Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sorry, @Yen, you misunderstood.

    I heard him on the radio while doing my school-run every morning but could not remember his name.

    His point was that yes, it will mutate but every mutation might not be worse than the previous one. Hence some suggested to allow the new mutation to "take over" as it seems less dangerous...

    That is ridiculous and there is NO EVIDENCE that vaccinated spread the disease more and wider! In fact, we know that some vaccines are better at protecting people from getting infected, hence some vaccinated people are less likely to get it and therefore to spread it! In effect, the opposite is true!

    Again, I am not one of those! That would be utterly tribal and unreasonable, against our interest as a species!

    However, in the "opposite tribe" ("antivaxxers") I do sense precisely such emotional response of being a priori dismissive of any and all information about vaccination advantages!!!

    Complete nonsense and fear mongering! If anything, for the Omicron we see THE OPPOSITE as a "working theory" (most people presume it is less severe/dangerous)... So, back to the drawing board for you! (Seriously, you took too much "nectar" from the poisoned chalice...)

    Again, nonsense! Vaccines protect against a severe form of the disease and dying! Big numbers do not lie! Antivaxxers, on the other hand, DO LIE!!!

    Look above! This is exactly what the docs and researchers stated so far re. Omicron...

    All else follows logically... As in "you are knocking on an open door... Nothing new to see here... move along...
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  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    No! Big Pharma lies! Big Medical Establishment lies! And you purveyor and servant of these criminals, you you you lie! Liar!
  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Moron! No arguments, just idiocy... STFU!
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  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    My arguments are solid and science based yours on the other hand are based on "big numbers" :D (what an imbecile), you believe in the State you communist from hell believe only on official lies. You Hitler and Master Eugenicist of this Global Dictatorship.
  5. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  6. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hi R29k I hope from the heart that you and all your family are well health. :)
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  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3567 Yen, Dec 4, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
    Where do you live? Who has closed flights from South Africa? Who is saying:" We have already 2 cases of Omicron we will get in huge trouble. I mean TWO!!!"

    The politicians DO already prepare more restrictive rules based on their absurd idea of Omicron!
    "Whenever there is a new variant found it's always more dangerous, causes more deaths. This repeats as vicious circle all the time and it is heavily propagated that the only way to get out of this is to get the vaccines."

    THIS could not apply more! It will lead here to compulsory vaccinations!
    The joke is it is based on an illusion.
    Omicron is what still has been missed to enforce vaxxinations!

    So if you also say Omicron will be more contagious but less dangerous, WHERE is there any Reason left? This is insane politics!
    We need at least 3 more weeks to say anything real about Omicron.
    But our new govt is already planning to vote for compulsory vaccination!

    I did not say spreading more and wider, nor did I say something negative about their protection. :)

    And you confuse evidence with MOA. I said MOA MechanismOfAction
    MOA's are components of a proper scientific debate and consideration.
    I reasoned the MOA here in detail:

    If you don't get it I suggest to study epidemiology at least the basics: Hint 'escape pressure'. ;)
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  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Some prestigious doctors, medical doctors, had a virtual meeting yesterday and people with exacerbated symptoms and horribly dying are the VAXXED ones.

    The reason they say "we are witnessing such scenario is due most likely all batches come with placebo". I agree, some people are symptom free post vaccination to slowly and systematically get people "loaded" with the actual stuff, that way all seem to be caused by new strains and the unvaxxed, of course.
  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    X, "you and science are a pair, a match made Heaven" - what a laugh!!!! :D :p :D

    Not just politicians, people in general, as we all fear the unknown. It is natural! And it is based on the Delta/previous experience, which was pretty darn bad!

    The overreaction - at least in some places - had to do with "We have identified 2 Omicron cases, who knows how many more we actually have and it's better we err on the side of caution, since we do not know anything about Omicron" etc.

    So, no: where do you live?!? You seem to not understand the minimal psychology involved in all this!

    However, the serious scientists and politicians do not leave any ground for your opinions:

    The not so serious politicians (our illustrious PM BoJo is going against his own Gov and scientists and says to the people "You can go on and party, snog whomever you want!") are closer to your position at the moment, it seems to me...

    Seriously, what would you have done?!?

    Actually, Omicron might have been an excuse for some - they had such ideas already, so you are wrong about it in good measure!

    And I would agree that education, rather than enforced vaccination, should be the norm but OK...

    That was done in the UK for medical and social care staff and it wasn't easy to change the law. So one should see how this would be done, would it be legal and legitimate, of course.

    I personally wouldn't do it - but I would lead the campaign based on Science to educate and persuade people!

    You kept changing your position umpteen times, so it is not easy to know which one you are now sporting but OK...

    At least in mine you have a rock solid base from which to model a coherent and consistent policy! :D :p :D
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Humans are constituted of body and mind (soul for those who believe).
    I'd pay anything if I could, to look at you physically, in person, to see how weak poor thing you are, to show you, to demonstrate you you are not that powerful you think you are...
  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3571 Yen, Dec 5, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
    I posted that MOA as input for scientific consideration.
    I am used to get several and different aspects and also MOAs together. Also MOAs and rules which are contrary in result at first place. Here for instance 'natural' epidemiology of mutations and escape pressure due to vaccinations and how it might affect creating future VOCs.

