Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Here, what happens when you do not vaccinate and don't care much about the measures...

    Romania reaches historic high in Covid deaths
    • [​IMG]
      Romania's level of vaccinated adults is 37.2 percent - far below the EU average of 75 percent (Photo: Ivan Radic)
    Romania has recorded this week its highest daily number of Covid-19 deaths since the pandemic started.

    With close to 600 dead in just 24 hours, the south-eastern European country has the highest mortality rate in the entire European Union.

    Speaking of which...

    Covid surge puts Europe at epicentre of pandemic again

    The European region is once again the "epicentre of the pandemic," where health systems face a "real threat" of Covid-19 resurgence or are already fighting it, the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Thursday (4 November).

    The transmission rate in the region is of "grave concern," with Covid-19 cases being now at near-record levels, Europe WHO's chief Hans Kluge told a media briefing.
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  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  3. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    Thanks for the detailed explanation. It seemed a stretch to me that taking the vaccine would cause diabetes. One thing's for sure as you pointed out: "I agree with that we do not really know much about what the vaccines are really doing and far more studies have to be made."

    Ain't that the truth.
  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    This is a false conclusion but numbers are fact.

    Here in Germany we have the highest numbers ever despite of a decent vaccination rate.
    Hospitals are starting to get exhausted.
    I expect the highest wave ever since.
    Time to recognize that mass vaccination does not result into what you still are dreaming of...
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  5. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #3466 vladnil, Nov 6, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2021
    [MEDIA = youtube] h1-92U0NdEc [/ MEDIA]
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  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    "SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro "

    Although in Vitro this is concerning.
    This is IMHO as result a major concern.
    This has to be followed up immediately.
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3468 gorski, Nov 6, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021
    How do you know what I am "dreaming of", @Yen?

    But I can see you are dreaming of Romania-like inaction - and look where that would get us... Around the world, when that happens - it's the same story!!!

    For instance, here in the UK the government is sitting on its hands, doing nothing and the numbers are surging! Or the wider Western Balkans, like Croatia or Serbia. And look at the results. Numbers do not lie!

    Israel's case is quite clear - 3rd dose is needed, as the protection from the vaccine vanes over time, sadly! Then, once vaccinated again, the hospitalisations go down significantly and deaths for vaccinated people are almost none. From then on - it's the unvaccinated who get hospitalised and die...

    All else is idiocy a la X and vlad: "CONSPIRACY, MUMMY, SAVE ME!!!!!":rolleyes::p:D:p
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3469 Yen, Nov 6, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021
    This was meant to express your conclusion.
    We here do not nothing. A decent vaccination rate and booster for 70+ years.
    Anyway highest number ever.
    The dream like state is to think the vaccines will do their job as a monopoly if only administered enough.
    And yes people would not have to die to such a huge amount if they would FINALLY EUA those re-purposed drugs as additional medical measure which are known for a year already!

    The vaccines haven't been updated although research continued!
    In relation to the study I had posted it is questionable to go on with the full length S protein. If this turns out being in vivo as well you introduce the DNA repair issues and the issues on the adaptive immune system with every further vaccination!

    Here is an article about the paper:
    Idiocy is to rely on the vaccines alone, doing no update on them at all and having an isolated look at the severe progresses / deaths alone. If the 3rd jab is not working anymore as expected then we go for the 4th, 5th, 6th......while still not admitting a vaccine update is overdue? At least for delta.

    While still ignoring re-purposed drugs? And granting EUA for Merck's molnupiravir which delivers genetic fake raw material nobody knows where it is used elsewhere?

    The findings of the study above have to be evaluated further and if this gets confirmed the vaccines adjusted immediately.
    It seems they have made the vaccines and now it's time to make money with them as long as possible. To update them only costs further money.

    Pfizer would probably have done it better to use the BNT162b1 candidate. It has not the full length S protein.
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3470 gorski, Nov 6, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
    @Yen, almost none of what you have written is as you state... Or should I say: almost everything you say is biased/angling?!?

    I have done that clearly!

    Yes but not timely and wide enough, in terms of population - thanx to anti-vaxers. Seriously, you should not be on that side...

    No one is doing or claiming that!

    Doctors use all manners of stuff on patients and they also advise MEASURES, which you deny! So, a bit rich, this, coming from you...

    No, they shouldn't - IF THEY VACCINATED THEMSELVES (most people dying are unvaccinated or vaccinated long ago, no 3rd dose).

    As for the repurposed drugs - we still do not have real evidence this is as effective as some claim!

    A very valid point! One should follow the money, the interests, for sure! No one rational should deny any of this, as it is a rational thing to do!

    I defer to you, of course, on the professional side of things, when it comes to science and medicine.

    However, public health issues are of common, public interest and here we can debate things, based on the evidence which is accessible to all.

    That is just factually wrong!

    No one is doing that!

