Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3661 Yen, Dec 23, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
    Yes that's right. (AZ is actually completely ineffective) Posted the same study as well with adding my comments and a pointer to an inconsistency of suggestions

    My god!

    You at least should make the efforts to get the terms right.
    Fluconazole (useless)
    Pheniramine maleate (useless, since it is an antihistamine. Could be tried IF MAS is related at certain individual long haul syndrome to fight long covid)

    A proper substitute to Ivermectin could be Nitazoxanide!
    How do you get to Fluconazole at all?!?

    "result into direct death." and "Any bacteria even any fungul attack enters human body & dies just before it splits itself into many many structured speces ."

    I mean how would you sound serious by that? Are you aware that your post might contain a (totally absurd) medical advice which others can take into consideration?
    Nobody should mix some meds without having a clue. And best is to follow some established medical protocols.

    Interesting. The top five reported within the ZOE app from UK are:
    1. runny nose
    2. headache
    3. fatigue (either mild or severe)
    4. sneezing
    5. sore throat
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3662 Yen, Dec 23, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
    Here some new interesting sources:

    This is the Pfizer vaccine. Reported adverse event cases. THROUGH 28-FEB-2021!!!!


    And here the WHO all ADRs until 12th November 2021:
    COVID vaccines: 2,457,386

    Already more than past 50 years of all them vaccines together!!!!



    And to the matter 'who dies most from COVID, the unvaxxed?' No sorry. And what about 'vaccines still protect from severe progresses?!?'

    "Public Health Scotland COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report As at 6 December 2021 Publication date: 8 December 2021"

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  3. | D Pharma | Diploma in Pharmacy in year 1992 3yrs duration -+
  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    All the more I wonder why you are putting antifungal and antihistaminic meds into play!

    Ivermectin is antiparasitic BUT does have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties!

    Fluconazole can be given with a fungal co-infection! This happened in India 'black-fungus'. But it has nothing to do with COVID, it has no antiviral properties at all!

    Pheniramine maleate? What's the point at covid?
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, it's not just the matter of vaxxed/unvaxxed but also what were you vaxxed with and how long ago, any underlying issues......

    Without taking the whole set of potential issues into account - it's the case of "DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS!"

    Now, the little matter of "rates", as you wrote about that as THE factor - to what kind of numbers of vaccinated people?!? More than 8 billion doses, more than 3.6 billion people vaccinated! This little number is NOT irrelevant, as is the fact we had to do it rather quickly! So, TIME factor also...
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  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I posted those statistics because politicians here try to establish those narratives: "Pandemic of the unvaxxed and the vaccines are as safe as others...."

    Either way what's far more important: Omicron seems to turn out as categorized, being rather mild...with further caution of course since it is very transmissible.
    Numbers (hospitalization and fatalities) of SA still good, in the UK as well.

    "Positive UK data"

    What's remarkable, though, the vaccines have a high breakthrough rate at Omicron related to symptomatic infections. But we have 2 'luck factors'. Omicron is mild per se and there might be some of a rest protection against severe progresses additionally.
    UK Omicron data according to Campbell 21th December: (1:25min) Hospitalization 195, deaths: 18 (but please notice: comorbitiies or died from / with COVID unknown).
    Omicron breakthrough 2 jabs: 56,346 symptomatic Omicron infections per day. 144,284 (total infections) 70%+ Omicron, R value 1.2 (London: 1.5) (3:10min onward)
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3667 gorski, Dec 24, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021
    Depends which state...

    In Cape Girardeau County, the coroner hasn’t pronounced a single person dead of COVID-19 in 2021.
    Wavis Jordan, a Republican who was elected last year to serve as coroner of the 80,000-person county, says his office “doesn’t do COVID deaths.”

    Uncounted: Inaccurate death certificates across the country hide the true toll of COVID-19
    Some counties, like Cape Girardeau, have seen a spike in deaths that aren’t attributed to COVID-19. Many of them, blamed on natural causes, are likely from the coronavirus

    So, I'd stay with the progressives, thanx...

    P.S. Yesterday in London we had 120.000 reported (!!!) cases and the usual % of known cases is usually only 50% of real cases, they say...

    P.P.S. Around 38% of medical staff are not working at the moment - ill at home... Does ANYONE care, does ANYONE actually understand what this means in hospitals, at GPs surgeries etc.?!? How does that affect patients of all sorts...?!?

