I've noticed that when you add a bunch of kbfiles to an index and then try to export the index using install.esd format, it gives an occasional installation error as if it's not finding the data correctly. The strange thing is that it often goes away after rebooting and re-trying to install. It doesn't happen every time and it seems to be fairly rare, but I have noticed it occurring with more frequency the more data you add to an offline image. Next month for my win8.1 aio I'm going to do an experimental method where I export each index to a different install.wim using /checkintegrity and then also do another export using /checkintegrity back to a separate install.esd file. I'm thinking that the issues regarding my install.esd problem might be related to the way the install.esd is created. It might not deal well with the way I integrate one index, re-mount to change setup\scripts folder for pre-activated stuff and then re-exporting. The idea is that it may be treating the install.esd like a highly compressed virtual hard disk snapshot method. I'm not exactly sure what it is doing because it's fairly undocumented, but I have a suspicion that the methods with which it handles the indexes during the export may be very finicky. If you can recall when we were playing around with KMSmicro 5.0.0, it had a snapshot method where the original hard-disk is highly compressed, but any modifications are saved to a second file. I'm thinking that the install.esd may be handling things in a similar fashion. Or, I could just be completely wrong and it could just be some sort of issue that MS is aware of, but not spending any time fixing since install.esd files were designed for single indexes. Anyway, I'll try and remember to post my results next month when I test it out. I'll give it a test run on a win8.1/office2013 sysprep capture I plan on doing later this month, but I don't anticipate any issues as they only have 2 indexes and this problem seems to occur when you have like 10+ indexes and 500+mb of updates queued up for each index. It could also be related to the dart I added to the boot.wim or re-compressing the boot.wim with max compression. It could also be related to pending updates. Perhaps there is a maximum number of pending updates allowed with the install.esd format. It wouldn't make sense to me, but It seems like it's possible since setup.exe would have to handle the install.esd separately from an install.wim method. I'll play with a lot of different options and try and report results.
Yes I don't have to convert them really if I am doing the integration manually for myself. but am using this method for integration of tweaks in my MSMG ToolKit for Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2, so the average users who doesn't have any knowledge of registry import/export or offline mounting of wim registry keys, doesn't have to manually edit the registry files to suit the ToolKit. So The Whole Point of Converting the Registry Keys is to Automate the Process of importing of registry file to wim image from the ToolKit. Edit: Fixed the Script using Power Shell Code. Instead of using a Single '\' we need to use '\\' to represent '\'. It works now properly. Now the Only thing is the First Script that has to be fixed.
hi murpy i try to add drivers on windows 8.1 captured images but no luck allways error what can i do please help me Thank you
Just wanted to add that I seemed to have solved my export to install.esd issue with the 95-97% install failure. What I did to solve it is what I described attempting: First I export each index to a new install.wim using /checkintegrity flag dism commandline Then after I'm done with the entire AIO, I do a for /l loop to export all of the new install.wim indexes to the install.esd and also use /checkintegrity I think that, as strange as it is, it was getting hung up on my integration method exporting each index to install.esd, remounting the same index to modify a few files, and re-exporting it to a new index. So for the enthusiasts out there, the export to a different install.wim command looks something like: Code: dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:c:\win81x86\sources\install.wim /sourceindex:1 /destinationimagefile:c:\temp\x86\install.wim /compress:maximum /checkintegrity I obviously repeat it for each new index that I need to be on the AIO and I use imagex to rename them if same index, but with pre-activation files etc... and the export to install.esd loop looks something like this: Code: del /q /f c:\win81x86\sources\install.wim for /l %%x in (1, 1, 20) do ( e:\waik5\amd64\dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:c:\temp\x86\install.wim /sourceindex:%%x /destinationimagefile:c:\win81x86\sources\install.esd /compress:recovery /checkintegrity )
One strange thing I have found is when you use wadk 8.1 imagex.exe for exporting the windows 7 ISO's the time it takes is longer than using the waik imagex.exe
There's an update to the 8.1 adk that changed the imagex.exe Perhaps they noticed that and fixed it. I've been using the old gimagex v2 or the dism for exporting so I haven't really paid attention...
You don't want to add them with software while online. What you would do is first capture the image. Then mount the image Then do a dism /add-driver command. Example: Code: Dism /image:d:\mount /Add-Driver /driver:E:\Win7Slipstream\Install-Drivers\x86\ /recurse the /recurse option is a must have for folders that have many subfolders with drivers in them. It will hunt for inf files and their corresponding drivers and programs. Note that it will not add setup information. This is just for the auto-detection stuff during Windows Setup. It will also not use unsigned drivers. You can enable unsigned drivers but you may or may not be forced to change the image to allow unsigned drivers as well. I don't mess with unsigned drivers and I also recommend that you guys do not mess with them as well, unless you know exactly what you're doing.
You cannot slipstream any net4+ stuff into win7. You can script it to install during setupcomplete.cmd, but I've purposefully not done that. It actually takes less time to install after the system is up and running and all of the runtime improvements are active. I had a lot of people complaining that their install time was too long when I had net4.5.0 and the hotfixes included.
Hello Murphy. Thanks for your great work. Will you be releasing all in one iso with final version of 2014 update after march 11?
Hallo, I have searched a web-site...Is it yours? Spoiler Link removed I have some questions about AIO :- 1. why the size of AIO is smaller than a RTM? I thought it must be bigger... 2. If I want to change it to another language, can it be OK when I just download the LANGUAGE-PACK? Thank you for your making :- 12.6 GiB (13524137937 Bytes) Windows SuperAIO v3 83-in-1 (7 8 2008r2 2012 8.1 2012r2) en-US (32+64 bit) but it is 12.6 GiB (13524137937 Bytes) bigger than DVD-5 except the above AIO, all the other AIOs are 32/64 bit separated... 3. Will you make a Windows 8.1 32+64 BIT update 1 MSU.9600.16610.WINBLU AIO (NEW UPDATED) which is within DVD-5 size? thx
I'll likely be including the update this Tuesday. When newer versions become available, I will likely include those instead. @yessmann answered in your pm.
Hi Murphy78. Looking forward to the update. I was just about to do a reinstall on one of my computers but now I'll wait for your new integrated edition. Thanks for doing that work for all of the rest of us.
Yes you can the manually way, but all I wanted was to automate the process of converting the reg to be compatible for offline import especially with the user provided registry files. Still struggling with the integration of some of the keys to wim image, some keys when include to wim it breaks the installation process and for some keys like HKEY_USERS & HKEY_CURRENT_USERS don't know which files holds these keys, is it ntuser.dat in administrator account folder or default account folder. couldn't find any proper information so far regarding these keys. all available info is for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT For example when you integrate the Terminal Server patch to wim image and try to install the os it breaks the installation process and goes to recovery loop
I have only worked on HKLM\System, and noticed that currentversion in the wim was actually something like 001version(couldn't remember exactly), so it should happen the same to the users hive. All I could think of ATM is to add some (different)dummy keys to the different hives, and see where these dummies appear after installation.
Ya, that's what am trying, using sample keys to find out the where exactly it gets stored. I read on other forums that, when you integrate some keys to the wim, it gets replaced upon installation by its default value when the user account gets created, this is one more problem, need to work on it.