    You can not claim that! Scientific/medical work continues, for starters. It never stops! The fact we haven't seen an updated vaccine is another matter altogether.

    FWIW, the Russians and the Chinese would never hold back, if they could had an upper hand and earn s**tloads of money...

    Agreed that this would be good - alas, the present vaccine is not that bad with it. Yes, a vaccinated person still does get infected (we would love to see a better vaccine protecting us from getting infected and becoming infectious, of course - something yet to achieve!) but such people do not get hospitalised and if they do, they do not die! Numbers do not lie!

    Many are not - but we do not have a conclusive piece of evidence re. IVM etc.!

    On the other hand, we have had in vitro evidence re. 2 drugs preventing the virus from multiplying (prof. Djikic from Goethe institute went to USofA to give their findings to the world and saw such tests being done, as I wrote here about that long ago) - but nothing came of it... These things are not straight forward, are they? In vitro means nothing, sometimes...

    Can you be more precise, please? What do you mean by this? I am not sure I understand...

    If this is so - it's wrong, of course. And you are right, it should be investigated, I concur. I suppose anyone rational would!

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  10. ch100

    ch100 MDL Addicted

    Sep 11, 2016
    Hi Yen

    I have been following this thread in read-only mode and I appreciate your balanced views based on research, although I don't necessary share many of your current views.
    I will not get involved in this thread beyond this post, keeping myself busy enough with the main Windows threads. :)
    I only want to bring to your attention the Australian context and in particular Canberra where the numbers are low and lower than few months ago when the vaccination rate was a lot lower.
    Here in Canberra the vaccination rate is currently over 90% fully vaccinated, more likely about 95% and around 98% first dose which include population 12 years+, not only adults. The vaccines used were predominantly Pfizer with maybe one third Astra Zeneca and smaller numbers of Moderna administered recently mostly to the 12-16 age category. We had only 18 (one-eight, not a typo) cases yesterday, most of them in school population. The total population in the territory is under 500,000 people. We have very high PCR testing rates which makes the statistics as accurate as they can be.
    Australia wide the vaccination rate is above 80% with the same mix of vaccines.
    We were late adopters due to lack of mRNA vaccines and Astra Zeneca hesitancy. Astra Zeneca which is manufactured locally is getting discontinued due to low interest in population and not official medical advice, although the low interest in population has good reasons which the politicians don't want to admit.
    The third dose just starts to be administered and is not in significant numbers at this stage.
    Warm weather coming certainly helps and the recent lockdowns helped as well and for those reasons the results might be statistically distorted when compared to other countries.
    So when you say that Germany has a decent vaccination rate which as far as I am aware is somewhere just under 70%, it may not be enough when mixed with not enough people already infected previously. Maybe the vaccines work to create pseudo-herd immunity temporarily, but only when the vaccination rates are very high, let's say in the range of 90% + and administered to the full population, not only adults. Kids may not be badly impacted, but they can transmit to others and any reduction in the transmission rate would help in keeping numbers lower.
    I suppose we are all in agreement that the medium to long term side effects of vaccines or other medications are unknown, but the existing vaccines already administered to billions of people worldwide are the best we can do at this moment.
  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3472 Yen, Nov 7, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
    My replies consist of own opinions, own ideas, interpretations of scientific findings...and more.
    Sure opinion is bias per se. Also interpretation of what's going on at the pandemic.
    Anyway some contents come with the scientific source AND my interpretations. Always appreciate to read the source and come to own conclusions.

    No not 'thanks' to the anti-vaxxers. The subject is far more complex.
    By logic if you would vaccinate those who otherwise do end up at serious progress / hospital AND provide treatment for them COVID would not be an issue.
    If you would make that clear enough conviction would take no efforts.

    No. There are cohorts for those vaccination would add more risks than benefits. That is a fact.
    This applies especially to people below the age of 30.

    It mostly depends on one major fact:
    Does the drug, vaccine, stuff to test get there in vivo where you apply it in vitro?
    For drugs it is an issue. For virus related matters not necessarily. For instance again the posted paper. It is an in vitro study. Anyway it is about the S protein doing that. It goes to the cell's nucleus doing that harm they figured out.. Since any virus targets human cells it is probable that it does in vitro and in vivo. Since the vectors and mRNA vaccines are supposed to enter human cells, they also do in vitro and in vivo.
    That is the reason why I am concerned about their findings.

    I have already posted about the mechanism of action of molnupiravir.
    And ancestor(v) added:

    The idea of molnupiravir is (simplified).
    It is a pro-drug of which the body synthesizes fake genetic raw material.
    The cells need raw material to make essential proteins / other substances. The way to make it is stored in our DNA (nucleus) somewhere.
    So when a certain protein is needed the 'place' how to make it is located in our DNA. It gets expressed, the DNA opens up there. The 'recipe' gets transcribed into a RNA. The RNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosomes.