    P.P.P.S. 1.7 million people in the UK have had Covid last week...
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  9. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, great if true...

    "However, little specific research has been done into how the omicron variant could lead to more immunity. Research has shown the omicron variant evades vaccines and natural antibodies.

    Experts still advise against getting COVID-19 because of the multiple health effects of the disease. Many COVID-19 patients spend months recovering from the virus. The coronavirus has been linked to severe illness and death."

    Indeed, I have them in my family - with some kidneys are in bad shape long after the infection, others have serious issues with lungs and so on...

    So, yes, it is still a bad idea for many to fcuk with it...
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  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3671 Mr.X, Dec 27, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
    Evidence of antibody-dependent aggravation associated with vaccination

    Dear Akasha Community Members:

    For more than a year, there has been a warning about the risk that COVID-19 inoculations could generate a phenomenon known as antibody-dependent aggravation (ADE). This phenomenon, already explained in various seminars and messages on this channel, is similar to what happens with Dengue vaccines, and has been reported for other vaccines and other viral infections. Based on non-human animal studies, performed with vaccine candidates for the first SARS virus, it was known that ADE phenomena could occur when vaccinated individuals were confronted with the virus ( and; They knew it so well that in March 2020, specialists met to discuss this risk for the vaccines that were being developed against SARS-CoV-2 ( Likewise, several scientists wrote reviews on the subject, warning about this risk for vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 (for example:,,, and on the need for letting people who decide to get vaccinated know that ADE was a risk ( The mechanisms that lead to ADE are not hypothetical, and are well understood (,

    Despite the real risk of ADE, the "authorized" voices claim that there is no evidence that ADE occurs, and they continue to recommend and even demand more inoculations to increase the amount of antibodies that people have. This denotes several things: 1) an absolute irresponsibility about the risk of ADE, and 2) an absolute ignorance about immunology. Not only is it absurd to equate the amount of SARS-CoV-2 anti-Spike antibodies in the blood with protection against the virus since there are other immune effectors (not all responses are based on antibodies, and much only against Spike), rather, precisely having a high amount of antibodies against a protein that is highly changeable in the virus is the perfect recipe for ADE ( In other words, the more doses they continue to recommend for people, the more they increase the risk of ADEs. On the other hand, it is curious that they say that there is no evidence of ADEs because, if it occurs, what would be observed is an increase in serious illness and death from COVID-19 in vaccinated people, and that is precisely what is being observed in many countries that openly report the data. Of course, the press and certain authorities call it "breakthrough infections" as if they were cases of viruses that - seasoned - managed to escape the protection offered by the vaccine, but that is not the only explanation, but The possibility of ADEs should also be considered. If they were only "breakthrough infections", we would not expect more severity in the cases (in particular because, as I have explained, natural selection favors less virulent and more transmissible variants, not the more virulent ones); If it were only “rupture infections, then we would only expect more infections in those vaccinated, but not a greater severity of the disease in those vaccinated compared to those free of the vaccine.

    A study was published a couple of months ago ( in Human Vaccine and Immunotherapy, in which Hasan and colleagues analyzed data from Public Health England (England's public data system) and concluded that they are indicative of ADE. I translate one of the paragraphs for you to see the relevance of what they found: “Analysis of data from the National Health System (NHS) published by Public Health England has shown that the rate of infection with the Delta variant after vaccination ( <21 days after dose 1, ≥21 days after dose 1, and after two doses) was dramatically lower than in vaccine-free people (Figure 1a). However, the death rate as a result of infection with the Delta variant was 8 times higher in those who received two doses of the vaccines compared to the cases of vaccine-free people (Figure 1b). These data provide support for the argument that vaccine-induced IgG anti-Spike antibodies may be sub-neutralizing [translation note: this means that they fail to correctly neutralize the virus, because the region they “recognize” of the virus has already changed a little] in some individuals (therefore they become infected despite being vaccinated) and can accelerate infectivity via ADE and cause higher mortality rates. Viewed in conjunction with the models presented by Ricke [], these results emphasize the importance of developing novel vaccines that are based on T cells and are not dependent solely on antibodies. ”.
    As you will see in the study, and in particular graphically in Figure 1, the ADE does explain what is happening. It would be one thing if the vaccine was not effective to protect: here we expect the same infection rate and the same fatality rate between vaccinated and vaccine-free, but it is not what you see, but rather 8 times higher mortality among those vaccinated.

