@Tito or Yen Would you mind closing this thread? I started it with the intentions of perhaps helping one or two members, but it seems to have been attacked and degraded into being something close to just totally worthless. It's amazing what upstanding members of this forum can do, when they set their minds to it. So, before someone threatens to hold the entire forum hostage, and shut down their server, and not share their toys until they get their way, I believe it would be prudent to just close the thread. Before someone gets pissed off, and has their entire life ruined, maybe taking away the offending compulsion to read and become disgruntled would be the best way to avoid all conflict. Maybe keep me from being banned, too..... Don't you agree?
It's all in your hands to stop being the poor victim and just stop posting. What compels _you_ to read _their_ posts? Go be a drama queen somewhere else. It's a disgusting personal trait.
@TCM: And You're posting your heated statement because?..... This is what Yen is talking about. "It is wiser to be silent and be suspected of being a fool than to speak aloud and remove all doubt." And go ahead. Ask Me why I'm posting this. This way I can tell you that nether You or -ANYONE- has the right to insult -ANYBODY- here because you don't like their posts. If you don't like a thread or a post, either stay out of it or leave MDL. I have said this before and I'll say it again. I will -NOT- be placed in a position of embarrassment because someone decides to mistreat another because of whatever offhanded reason they may have. -EVERY- post that you and just about every other member here makes shows in Google searches. And people take what you say and automatically equate you nasty attitude as being accepted as the norm at MDL. And I am -NOT- like you. Nor do I want to be associated with you or your rudeness. If you can't understand that simple fact, then please leave this forum, and allow it to be seen as more than a collection of arrogant a$$holes. Grow up and act like an adult. :MJ P.S. My humblest apologies to the Admins and MODS, but I'm sick and tired of this disgusting behavior.
Certainly! From the information you provided, I assume you are using KMS. You'll find that if you run the same command again a few days from now, that expiration date will be advanced by the same number of days. KMS normally provides a 6 month license/activation period. If you use the Auto KMS, it is configured in the Task Manager to run each day, so under normal circumstances, that 6 month period will be bumped up each day. For the time being, anyway.......
I'm not at all interested in the controversy because a French proverb says: "It takes all kinds to make the world." I'm here just to try to find out.
After my last post I haven't had a look at this thread until now....I have to say I am surprised ... ..surprised about the short time it took until another ego had been attracted to dump his frustration here..... Unawareness = the unobserved mind which blindly lives a wrong idea=ego.... The illusion that to diminish, to insult others, to raise one's identity over the other one's will add something to ones own value....did it ever work? Ermm, I totally forgot to relate what I wanted, lol... "......would be the best way to avoid all conflict. Maybe keep me from being banned, too......" Only awareness does... P.S.: The OP can request to close a own thread....shall I now?
@ChaserLee: Thank you for posting this. Just by looking through this thread, I can see that this thread has already served other members well. As humans, we have three choices: We can stand by and watch another person struggle, We can hinder and deter them by being rude or condescending to them, Or we can help them. I'll always choose to help, simply because of My heart. And I am passionate about it. And I believe that most of us at MDL feel the same way. If that were not so, I wouldn't be here. From My heart, I hope that You will continue to contribute to MDL. Your posts show that you have wisdom and compassion, and the World -desperately- needs that. :MJ
As to your first question, 'did it ever work', my answer is "Not in my opinion!" However, it is a common tactic that is often used by many who are self-deluded and exhibit low self-esteem. What they fail to realize, is that in acting in that manner, all they really do is to inform others of their true nature. They walk away smugly saying to themselves " I really showed them!!", when in reality, the majority of well-adjusted people say to themselves regarding the ego-affected " How deluded, and how sad that person really is..." As to the second question, and now that I realize what I believe was the intention of those few all along, which was to get this thread closed, I have reconsidered, and withdraw my request for it to be locked. There have been more 'Thanks' given since my request, and there have been new replies showing that this thread is still of benefit to others, so, let's leave it open, shall we? If in the course of time there are others who wish to cause dissent, well, now that my Ignore List has been started, there is still plenty of room for more, if needed. I hope to never have to feel the need to add anyone else, ever! It is a sad thing.....
Wow.... I am at a loss for words. You have touched my heart, and for that, I thank you. I love to learn. All sorts of things. It is the process of learning by which we travel the paths of life. I either heard it said, or read it somewhere that "If we are not learning, we are not living." I like that attitude, and so I enjoy sharing things with others, and in the process, I have found that I usually learn something from them also. For example, I believe I now have a deeper insight into your personality, your approach to life, and your convictions. I regret that you are in New York, else I would invite you to dine at The Olive Garden sometime... I have every intention to continue to share here at MDL. There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum, and as mentioned, I love to learn, and what better place, yes? I will not permit a few misguided individuals to run me off. If they think it'll be that easy, they best reconsider. Thank you for taking the time and effort to encourage me in my efforts. You are a jewel in a field of stones!!
I didn't start this post, you did, and if you feel it's better for everyone to sit around and go over 20 pages, which can be an easy assessment of what happens to most posts, hey, that's your idea. I thought of you and helping you make this a better post and making it easy for everyone to have all the info in one spot on the main page in one post. My bad for trying to help.