    I do NOT know how big is the role here of a probable escape pressure! So I cannot have a certain position. The MOA could apply, that makes sense. But that's all. To figure that out one would have to plan a study. BUT its design would be difficult.

    This is precondition for a proper debate. It's nothing to do with a change in positions.
    It's the same at my job...
    When we are sitting together and talking about a certain project everyone is asked to share findings, MOAs which could apply, lab results, results of experiments, literature, studies etc etc. Anything is put on the table.
    And then a debate starts. And so when anything is evaluated an idea is formed how it could be, how we could go on to 'prove' it, to realize it....and maybe new results are then disqualifying the original idea and a new idea is formed and so on.

    This is research.
    Being creative also means to have access to a pool of contrary aspects. Putting them on the table for a debate.
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3572 gorski, Dec 5, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
    Precondition - OK.

    However, the same data, different scientists ==> different interpretation...

    What makes them interpret the data in a different manner, sometimes opposite to their esteemed and accomplished colleagues [Einstein and Oppenheimer/Bohr, for instance], is not the data but the type of thinking behind it, which gives facts their factualness!!! That is ABC of Philosophy, Methodology etc.

    And here you keep prevaricating, whereas my position is the same from the start...

    You are adrift, not so much as the data keeps changing but your kind of thinking in the background keeps changing, as in "the accent goes from something to something else", depending on various guru and similar influences...

    Most scientists do not problematise these essential issues - of course, as they are not Philosophers, this is not their job, they are not trained in Kant and onwards - but I do and I do know it and I do see it.

    Most our "conflicts" stem from there... Respectfully!
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'd sit on you and that would be the end of the "debate", you moron, who wants to resolve intellectual differences using muscles and being an animal! But that's fascists for ya....

    See you when I get to Mexico, for a wrestling match... :p :D :p
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  14. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Thanks hope the same for you too!
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  15. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Not sure if this belongs here but it's interesting.

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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Astra Zeneca claims they found exactly what - in their vaccine - was triggering very rare inflammation of various tissues...

    Now, the video, if I understood it correctly...

    Bill has no clue, he is simply a racist - I mean, WTF: "We can't trust the poorer countries with the quality of vaccines"?!? BS!!!

    India, SA, Brazil, China, EX-YU countries and so on and on can easily manufacture perfectly fine vaccines, if patents are foregone!!!

    Plus, the transfer of knowledge is essential in all this!!!

    Besides, PUBLIC HEALTH INSITUTIONS HAVE GIVEN THEIR INSIGHTS FOR FREE - OPEN SOURCE (see Goethe Institute's achievements in deciphering the spike protein!!! [prof. Djikic & co.])!!!

    Moreover, the PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) actually cost the tax payers a lot more, as we have seen it many times before!!!

    So, Bill's story is a false one, his operational principles are the opposite of what we as Humanity need, his understanding of Human Nature is woefully inadequate and the only thing he has going is spatial intelligence ("rat intelligence" = trying to get to the cheese, here and now).

    However, tactics alone won't save us! Strategic thinking is necessary and that means temporal intelligence and it seems to me this is sorely lacking in his thinking!
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3577 Yen, Dec 7, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
    Your opinion of course, but doesn't matter to me in this regard. I have to work together with colleagues and my boss, their 'opinion' matters.

    ATM I study fascinating news about Omicron.

    I posted on October 2020 already:
    This term maybe changes everything, keep in mind: ins214EPE

    It is an insertion mutation that is specific for Omicron only. It is probably due to template switching at RdRp process.
    It could be that this happened IN a co-infected individual that had got human corona virus HCoV-229E or another template switching mechanism.

    "Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 harbors a unique insertion mutation of putative viral or human genomic origin"

    This is so exciting! (Indels are interesting mutations anyway...)
    For now this source:

    I come back as soon as I have understood more details about.....

    But Omicron could mean that it IS already the 5th brother (first gen) I assumed there.

    It could become endemic and every human will be infected with it getting natural immunity while getting only mildly sick (the clinical data from South Africa would support this for now)....

    Fingers crossed that Omicron and co will be already the 'move' to common cold like qualities...

    Edit 15/12/2021: Added indels info:
    and info:
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    They also qualified it by stating that the SA population is much younger, therefore more able to resist it naturally...

    As far as "opinion" goes: it matters how we form our opinions and how and why they change. Especially on public fora - where it may be influential. Therefore my question/observation is valid in nature!

    Besides, you simply overlooked that your opinion changed a lot and a number of times, while at all times trying to claim "objectivity". The two don't go together - not on your life!

    Therefore, this is a matter of legitimate concern - in Science or otherwise - and of course - debate! Methodology behind the "ordering of facts" is in question!

    Of course, I hope you are right in your presumptions now - this time! I.e. that it will all "peter out" towards a common cold, general "immunity" etc.
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  19. moon510

    moon510 MDL Junior Member

    May 10, 2007
  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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