'Wish' what would it be for you?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by sid_16, Jun 24, 2012.



    Jan 25, 2012
    Inner peace is true happiness. ;)
    We always follow the question. ;)
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  2. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    #22 sid_16, Jun 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
    Your words sounds like you made a fundamentally selfish choice based on advice from God. Another thought- we are slaves to pleasing ourselves. We can't intend to do otherwise although we inadvertently end up doing that all of the time.:p
    that's good.:D
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    Jan 25, 2012
    I found GOD through inner peace, not the other way around. ;)
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  4. half Man Half Biscuit

    half Man Half Biscuit MDL Addicted

    Jun 1, 2011
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  5. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    #25 sid_16, Jun 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2012
    That is subjective experience.

    Edit:- An off topic question.
    Is it only our upbringing or also a natural inclination to believe in God, supernatural phenomena or mystical experience etc. on one hand and rationality and science on the other?
    PS. I'm agnostic 'cos have no proper knowledge to argue about the existence or non existence of the God.
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  6. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    That's why your profile page have 6000+ visits in a time span of an year only.:p
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    Jan 25, 2012
    What's objective and subjective if not the sides of the same coin? ;)
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  8. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Agreed, there would be no object without a subject (perceiver).
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  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    “why don't you wish to be happy with whatever you get?”

    I guess we need to think about its enormity.

    Lets say one makes that wish and god fulfils it.

    This means one also would know about one’s real identity.

    One is now happy with whatever he gets (what will happen).
    So if somebody would kill his daughter, he is happy.
    If somebody would beat him, he is happy.
    He is happy regarding to die, he’s happy with whatever he gets.

    How could be that without to know who he really is?
    Can one be (remain) happy if one’s daughter has been killed without to know that all?

    What about the ‘world’? Why god has suggested: “why don't you wish to be happy with whatever you get?”

    And sid_16 asked: “If you had a choice between changing your world or being happy, which would you choose? “

    To wish my own happiness seems selfish, to wish the worlds happiness seems noble.
    Anyway god suggested ‘you to be happy with whatever you get’, not the world.

    This is no ‘common’ own happiness. (Like you get when you buy a new PC, lol)

    This is perfect happiness, which is chained to Self-awareness. The last wish one can have.
    Perfect happiness never can be own happiness, there is no-body who could have it.

    One who has got it shares that happiness with the world until there is no-body left who could be unhappy. Only to those who haven’t got their perfect happiness yet the one seem to have ‘own’ happiness.
    Selfish is the one who thinks the 'perfectly happy one' is still an individual.
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  10. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    i cannot think about the enormity, yen,
    unless i know what happiness really is..

    it is not buying a new pc..
    it may give satisfaction, but that is not happiness..

    and the world, well, who are we to think any change
    we make is for the better?
    it is not, usually, almost anyone who ever tried to
    change it ended up shedding seas of blood...
    hardly makes the world any happier..
    the old beatles song springs to mind..quote..


    You say you want a revolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    You tell me that it's evolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    But when you talk about destruction
    Don't you know that you can count me out
    Don't you know it's gonna be all right
    All right, all right


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  11. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    You can't wish to be happy unless you sacrifice your free will (if we've any real freewill). Unless God tells you what would make you happy.

    Could it be personal fulfillment? To achieve the most allusive aspects of ones individual endeavors. Or is the exploration itself more important than actually finding true fulfillment.
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  12. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    I don't want anything from God, I would like to find out why it created such a flawed world and what the purpose was for doing so ...
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  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I tried to refer on the topic. So I just determined god fulfilled the wish. Then there is no more individual left who could have a free will.
    The 'person' actually acts in the name of god. People watching such a 'person' still think it's an individual that acts.

    It's the same with Buddha or other wise men / women, to the unwise they had been / are / will be persons, individuals.

    I think the point is to explore what makes us thinking that we are not happy and if there is actually a real reason for it.
    And the 'result' will be that our true nature is not different to god.

    Who says that the world he's created is flawed? It's always an individual.
    A flawed individual (mind) can only perceive a flawed world.
    So either one's sight is flawed or god.
    One who wears red glasses never sees the green grass, it's perceived as black. :)
    So the thoughts (mind) act like the red glasses, as a filter that flaws the perception. Hence the truth cannot be found by thinking of it (in mind).
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  14. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Case closed :cool2:
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  15. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    #35 sid_16, Jun 27, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
    Mr Yen wrote;
    I replied;
    Mr Yen replied ;
    And Mr R29k wrote;
    To the above question of Mr R29K Mr Yen replied ;
    So, from a skeptic like me, want to ask, even though an off topic question but somehow related to this discussion and here it is. Let's say for the sake of argument that a God does exist. This God is all knowing (omniscience) and all powerful (omnipotence), and a creator of this universe etc. So this God created man and gave man free will (to choose what makes him happy). Wouldn't a God's omniscience kind of negate free will? I mean the God would know what we are going to do before we do it, that to me seems a touch shy of a free will.

