out of focus for an exploit. KMS and phone activation are left, whereas phone activation is actually online activation already to obtain the confirmation ID from an external M$ server. I strongly guess they will improve KMS activation to make it pure online, exactly as you've mentioned.
Excellent Information Admin @Yen Thank You So Much For Excellent Information Yen Best Regards NST_Adventure