This is not working for Core 2 Duo T6500 and it is just the appraiserres.dll replacement trick with a 16299.15 version, the unattended.xml is also still the same as the original by @AveYo. Same results as here: The install.wim swap had more progress.
What are you doing there - only you know, let those who need it and are less biased discuss, Abot unattended.xml?, you probably meant this original. As far as I know about that one guys @ AveYo was afraid of autounattend.xml like the Devil of incense, describing it as this can be the most destructive file in the world and beyond until he appropriated it,
Is this all really going to happen again? You claim to have a solution and it's not working as promised and everybody prooving you wrong is the bad guy?
Your solution only works with Intel CPUs down to the Sandy Bridge family (perhaps with exceptions). This no longer works with older CPUs like the Core 2 Duo T6500 (Penryn family) because Windows does not start at all. It hangs during the initializing of the kernel. It stops at the boot screen. For some reason older CPUs have become incompatible. And for the moment (or forever) there is no way circumvent it.
your description is exactly right, that's how it happened.. need a new way, a new release of existing tools.
is there bluescreen message ? mb F8 then disabling restart on bs to get the message or safe mode showing what is last loading driver
No, nothing. No BSOD/GSOD at all. Just a nice freeze at boot screen (only the Windows logo, no boot animatin):. No logs at all. At this point, Windows is not yet running. It dies sommere between winload.exe and the start of the kernel.
This error has nothing to do with the hardware compatibility check or hash check, tool replace the file appraiserres.dll when updating 11 to the latest version, and at the time of creating the folder
Yes you are right. this has nothing to do with the compatibility check. The problem is the boot phase of Windows canary with Intel CPUs older then 2. Gen. Even if you modify the compatibility check during inplace upgrade, Windows canary will freeze at the boot screen during the phase SafeOS. A new installation is also not possible, since Windows canary does not boot here either.
Try installing the latest Canary on a USB stick (gBurnerPro, Install not Write to USB) and then see if it boots on the PC.
nothing was missed, all possible tools have been tried. even your tool isn't new, it's an old trick, it's been in MDL for a long time. I had the pleasure of testing your Canary ISO, and testing it on my Core 2 duo