    I hope that this information is useful for you, that you share it with those who have in their hands the possibility of offering medical advice to people, and that above all, they talk about this phenomenon with those who consider that it is ideal to inoculate their children. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has shown, over almost 2 years to be particularly mild in young people. If an inoculated youngster suffers from ADE, then a future infection with some variant of SARS-CoV-2 will not be so mild.

    I send you my regards and I hope you are enjoying your vacation, Karina AW
  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3672 Mr.X, Dec 27, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
    Indeed, in my family health is better than ever before. We are very exposed to anything out there as we don't use muzzles at all, well except in supermarket etc, our muzzles are a simple piece of fabric, nothing fancy or surgical grade. That's it. Mist likely we've got covid. Healthy we all are a except me thanks to pharmafia's neurotoxins aka psychiatric drugs.

    No vaccines at all.
    We are happy as the Maker made us.
    We're vibrating high. :dance1:

    Note: my two young children work in a supermarket where contact with many many people is normal 24/7.
  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, medical workers haven't got a clue, aha....

    Sources suggest No 10 leaning away from stricter curbs in England, as doctors’ union says lack of response is ‘ludicrous’

    There is concern among some government figures about undeclared positive cases – including those asymptomatic but also those isolating after a lateral flow test whose results are not recorded by the NHS because they do not take a PCR. doctors’ trade union urged ministers to implement further measures without delay to help the NHS, including limits on household mixing and table service only in hospitality venues.

    UK: new coronavirus cases per day

    Line shows daily average of new cases in a given week. Cases assigned to date of publication. Data:, updated 23 December, 2021
    Dr Paul Donaldson, the general secretary of the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association, warned Johnson that “it would be ludicrous” not to respond more decisively to Omicron, and that Christmas mingling would inevitably have spread Covid.

    “There is a high probability we are moving too late,” said Donaldson, a consultant microbiologist.

    “We will soon start to see the impact of Christmas. We are holding out hope that hospitalisations are at the lower end of projections. But given the uncertainty we face it would be ludicrous not to take additional precautions,” he added.

    The HCSA also wants to see social distancing measures applied in retail and hospitality settings, such as mask-wearing, table spacing, limits on capacity and queueing systems, as well as social distancing and bubbles in all schools and continued working from home.

    The NHS Confederation, which represents health service trusts in England, said any further steps would help the NHS, given the rising number of hospitalisations and staff off sick due to the virus. There were 1,171 people admitted to hospital across the UK in the previous 24 hours, the government disclosed on Friday.

    “Any new restrictions which are brought in to help ease the pressure on the NHS need to be clearly explained to the public. Confusion and complacency can make any new restrictions ineffective,” said Matthew Taylor, its chief executive.

    ...there are serious concerns in the NHS that the large number of frontline personnel falling sick as infections spiral because of Omicron is hampering the service’s ability to provide care.

    Staff absences in England due to Covid have been soaring during December, the latest official figures showed last Thursday. The number of days lost to illness caused by Covid went up by 38% to 124,855 in the week to 19 December, while the number of staff off sick rose by 54% from 12,240 to 18,829, both compared with the previous week.

    At some hospitals in London, which has been hit first and worst by the new variant, the number of staff off ill with Covid has trebled since the start of the month, NHS England’s figures showed.

    Taylor said that the service was facing a “double emergency” of sharply rising staff absences because of illness at the same time as the demand for hospital care was rising.

    Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers, has said that the loss of frontline staff to sickness is “a big worry” for hospital bosses who are facing growing demand from patients, especially as the NHS in England has almost 100,000 vacancies anyway.
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  14. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3675 Mr.X, Dec 29, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021

    VigiAccess was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015 to provide public access to information in VigiBase, the WHO global database of reported potential side effects of medicinal products.

    Just type in for example COVID-19 vaccines .
  16. moon510

    moon510 MDL Junior Member

    May 10, 2007
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3677 Mr.X, Dec 29, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
    Presence of dsRNA in Pfizer and Moderna inoculations

    Dear Akasha Community Members:

    I hope you are fine!

    For months now, several doctors and scientists have presented in various forums the relationship between inoculations against COVID-19 and the risk of developing myocarditis. Even a couple of months ago, Dr. Rose and Dr. McCullough published a study on the increase in the number of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in people who received the inoculations [that study (, published after a peer review, was retracted "temporarily" without any explanation, something never seen before in science since normally if it is retracted it indicates what the error was, but they didn't here], which is curious since precisely that study was presented before the FDA panel of experts.

