Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3981 Mr.X, Feb 8, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2022
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  3. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    The truth of simple things or the proimmune effect of Vitamin D

    Dear members of the Akasha Community: In past messages I have shared evidence of the protective or pro-immune action of vitamin D. We acquire this fat-soluble vitamin, known as Calciferol, through the diet and also after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. solar. Initially it is inert in our body, and after several biochemical processes in the liver, it becomes active. Vitamin D is important for the intestinal absorption of dietary calcium, so it plays a crucial role in preventing hypocalcaemia and allowing bone mineralization (thus preventing osteoporosis). In addition to this, it has an important role in preventing inflammation and modulating immune function. This is nothing "hippie"; It has been known for a long time and any doctor and immunologist who has studied and who has no conflict of interest knows it. You can read more (in English) at:

    Despite the fact that in the media (as well as by many "influencer" doctors and scientists) attempts have been made to diminish the importance of Vitamin D to avoid severe COVID symptoms, publications have accumulated for more than a year and a half. Scientific studies that show the protective role of having adequate levels of vitamin D in the body. If you're curious, see for yourself by searching: D AND COVID AND protective&sort=date.

    A few days ago, a study by Dror et al. (, titled (translated from English ) "Association of pre-infection levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and severity of COVID-19 disease". In this study, which looked at vitamin D levels in adult patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in Israel, it was found that a lower blood vitamin D level (<20 ng/mL) is more common in patients with severe or critical COVID-19 (87.4% of critical or severe patients had low levels of Vitamin D). What's more. patients who had this vitamin D deficiency (<20 ng/mL) are 14 times more likely to have severe or critical COVID-19 than patients with levels equal to or greater than t≥40 ng/mL (OR=14; Interval of confidence 95% 4 to 51; p < 0.001).

    In order to have a functional, regulated immune system, and avoid the complication of viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza and other viruses, it is important to ensure adequate intake of foods that provide vitamin D, supplement with vitamin D and, above all, , ensure adequate exposure to sunlight. Often it is the simple things that can help; we just have to remember what has been known for a long time.

    I hope this information is useful to you and I send you my regards, Karina AW
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3984 gorski, Feb 9, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
    This morning we found out that 4.5 million NHS cases were waiting for their turn in NHS UK system, for various appointments, scans, surgeries etc. - thanx to the "austerity" policies...

    So, that indicates clearly that this was NOT C-19 induced but bad, uncaring, nasty right-wing conservative politics caused that - for a considerable period of time now! As always, things are not exactly what they seem to be on a first glance...

    The Tory politicians are now trying to raise taxes to the masses to pay for the reduction of waiting lists, while at the same time reducing taxes to their donors/bosses/the billionaires/bankers/financiers to the tune of £1 trillion, thanx to Chancellor's (ex-banker, a millionaire, the richest MP in the UK) push in both directions.

    And even then, they are planning for the waiting lists to continue to grow until mid 2024. Only then are they planning to start reducing them - slowly!!!

    The SYSTEM is the real enemy here! We can deal with C-19 - IF the politicians are good and caring. NOT THIS LOT and NOT IN THIS SYSTEM!
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Normalising death... Where the f#@& are we going with this...?!?

    normalising death.jpg
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3986 Mr.X, Feb 9, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
    Finally we have this information

    Dear Akasha Community members, I want to share with you a study that I believe is one of the most important of the last few months. You may recall that for months, in seminars and in written posts on this forum, I have said that we cannot know how much Spike is produced in response to the vaccine (nor to infection), nor how much mRNA from the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines persists in the cells of inoculated persons. Well, finally, just on January 24 (I knew it was a special day!) a study was published that investigated just that.

    The study, authored by Roltgen et al. and entitled "Immune Imprinting, Extent of Variant Recognition and Germinal Center Reactivity in Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination in Humans" and published in the journal Cell (, was based on the fact that although there have been studies on antibody generation and neutralizing capacity post inoculation, it is not really known what the difference is in responses to mRNA inoculations and other vaccines compared to natural infections (something we have said over and over again). So they wanted to see to what degree infection with SARS-CoV-2 differs from the reaction generated by different vaccines, particularly in terms of germinal center (GC) response. Before I share with you what they found in that study, I need to briefly explain what GCs are: Lymph nodes (accumulations of tissue in different parts of the body that are, for example, what the doctor feels in our neck when he checks us because we have a sore throat) contain in the center tissue formed mainly by lymphocytes. The GCs contain most of the "memory" lymphocytes. We can think of this tissue as military intelligence barracks, where in the long run the different soldiers will carry the information of what they have seen in their surveillance and protection actions. Then, when there is an infection, the germinal centers are seen to be "reactive".

