The following powershell script 1. retreives the Windows Update service state 2. enables Windows Update service 3. starts wumt_x86.exe or wumt_x64.exe depending on the OS architecture 4. restore the Windows Update service state Code: # Put the .ps1 script and the Windows Update MiniTool in the same folder # If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(` [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] “Administrator”)) #Test Administrator privileges {# Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList ("-file " + """" + $PSCommandPath + """"); Return} #We have Administrator privileges # # Call native Windows API. Add type for ShowWindowAsync from user32.dll $ShowWindowAsync = Add-Type –memberDefinition @” [DllImport("user32.dll")]public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); “@ -name “Win32ShowWindowAsync” -namespace Win32Functions –passThru [void]$ShowWindowAsync::ShowWindowAsync((Get-Process –id $pid).MainWindowHandle, 0) # Hide window # $WUStart=(get-CimInstance win32_service -filter "Name='wuauserv'").startmode # Get Windows Update service start mode $WUStatus=(Get-Service wuauserv).status # Get Windows Update service status set-service wuauserv -StartupType Automatic -status running If ((Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture -eq "32 bits") # check OS {$Pgm="wumt_x86.exe"} else {$Pgm="wumt_x64.exe"} Start-Process ($PSScriptRoot + "\" + $Pgm) -ArgumentList "-update" -Wait -WindowStyle Normal if (-NOT ($WUStatus -eq "Running")) {Stop-Service wuauserv} # stop Windows Update service Set-Service wuauserv -StartupType $WUStart # restore Windows Update service startup type
Can someone explain to me why and where it comes so paranoid need to disable Windows update service - 'wuauserv' ???
Many users were "traumatized" by the forced windows updates, specially AU and some following cumulative updates. Windows 10 home users get very few control on Windows Update and many prefer disable wuauserv (i'm a Windows 10 Pro user, and hence not concerned).
lol This morning I received an email from @stupid user, asking me for a translation of new changelog and faqs. I really don't understand why he released this new version. ARgggg!
Now I understand. This kind of info (changelogs and faqs) translations are for forums only. Those translations are not included in wumt documentation at all.
@shewolf : Good news and thanks for the info. One precision : -onclose Run the specified command when closing the program. For example, you can run a bat file: [wumt.exe -update "-onclose D: \ run.bat"]. You can specify multiple -onclose keys, for example (disable the update service): [wumt.exe "-onclose sc stop wuauserv" "-onclose sc config wuauserv start= disabled"]. Quotation marks "" are required for this command. i.e start= disabled and not start = disabled (no space between start and =).
Happens with copy-paste, corrected To disable the update service when closing the program do: wumt.exe -update "-onclose sc stop wuauserv" "-onclose sc config wuauserv start=disabled"
WUMT no longer gives me any updates when I use and do offline mode. It doesn't matter if I check the Include superseded box or not.
Did you get the new from December, 13? Code: Signed SHA256: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 05:48:51 PM Code: File: CRC-32: 2a656209 MD4: f46f785dd92955ac891d22efd53b8800 MD5: e8fb1dcaf682436fd0028d4b7a1f0e92 SHA-1: e1d9495596108c673e29a0019acdbfefff279f49 SHA256: 06BEE0C805F38B94C3E1F929B8AE75644FD5A4B5F8E1E65D72A862BA0D70DCD9 SHA512: F13025FEC7DEE99E5D65B1EE7126EAF75E8CC23ECD6452E159C5084362E417C58840FC2A3A8ABFB37700B7F512B9177CE2FE4E360030EED618DB60307AEB72EC Unfortunately, yes, that's one of the changes MS did with the latest WU Clients. AUOptions must not exist for Updates to be disabled. The old AUOptions=1 value doesn't exist anymore.
Generally I am very careful when I make changes to the registry. All I am saying is that if the registry has the two entries as shown in my image above then Windows Update will be in Notification mode, not Disabled. I did not put the settings in the registry WUMT did when I first chose Notification, then changed to Disabled that is how my registry ended up with those two entries. If I delete the AUOptions entry then Windows Update goes to Disabled mode. It is easier to see that this is actually happening in Windows 8.1, because you can fire up the old Windows Update and check the Settings to see which mode Windows Update is in.