If OA3Tool.exe leaks, can't we then submit our own key/hwhash to MS' servers? EDIT: And why is the whole UEFI circus required? Can't OEMS just give the hardware hashes of all the manufactured machines to MS? It's simpler and just as safe I think, but without the UEFI stuff. And then just use the default key (only because windows freaks out without key installed).
UEFI is no requirement for OA3.0. Lol, even if one could submit a key / hash, one firstly has to demand a valid one from the OEM key server.
Oh yes I forgot about that the key server... But about the UEFI thing, I should state it better. Why is the MSDM circus required?
Well that what you call circus seems to be demanded by the OEMs. Why? I guess they want 2 ways. One that activates automatically as soon as it's online (for the 'ordinary user' and will again after each fresh install) and a second if the first doesn't work or has become invalidated due too many hw changes. The COA sticker's serial alone would be sufficient to activate, though.
I have also noticed that some characters are omitted from current product keys like the letter O and the number 0 or letter I and the number 1, having the MSDM table allows MS to use the characters that could be mistaken for one another without causing a support headache for OEM's from angry customers that calling in cause they cant activate their new computer. I had this problem with a Windows 98 disk had a 0 in it and I always got it wrong when re-installing. the added benefit is that the product key portion of the MSDM has an undefined length so MS can use longer product keys when needed.
That's not really what I mean. It has nothing to do with the COA or confusable characters. Who does the table needs to be in the bios/uefi? They can just use 1 dummy key for all OEMs in the world and only activate on hwhash. The OEM sends the hash for every built machine to MS, then when the PC comes online it also sends it's hash. Match -> Activated! No need for any MSDM or anything... The only thing that the MSDM adds is a unique key for each machine, but the hash is already unique so I don't see why unique keys are required.
It's not that easy - hash may vary slightly when customer makes non-critical HW changes, so MS server would first look at unique key and associated stored hash value and then compare it with the current one - if the difference isn't critical, it will re-activate if user will re-install OS for some reason.
It's not really a point. You can determine which hardware will be hashed as a specification of the license. This would mean those components cannot be changed. I'd determine the MAC address of the network adapter LAN, which is usually onboard (requirement to activate online) and lets say the motherboard serial, or the UUID. So one could change anything, but the mainboard. To me it's not quite clear why they have an SLP channel at all. A COA channel only would be OK. You get a sticker with a unique serial, such as the retail version. You switch on your w8 lego machine at first time and you enter the serial you've got with your PC / notebook / tablet, where is a problem???
Windows 8 is specifically designed for 24/7 internet access (the live login stuff etc). You can get around this, but you still need to activate.
AFAIK there is no way to activate it through SLP cannel without internet. Not sure if there is a phone activation using the COA serial on the sticker....w8 is made for online 'matters', to buy apps, to sell your private data, lol...
Indeed, in the Windows 8 (6.2.9200.16384) pkconfig.xrm-ms file there is no longer any reference to OEM:SLP channel keys for Windows 8 products. For the windows Server 2012 family a few OEM:SLP channels still seem to exist
Microsoft has to make clear EULA for collecting, processing, handling, handing over user data (too much personal data) to spy/govt. agencies. The Windows 8 makes life easier for common users, but at the same time make more difficult for privacy conscious users.
Ameria-cans are stupid and by the age of 30 have lost the the ability to learn, and possess no critical thinking skills. An OEM will have to provide a DVD on how to find and enter the S/N on the COA, and the call center will still be flooded with idiots calling because they cant figure it out. This is why we must to import all our engineers from other countries via the H1b visa. If you have ever worked in customer service in the USA you know this to be true. and is the reason for the new Windows 8 UI (pic related windows 9 UI).
Is there any sign of KMS keys ? Will Enterprise and Server be OA2.2 or will there still be KMS activation ?