    What the study authors did was to compare immune responses (specifically, the size of the antibody repertoire, the types of antibodies produced, and the affinity for the Spike protein of nine variants; and to explore how much Spike and how much vaccine mRNA is found in CGs, and for how long, between vaccinated and naturally infected individuals.

    What they found is extremely important and worrisome because it confirms much of what has been speculated and argued based on evidence reported in in vitro studies, reports and case studies. Let me explain: 1) They confirmed that vaccination exerts an "immune imprint" which makes it difficult for the immune system to adequately make antibodies against other variants after having received the inoculation. 2) Mucosal antibody production was low in people who received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (remember that mucosal immune protection is what we need if we want to avoid infection and, therefore, transmission). 3) Antibodies produced in the normal way "change" over time to become more affine to other variants (that's a very nice process known in immunology as "receptor editing", and it helps antibodies to become more affine to what they encounter), but this did not happen with the vaccine antibodies, which remained stable. They found that inoculated people have more Spike in GCs than naturally infected people, and that vaccine mRNA persists in axillary (armpit) lymph node GCs for up to two months after the second dose. Yes, you read that right, up to two months the instructions to continue producing Vaccine Spike persist. Vaccine Spike protein could be detected in high amounts up to two weeks later, but was still present at lower concentration up to 2 months later in the GCs. 4) They demonstrated that vaccine Spike is detectable in the blood of inoculates, at least for two days.

    Of course, the study is more extensive and they reported several other things. If you have the time and inclination, I invite you to read it in its entirety. Here I only present what is relevant to the topic of "how long do you still have the mRNA and Vaccine Spike in the body?" and "how much do the immune responses to infection and vaccine differ?". The authors acknowledge the things you don't know about vaccines (and that we have been saying for over a year that you don't know). That's important, because at least it puts in writing the arguments and evidence for what we didn't know and still don't know. Now, thanks to this study, we have empirical evidence that refutes the pseudo-arguments so frequently used by some doctors and scientists, who try to downplay the importance of the questions with phrases as superficial as incorrect as "no, of course vaccine mRNA is not produced for many days, at most it will last only a couple of days", or "it is not true that vaccine Spike is detected for days", or "of course more Spike is produced with a natural infection than with an mRNA or vectorized vaccine". It was not known whether this was the case or not, and now, at least, it is known that it is not the case. It would be beautiful and very fair if the doctors and scientists who have touted, without question, the 'official' narrative had the courage to accept what is not known (and what they don't know, which is not the same thing), although that might tarnish their argument that "vaccines are super safe and super effective and to question it is selfish or lacking in integrity". A little humility would do them a lot of good.

    In the study I share with you they did not analyze if there is mRNA and Spike in other organs (they only analyzed those biopsies taken from the lymph nodes of the armpits), but it is an important advance: two months at least with the instructions to produce Spike and with the Spike protein in those tissues.

    I hope you find this information useful. Have a nice evening, Karina AW
  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Dear Akasha Community members, The working group passed on to me yesterday the concerns of some regarding the note I shared yesterday about the Roltgen et al. study published in the journal Cell (see Finally we have this information). Specifically, the recurring question seems to be "Is it good or is it bad that Spike is produced for so long and that the instructions to generate Spike (at least in the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines) remain for up to 2 months?". Given that the effects of the Spike protein on the inflammatory response (it causes severe inflammation) and on the vascular endothelium are known, and given that it is known that some of the Spike produced by the cells in response to inoculations does not stay in the cells but is released elsewhere (I have shared more scientific references to all this in previous posts and I invite you to look them up to strengthen your understanding of what I write here), it is sensible to consider that this presence for up to 2 months is not at all advisable, and in fact could be associated to many of the post-vaccination adverse events that are being observed and reported. On the other hand, constant exposure to a foreign protein (it is not ours, it is from the virus, but it is manufactured by our cells because that is what we ask for with inoculations) can generate immune tolerance, imprinting (where the immune system is not so good at generating specific responses to other similar foreign proteins, such as, for example, the Spike of other SARS-COV-2 variants) and even anergy (inability of the immune system to respond). In other words, no, it is not a good thing.

    Hope this clears up the doubt and I wish you a free and good day. Karina AW
  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3988 Yen, Feb 9, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
    I did not follow your distraction and into your political drivel. You did not refer to content which is the study I simply had posted. Point on the 'little' study where you think it's flawed.
    Or at least say I 'think' it is wrong (instead of stating it is, there's nothing wrong with personal opinions), lock-downs had a big benefit. Or post counter studies.

    I never was convinced of lockdowns. Ioannidis was first who figured that and now Johns Hopkins Uni.

    If I search for Johns Hopkins Uni and your posts, here are at least 6 references where you used it as a source to support your arguing especially here:
    I leave it up to the readers to decide who is looking silly.

