Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. godwillgive

    godwillgive MDL Novice

    Apr 25, 2011

    Now all is OK.

    Thank you.
  2. gastoni

    gastoni MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2015
    @abbodi1406 @mspaintmsi and others
    Just installed the January 14 , 2020 Security-only update (KB4534314) without any problem, on Win7 X64 Enterprise.
    Thank you, your efforts and expertise are much appreciated!
  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #703 Enthousiast, Jan 20, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2020
    Isn't that one of the last regular updates (Jan. 14 .2020)?:)
  4. CKing123

    CKing123 MDL Novice

    Mar 3, 2017
    I think this has to do with people confusing that Windows 7 support ends on January 14 means no updates on January 14, but it actually meant that January 14 will be the last day for security updates
  5. Tom Drake

    Tom Drake MDL Novice

    Dec 16, 2019
    Done this and installed v4 of the bypass. Test update installed with no issues.

    For anyone interested this method of moving to an ESU supported edition is confimed (by me, for what it's worth) as working. I never knew I could upgrade like this. i thought it meant a fresh install with online/phone activation somehow.

    So thanks to Enthousiast for the suggestion and thanks again to abbodi1406 for the project.
  6. Nazzy

    Nazzy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 19, 2016
    I'm surprised this forum doesn't have moderators that audit posts to cut down on the confusion / mis-information. 36 pages this thread so far and probably 5% is useful info. :)
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  7. bubbaganoosh

    bubbaganoosh MDL Novice

    Jan 16, 2020
    Ok thanks ill just follow this thread each month!!
  8. MSWindowsUser

    MSWindowsUser MDL Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2020
    Well, as soon as I got on my Windows 7 computer yesterday (January the 20th), I went to the Windows Updates section of the Control Panel, checked the installed updates, and both the SHA2 prereqs are indeed installed, which means that I apparently have completed Steps 1 & 2 as described in the OP.

    So, today (the 21st), I will unzip the contents of the BypassESU zip file to my computer's main partition (C:\), then right-click the .bat installer file, choose the "run as admin" option (Step 3), and hope the bypass installs correctly. Then, I will finish up by completing Step 4 (installing the test update), and hope to God that I've done what needs to be done to make sure my Windows 7 computer can continue receiving the updates its eligible for through Windows Update.
  9. LucaBU

    LucaBU MDL Novice

    Dec 18, 2019
    I'm using V3 it seems to work what is the Kb to test the difference between v3 and v4?
  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    And I am surprised that people who are really interested in the purpose of the tool do not make the efforts to be informed in advance by themselves. Not to talk about the uselessness of the other 95% of posts...

    People who respect a project read first post and follow the readme of the author. They respect the forum by not posting useless posts and they respect the forum by making own efforts to get informed.
    They contribute with their experiences and give something back.

    The tool is in the news and people are demanding. They register to get the tool and want to be spoon fed.
    I even had to close this thread because people did not 'get' that v3 had stopped working. Instead of they crippled the OS by removing mandatory updates.o_O

    I am sorry I am not here to moderate stupidity.
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  11. Dolmatov

    Dolmatov MDL Addicted

    Aug 16, 2017
    We have already found out that in "99%" percent of cases the tool works, in "1%" it is the inability to read information completely and local problems with software and OS + user "hands and head".

    I recommend waiting for the release of "real" ESU updates.
    If it is important for you to receive updates earlier than anyone and agree to feel the problems in real time, then we look forward to February. In other cases, we expect April.

    Download the tool and check that it does not conflict with the antivirus. Before the release of new updates, anything can happen to the computer, so a minimal check for the current time is enough.
    Re-read the very first message and make sure that there is only a test update and it is precisely its installation that can be checked manually (NOT THROUGH THE UPDATE CENTER). Its successful installation AFTER installing all other updates means that the Bypass tool works as designed by its developer. This does not guarantee 100% that the release of "real" will mean their successful installation, because they are not there and what Microsoft will come up with (though they shouldn't) cannot be guessed. Because recommend wait new update for ESU. Find topic with ESU KB in - maybe only topic

    Please, first think of the need to write any message about your experience installing updates. After all, it is quite possible that it will be useless.
    1. Do not write that “installed the update” (not a test or test), did not receive / received other updates.
    2. You should not write that the old version of the tool does not work.
    3. Do not ask for a password - it is indicated, we read carefully. Do not ask about the links in the first message - this is the same thing.
    4. You should not write that you could not install a test update on such an OS, although it was announced in the first message. First, we carefully check the necessary conditions and their implementation. It is possible that they might have missed something.
    5. If you are sure that you need to report your problem, then think about the possibility of repetition from another user. At a minimum, you need to communicate the initial data (system, installed updates, modifications made to the system - patches, tweaks, cracks, etc.), step by step describe your actions (installed update XXXXX, rebooted the OS, downloaded the YY archive and unpacked it into the C: ZZ folder , from under the user with the rights of the guest I started the installation of BAT with administrator rights, I saw a message (screenshot), then, further, further ...)
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  12. Ulti P. Uszer

    Ulti P. Uszer MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    #713 Ulti P. Uszer, Jan 21, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020
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  13. Evan N

    Evan N MDL Novice

    Jan 7, 2019
    When the time comes, where will we find a list of the ESU updates so that we can grab them for manual installation from the Catalog?
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Always download and use the correct one for your windows, x64 on a x64 install and x86 on a x86 install.
  15. Reid J Thaler

    Reid J Thaler MDL Novice

    Jan 20, 2020
  16. gastoni

    gastoni MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2015
    Yeah, my bad! My apologies if I got some people excited, pissed off or confused!

    BTW, should we be able to see new updates as they roll them out through Windows Update while BypassESU is working, or via the online MS catalog?