Thank you! Create a core network through the Rules Wizard, and you can create many rules at once, so there is no problem with basically going online. More convenient. So I want to ask if Netsh can be created like this. If not, then only one of the strips was manually created through Netsh
Using the English online translation website, it is likely that I can not fully express my meaning. I mean, the wizard created the core network rules, network discovery rules, including many rules. If you are creating using the Netsh command, there are parts that I don't know how to write. such as ICMP, IPv6 rules. And I wonder if the Netsh command can create built-in rules for these systems, such as the A commands that create all of the core network rules, and the rules created in wizard mode are created multiple rules at once.
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Hi shewolf.. sorry for my ignorance..just learning. Copy code and paste it in notepad en save it as: cmd or bat ? Encoding option in notepad set as ANSI, Unicode or UTF-8 ? thanks for all the excelent work you and others are doing on this forum!
I don't understand why people tend to be sorry or apologize beforehand for their ignorance. Damn it!!! Why!!!!
If you want to have an uninstaller for that utilities, save as *.reg file and Merge. Set Firewall Rules Uninstaller Merge: Go: Control Panel ==> Programs and Features ==> Uninstall
What exactly does "Allow Outbound Port 80-443" mean? Does it allow all outbound ports between ports 80 and 443 or only ports 80 + 443? I am curious if it can be possible to use your firewall options to force online video games to use only ports 80 and 443 (along with YogaDNS) to force DoH (DNS over HTTPS).
Thanks! It is not working for me though. None of the context menu commands work for me. Firewall rules for files simply aren't being added or removed. I wasn't able to prevent any selected EXE files from outbound contact. OneClickFirewall does work though...