    A few days ago, in the magazine “Future Medicine” Milano and collaborators published an article, entitled “Myocarditis and mRNA vaccines against COVID-19: a mechanistic hypothesis involving double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)”. dsRNA is double-stranded RNA, and it is an element that should not be in vaccines, but if there is no adequate quality control in the manufacturing process, it can be. To understand the relevance of the article, it is first necessary to remember that it is not the first time that a lack of quality has been mentioned or found in the manufacture of the inoculations. I mentioned something about this in the AstraZeneca_Proteic_Contamination, and in one of the talks I gave in March I spoke about the lack of integrity in the mRNA of the Pfizer inoculations that were found in official documents between the pharmaceutical company and the European Medicines Agency (

    Inoculations based on mRNA do not have the potential problem of the presence of contaminants such as cell debris, poorly inactivated viruses, vectors, and poorly purified proteins, as can occur with inactivated, attenuated, vectorized, or protein-based vaccines. However, mRNA inoculations can have the presence of double-stranded RNA. In fact, this has already been reported by the European Medicines Agency, who found the presence of dsRNA in the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines ( and

    Since the methods that are used commercially to purify mRNA inoculations vary in quality and are not perfect (for example, at most 90% of the dsRNA is removed when using the HPLC method, or high-performance liquid chromatography). performance), according to the vaccine developers themselves (, it cannot be ruled out that those who receive the inoculations are also receiving double-strand RNA.

    And what is the consequence of dsRNA in Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna products? Before answering that, it is necessary to understand that dsRNA is an exogenous inducer of very marked immune-inflammatory reactions, in particular those that are based on the production of interferon and tumor necrosis factor. The response to dsRNA is very powerful because our cells do not have double-stranded RNA. Remember that the immune system is based on differentiating "what we are from who we are not" so that since we do not have it, the presence of this foreign molecule - the dsRNA - induces rapid and forceful innate immune responses.

    Of course, it could be argued that, then, the presence of dsRNA could serve as an adjuvant. However, on the one hand, there are no specific studies to evaluate the benefit of the presence of dsRNA in mRNA inoculations, and on the other hand, since they are contaminating (and, therefore, have varied concentrations), their presence could in some people cause uncontrolled inflammatory and immune reactions, including myocarditis, which is being seen in some inoculated people. In Figure 1 of the article by Milano et al. They explain how this effect would occur.

    Since the dsRNA would be packaged in the lipid nanoparticles containing these products (and which I have already discussed in this channel), it would enter dendritic cells and macrophages (remember that it is already known, based on various studies that have already been shared here, that the inoculation does not "stay" in the site where it was administered, but is distributed to practically all the organs and tissues of the body). These immune cells are present in peripheral tissues such as the heart muscle, kidneys, lungs, liver and skin, and when they recognize foreign molecular patterns (such as dsRNA) then they activate inflammatory immune responses. Inflammation of muscle cells (myocarditis) we've already covered here, and it explains heart conditions that are serious and sometimes irreversible.

    What Milano et al. write about the risk of this heart damage for people receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer is very striking, given that they would have an even higher risk of fulminant myocarditis after inoculation against COVID-19 with Pfizer / BioNTech or Modern This risk needs to be known to the physicians who are recommending inoculation to their patients, and they need their patients to know about it as well.

    In summary, an additional mechanism has been described by which mRNA-based inoculations can induce heart muscle damage. Scientific evidence continues to accumulate. Perhaps the right question is, at this point, how many more cases do we need before doctors begin to honor their oath and protect their patients?

    I wish you have a nice day and I send you my regards, Karina AW
  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    About cocktails and the absurd

    Dear Akasha Community members: For years the phrase “follow science”, “trust science” has been heard, almost like an obsessive mantra. As a member of the scientific academic community, I definitely trust science. Since science is a process, relying on science implies relying on the process, which is characterized by a series of steps based on observation, questioning, posing hypotheses, experiments to challenge those hypotheses, observation of results, and discussion of the results. results in the context of what is already known. It is a process that is moving forward and many of the discoveries throw away what had been discovered before. We must not blindly embrace the results, much less take them as dogma, but as what they are: bricks of a great wall of knowledge that we are building, and that sometimes some of those bricks need to be changed, but that all contribute (as long as science is done soundly and ethically, of course).