    No sorry. This is not YouTube or Facebook where one could censor posts which link to sources which are shaking somebody's narrative.

    OK going on with studies instead:
    An interesting study. Some youngsters (age 18-29) participated in a study where they got deliberately infected. Brave guys I must say.
    It's been made in the UK:

    "In February 2021, it was announced that the UK would be the first country in the world to carry out a human infection study (also known as a human challenge study) with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19."

    The study:
    "Safety, tolerability and viral kinetics during SARS-CoV-2 human challenge"

    Brief results: Remdesivir is of no use.
    The nasally administered SARS-CoV-2 virus wild type firstly replicates more in the throat before it comes up again to nasal areas.
    Not all got infected! 16/36 were not.
    No serious progresses at all.
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    You wrote:

    "I did not follow your distraction and into your political drivel."

    Distraction? This is the crux of the matter in all this!!! Scientists for sale!!!

    And "drivel" is what they are writing and you are regurgitating without a critical thought to be seen anywhere in any of what you are writing when you are using their "thoughts" or should I say "party directives"(?!?)... Now, that's what I call a dogma-based gang!!!

    They have one purpose - to serve those who pay their wages! Period! Now, there's a little conspiracy theory, only this time well documented and - you and everyone else peddling this nonsense is choosing to have your eyes wide shut! Shameful!

    Then you wrote:

    "If I search for Johns Hopkins Uni and your posts, here are at least 6 references where you used it as a source to support your arguing especially here:
    I leave it up to the readers to decide who is looking silly."

    @Yen, are you high or something?!? FCOL, wake up and don't distort what I wrote! The source of the data is clearly indicated!!! - did they do this, all by themselves?

    And even if they did - we can and indeed we have to make sense of it for ourselves, we are not obliged to uncritically take their interpretation of the data!!!

    So, what does that have to do with the authors of the study? They are only unitelligently insulting our intelligence when interpreting other people's studies and data! Get it?

    And they pick and choose just like you - only those bits that suit their rather skewed vision, marred by their bosses' interests, which they religiously promote without a single critical question.

    An example: at a few instances we had transmissions fuelled by children at school (which is a "place of work" - and we know that most transmissions are fuelled at work, so go figure who's bonkers in all this...)...

    I must note that none of the points I raised, which are really relevant you dare pick up and deal with... I rest my case. For anyone interested in the truth of the matter and not libertarian ideology or dogma - there IS plenty of information I posted to make their own minds up, sure! The whole ideological, world-view and financial (i.e. who they work for) background for these guys is right here: - here, inform yourself who you are in cahoots with... I dare you!

    So, now the big question: who do you wanna trust? Public sector people (scientists, researchers, analysts, doctors and civil servants), working for public good, serving the public and general interest - or people working for "da man", for somebody else's private gain?!? Have a good looky-looky just what these guys are up to, from climate change denial to now an attempt at denial of safety to most working people, while they themselves have barricaded themselves indoors, because of "abundance of caution" and because they can!

    Here, so there is no "misunderstanding":

    Americans for Prosperity, a pro-corporate group, wants employees to return to work despite desperate pleas from public health officials to the contrary.

    And here is the crux of the matter:

    "Experts around the country have called for shelter-in-place policies for nonessential businesses, arguing that social isolation can drastically curb the spread of the coronavirus. Slowing the pandemic, they say, can save lives by lowering the demand for medical supplies and limited hospital beds. Despite their medical necessity, these policies are being rejected by conservatives around the country. Republican state leaders, including Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, have balked at shutdown requests. On Tuesday, Reeves signed an executive order superseding local bans on public gatherings."

    A little later we see their "spine", as well as where their "real interests" lie...

    "The Koch network, while pushing for businesses to stay open, is taking the opposite approach for its lobbying apparatus. AFP and its affiliates, including LIBRE Initiative and Concerned Veterans for America, are now working from home. “Out of an abundance of caution and to ensure the health and safety of our activists, staff, and voters, our staff are working from home and are utilizing digital organizing as one way to continue their grassroots engagement,” a spokesperson from AFP told CNBC."

    So, at the same time they forced everybody back to work, as much as they possibly could muster (what, they didn't have enough money already and they haven't kept getting richer by the minute during this crisis because of societal structures, while everybody else was struggling?!?), they themselves nicely bunkered down, safely and soundly, while they wanted you to go around and make more money for them...

    Nice company to keep... I rest my case!!!

    As for all of you who are tirelessly continuing to work in their interest - what can one do... keep doing it, if you like - but anyone who takes Koch's stance is actually working against themselves, in a jolly Stockholm Syndrome manner and such geniuses are doing that in full view of all of us whose critical capabilities are still intact...

    P.S. Dear conspiracy lovers, here, bite, bite hard! I dare you!!! Attack those whose interests are opposite to yours. They know their interests. But do you?!? Let's see...
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    A study, eh? What of the real world, Yen?!?