    There the RNA gets translated into the demanded protein. By that the raw material is taken up and synthesized into the protein.
    So far so good.
    A RNA VIRUS like SARS-CoV-2 enters a cell and provides ITS RNA there!
    The ribosomes are naive enough and translate this RNA as well!!! BUT this RNA is the full blueprint of SARS-COV-2!! As result we have: The ribosomes are making copies of SARS-COV-2!

    So molnupiravir provides now fake raw material. The viral RNA gets translated and the machinery takes up that fake material.
    As result you get a retarded viral copy of SARS-COV-2

    And now you understand this Question: "nobody knows where it is used elsewhere?"
    What if this fake material is used to make essential proteins / substances? As result they would be useless as well. They could be even toxic in many ways.

    I have not seen any study that assures that this fake material exclusively is only used by viral RNA translation!!!
    That's why one should read what ancestor(v) and me have posted before about molnupiravir.

    The study mentioned that the DNA repair issue and issue on adaptive immune system is due to full S protein going into the nucleus. It does not happen when only parts of it were present.
    There had been a vaccine approach which only uses the RBD (ReceptorBindingDoimain) of the S-protein.

    Not only this, when used the RBD as antigen they figured out it also results to a higher antibody titter!
    Pfizer's first b1 does not use the whole S protein. It uses the RBD alone.

    From the b1 study:
    "BNT162b1 is a lipid-nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine that encodes the trimerized receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2."

    Compare to the b2 canditate:
    "A lipid nanoparticle–formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA (modRNA) encoding the SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike, modified by two proline mutations to lock it in the prefusion conformation."

    This is full length spike and hence affected by the study result.
    ALL current COVID vaccines are.

    Firstly thanks for your post and that you jumped in here.

    You've said that you followed this thread as 'read-only', so you know some of my posts. :)

    I can agree with that only partly. Vaccines for the vulnerable people, yes. Mass vaccination: no.
    A high number of administrations does not mean anything about safety. And it does not take the individual risk/benefit analysis into consideration.

    We are speaking about genetic vaccines which never have been used at humans before outside of trials. Vaccines which have got EUA only. Vaccine platforms which are completely new. Vaccines which have been developed at light-speed, a usual vaccine development takes 6-10 years!!!!

    I am not vaccinated. My decision is aware and based of what I know about the vaccines.
    And as long as articles such as: are published I remain sceptical.

    'Decent vaccination rate'.
    You are right it's around 70% here.
    To get a pseudo herd immunity ('pseudo' as you've posted correctly) one usually uses this formula:
    (R0-1)/R0= vaccination rate to get there.

    R0 the reproduction number is the culprit.
    R0=1 means One infected person infects one other
    R0=0.5 means One infected person infects 0.5 persons.
    R0=3 means One infected person infects 3 others. And so on.
    For the wuhan original they calculated R0=3

    So you get: (3-1)/3= 2/3 means 66.66% of the cohort has to be vaccinated to get 'herd' immunity.
    R0 for delta is higher. But we do not know the exact value yet.

    Warm weather and the zero COVID politics.
    Australia has decent numbers for now.
    All I know about Australia is via media, so I might not have the right impression.
    I see riots and a nation acting like a police state to enforce vaccinations / lockdowns there.

    As a supporter of the Swedish way I have to ask on what costs Australia has received such decent numbers and for how long?

    If I would live in Australia I would get in serious trouble since my idea how to treat people is very different.
    Sure if you want to end (temporarily) a pandemic for sure you just have to lock in all people if needed for hundreds of days.. That works.

    You correctly mentioned that we don't share many of the views. But that's nothing personal. :)
    I am glad that you have posted here. I always appreciate 'original' insight from all over the world which might be biased, but not poisoned by main stream media.

    If you don't mind, I want to ask you (I know you don't want to get involved into a discussion)

    Don't you have a problem with the Australian zero COVID politics and how you got personally restricted to realize that?
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, Yen, if only those opinions weren't constantly changing... sometimes wildly...
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  13. ch100

    ch100 MDL Addicted

    Sep 11, 2016
    I do.
  14. moon510

    moon510 MDL Junior Member

    May 10, 2007
  15. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
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  16. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Totally irrelevant and utterly emotional...
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3479 Yen, Nov 9, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
    It's my (our all) first time arguing on a global pandemic. :)
    Since things change opinion changes.
    I would consider my 'core' opinion as being relatively constant, though.

    Finally it's all about personal sensibility....(if opinion changes a lot or not also depends on whether opinion is the same or different to the 'other person'....)

    Edit: Dr. Mobeen Syed discusses the BMJ paper on: "Whistleblower Indicates Unclean Data in Pfizer Vaccine Trials".
    This video comes as usual with all sources posted in the youtube video description.

    To make own opinions. :D

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  19. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
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