    So, we are repeatedly, strongly, and religiously asked to "follow science" and there have even been unfortunate (and unscientific) statements by some who have said "if you criticize me, you are frankly criticizing science" ( The point is that following science and trusting science requires questioning, criticizing, re-posing, etc. If not, it is not science, it is dogma. And I, I do not follow or trust dogmas.

    In the midst of this quasi-medieval and obscurantist environment that demands blind faith in people (many with conflicts of interest) and not in the scientific process, and that equates questioning with being irresponsible, selfish, anti-scientific and conspiranoic (or even all those adjectives together, it was missing more!), there are the cocktails. Vaccine cocktails, of course.

    In an act of complete frivolity, without having serious studies or significant temporality for it, it is recommended to mix inoculations. Since October it began to be said that it was "perfect" to mix brands, and now it is already openly announced that we can mix them ( The sad thing (disturbing, infuriating, however you like) is that the CDC's recommendation on this is based on a phase I / II clinical study (, and it is about of a partial report that has not even had a peer review or has been published in a scientific journal, but is in a repository (that is not bad per se, but it is the last straw that such an important decision by a research agency international health is based on a study with these characteristics). The aforementioned report evaluated the mixture of two of three brands (Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna and Jansen), it was based on 458 individuals (there are no controls in the study), they measured reactogenicity, post-vaccination local discomfort and the neutralizing activity of the serum of those vaccinated, in vitro, against a pseudovirus, as well as the measurement of antibodies. As you can see in the description of clinical trials (, because each subgroup of the study is not indicated in the report (according to the vaccine initially received and the booster brand). 25 people between 18 and 55 years of age and 25 people “over 56 years old”. They excluded people who had had previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as people with clotting problems and immune problems. They recorded adverse events for 29 days only (phase I / II study lasts 1 year; this was only one report).

    Their conclusion is as follows: "Homologous (the same) and heterologous (different) booster vaccinations were well tolerated and are immunogenic in adults who completed their full primary vaccination regimen at least 12 weeks earlier." Wow! Based on partial and 1-month analyzes of groups of 25 healthy people, the CDC determines that go ahead with cocktails! Would you feel safe and with medium reliability to start mixing vaccines based on a study based on groups of 25 healthy people, followed for 29 days to see that they did not develop adverse events, and whose immune protection was measured in vitro against variants that they are no longer the dominant ones? A world worthy of Kafka ... no doubt.

    Sometimes when I prepare material to share with you, I am speechless, and then I borrow words from others. In this case, from Shannon L. Alder, who said "Some stories have to be written because no one would believe the absurdity of all this." You may have to write a story about the rotting of the scientific process in times of COVID-19, because it is difficult to understand the absurdity of all this that we are experiencing.

    I send you greetings and I hope this information is useful for you, Karina AW.
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Record cases in the USofA and EU, UK etc. Sheer numbers suggest a tsunami...

    Also, because of sheer numbers, even though Omicron is milder, many susceptible people will get hit badly and that in turn means NHS/public service health system pressure galore...

    And, what's the official reaction?!? Pitiful!
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  20. Dave_Ru

    Dave_Ru MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2021
    Apparently they've been lying with the statistics in their information to the public by mentioning relative risk reduction instead of absolute risk reduction:
    And adverse reactions hiden...

    Also, interview with very high level scientist that worked making and managing vaccines for WHO and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation see:

    Probably preaching to the convert but how many of you actually got the virus ? The Omicron variant is the best news there could be and everyone is following the msm lies...
    I got a previous variant, much worse symptoms, I live in a small village and everyone, including elderly, that was ok is fine and recovered. The only people that died were those who were already on their way and their deaths were classified are corona deaths.
    Maybe it's tough to see their lies in a big city but I tell you, more than half people around here don't believe that crap anymore...

    I also encourage anyone receiving treatment at a hospital to be very careful with the "protocol" they're given. Remdesivir has been reported to cause kidney failure which affects the heart and ends up creating pulmonary edema. There were some whistleblower doctors that said many doctors will interpret the X rays as pulmonary infection caused by corona and put people in a ventilator which normally results in death. I'm not saying this is frequent (or the opposite for that matter!), I'm just telling you to be careful. You must give the x-rays to a specialist capable of distinguishing pulmonary infection from the other type of edema (caused from liquid accumulation due to heart problems).

    It's obvious that the authorities have been lying all the time. How do we know ?! Well, nothing that they predicted has come true, in fact quite the opposite. If they didn't know they shouldn't have given information they didn't have any guarantee about...