    That is more akin to predestination,(I mean if the creator is the creator of all that is, was or ever will be; then the choices that would come along with that creation would be a direct result of the creator. You/me or all of us, let's say- choosing to go left or right or to choose to happy or changing your world (I mean material happiness) is already determined based upon this creators knowing what you are doing before you are going to choose to do it. That is predestination. ) as all pathways you would "choose" would be within the mind of the creator ahead of time. Does that make sense to anyone or am I crazy thinking like this?

    Can we really make choices in our life or are we all just flowing with the consequences of previous events like robots? Is there only one possible future or more?
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  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    If you look closely at the God described in Religion, it is more akin to a psychopath than an Omniscient being. The whole concept is human created and idiotic, one of the many flawed human concepts. For example take Christianity, why would the God want to burn you in a lake of fire for your flaws considering the God created you flawed. I had an argument with a Christian over this a while back. The concept is that Adam and Eve were created to be perfect humans, so my issue was why did they regress ? They couldn't have been perfect to begin with and if they were not perfect then God created them flawed. So the bottom line is that the God created your less than perfect and will torture you when you do something less than perfect.
    Free will is an illusion, at any point you only have a certain amount of options and as a human you would know that there are many constraints that reduce the amount of options available to you.
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    sid_16 I am worried the thread will lose its original charm if I reply.:D

    God is just a name for that what really exists = the Reality.
    God cannot be determined, he is the one without a second.

    And god is creating the world NOW.

    Individuals are denying their ‘Self’ now, every moment and god is throwing them out of paradise (garden eden) NOW.
    The false identity = ignorance of the Self = ignorance of god, creates an individual with an individual world.
    It happens NOW every moment as long as this ignorance persists!!!

    Since god is eternal = without time he cannot be ahead.
    To be ahead is an idea of the mind.
    It makes no sense to think about god. He simply IS = the Self. ‘He’ makes you saying ‘I am’.
    But lets do it anyway…..

    God is a pool of everything and nothing. There is no time. So everything that happens is already ‘in him’.
    The false identification of humans with their body and mind creates time and space and own life stories. But they are ‘contents’ of that pool. Compared to god there is nothing newly ‘created’…..

    Since humans are perceiving themselves as individuals, they think to have individual consciousness and an individual will.

    So regarding the mind, every moment changes the individual’s future and the past. This writing changes ‘my’ future and my ‘past’ as long as I think I am that individual.
    So yes, as long as one thinks to be an individual, there is his relative will which is personally to him 'his' free will.

    But the 'goal' is contrary:
    Some might think god's will controls 'own' will. So some might think we are robots.
    Goal is not to get rid of gods will, goal is to get that there is no individual will.
    Or in other words: Gods will is responsible for that we can say we have own will and there is no god's will....

    You have two choices. To say god is cruel because he has created a flawed and cruel world. And ask yourself why? without ever to find an answer….

    Or to find out who you really are.

    A human's death is not different to a leaf falling. Objects are trapped in time and constantly changing how could that be a flaw? It’s a law either.
    Believe it or not, you are perceiving your relative world and hence you are responsible for the way it appears to you.Whatever you think about god he appears to you like that.

    Own benefit? nada.
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  18. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Your opinion is that there are two possible answers but the fact is that there are many more than two. No one needs to follow your myopic view of everything, there is so much more out there! What I was trying to point out was the flaws in the Religion, but I guess dogma will make people twist it to have whatever outlook they want.
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  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    My 2 answers are meant to be universal, not myopic.
    Sure in detail there are many facets, but IMHO the basic motivation is either 'one tries to find out who one really is' or 'one tries to understand god'. Of course related to the topic.

    I do not understand why you've intended to point out flaws of something you don't care either way.
    sid_16 didn't ask for flaws of Christianity. And what's funny is that the blue part of your sentence is the way you have used to point out the flaws. Dogmas only exist to those who have no understandings for religion. To those who experience religion, dogmas don't exist.

    The whole concept is human created and idiotic, one of the many flawed human concepts. For example take your post about Christianity.

    Whatever you think about god he appears to you like that. Own benefit? nada. Sorry to repeat myself.
    It's not meant to be personally.:)
    But if the concept is human created an idiotic, then it affects your concept about (and my concept of course) as well...:p
    In other words, the flaws you find are your own...it makes no sense to think about god.
    But anyway: Why is some people's intend to propagate their 'superior' ideology to those who are adherents of a religion? To let them appear to be stupid? To say one 'is better' than those???

    It is simple: If one encounters flaws in religion, skip it. Try something else, but respect those who believe in god.
    I completely denied Christianity when I was younger, but I have never lost my respect.
    And my intention never had been to point on flaws...it's without own benefit.
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  20. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Nope that is where our opinions differ. I was brought up to question things not to drink the
    Kool Aid offered. If I question it and it's flawed then it's useless, in any case it's peoples time and business
    if they want to go wasting their time with nonsense.
    I also don't think you understand what I mean by a "human created concept". Our entire civilization has been brought up on
    hierarchical structure. We have slave and master, father and mother and children, King and peasants etc. The God presented is just one more up the tree. It also defies any logic as to why a being of a God's power would interest itself with trivialities like persecuting mortals. The whole thing just seems too mundane to be the idea of a supreme being. Now if the Gods being presented in Religion are misinterpretations of aliens then I might be inclined to believe it. Wouldn't be far fetched to have an advanced civilization treating humans like lackeys.
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