    Here, let's take this one more time, let's see if reality computes for you - at all...???

    normalising death.jpg
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3991 Yen, Feb 10, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
    Rather "something".
    It had been only a matter of time till I write this post.

    My COVID-19 anecdote.

    This Monday I went to work, did a rapid test as every day in order to enter the labs. It's been negative so I started to work.

    During the day a friend 'my contact', which I had met last Friday, told me he is rapid test positive.
    I informed the company physician and he sent me home.

    At night Monday to Tuesday I woke up. Headache, limb pain, chills..moderate, not very strong, but they kept me awake the whole night.
    At Tuesday morning I did a rapid test at home, positive.

    I raised vitamins:
    D to 5000 IU
    C to 1g
    + Zinc
    Started IVM

    Tuesday remained with moderate symptoms described above.
    Wednesday the symptoms almost disappeared. Only at night some limb pain which also disappeared taking 400 mg Ibuprofen additionally.

    Today I am free of symptoms.
    I just have got my positive PCR confirmation and waited for posting to be really sure it is COVID.

    From today onwards I have to stay 7 days at home. I can leave quarantine by providing a negative rapid test after this period of time.

    My risk benefit evaluation of the vaccines for ME personally was completely right.
    I could not really know that (only to assess professionally) until this day.

    And no I do not occupy (yet, will watch for long covid) any place of the public health system because I am unvaxxed.
    I am developing now immunity obtained from a natural infection by which I will get best immunity available.
    Next corona infection will be even milder in the future if not asymptomatically.

    I thought I owe this anecdote to the readers.....'what happens with Yen when he gets infected'...which was only a matter of time.
    Will take IVM three more days, but will take the higher vitamin doses one or two more weeks until I return to 4000 / 0.5 g plus zinc.

    Please keep in mind. This is not a medical advice, I am no / not your doctor.

    See you. Take care.:)
    ATM a lot of people around me I know are catching it one by one....
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  12. ch100

    ch100 MDL Addicted

    Sep 11, 2016
    Take care and get well soon @Yen! Thanks for the first hand account of how Covid feels like in 2022. :)
  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3993 Yen, Feb 10, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
    Thank you for your concern. :)
    For some reasons I haven't got cough, lung issues, sore throat, or a running nose.
    Nobody of my 2 friends had.
    We were 3 persons who got infected at the same time. All with the same set of symptoms I had described.
    We compared our Ct values. Only I took ivermectin.
    Friend one: Ct19
    Friend 2 (woman) Ct20
    Me Ct25

    Dunno about their vitamin supplements. But I had the lowest viral load. Each cycle doubles the viral gene material from the previous cycle, starting from the original amount in the sample until they get a signal.
    Too bad I would like to have the sequencing to know which variant I have got. Maybe I can get that info somehow anyway...

    So you think those brave youngsters who got infected deliberately in the name of research to gather valuable insights of COVID are living in a parallel universe?:rolleyes:
    It clearly points into the direction that healthy people in the age of 18 to 29 don't need a vaccine...although yes the study power is small for understandable reasons.
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  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Geez, my benzobrain lol
    I forgot to update our illness status.

    I'm ok just a lingering lung issue. It feels a bit damaged but it has happened in the past.
    A lingering cough too in wife and daughter.
    I think a bacterial pneumonia attacked us cause we were walking outdoors when strong winds started to blow.

    I don't believe it's covid cause we didn't have oxygen issues.

    We never had rhinorrhea or sore throat during the illness course.
  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    We all knew this was going to happen sooner or later.
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3997 gorski, Feb 11, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
    First of all, @Yen (since I am not[!!!] the uncaring, sociopathic Mr.X!!!), let me state this unequivocally - I am really happy for you, that you did not react badly to the pathogen!!! Of course, not just for you! But given we have a relationship of sorts, on this jolly forum, given I have learnt a lot from you, I am especially glad you did not succumb to it or had you life ruined by it, by C-19 devastating your health!!!

    For comparison: my half-bro has at most 60% of his lungs left to use (and that is not all!!!) - 2 flights of stairs and it takes a long time for him to recover. My mother in law has diminished use of her kidneys, for another example. We are talking many months since the infection, which really devastated him and affected her badly (she can only get up a flight of stairs once a day and she breathes so heavily you'd think a heart-attack is coming - scary! I hope this experience teaches you a little bit more about compassion, empathy and solidarity!!! Would you now change your mind about it, I wonder, by extending your experience to others who may have been not so lucky as you?!?

    Like you, I take vitamins every day (mega doses, i.e. much bigger than you, thanx to Linus Pauling!) and my supply of IVM is on its way, should my family (or I) need "a helping hand", if that stuff works. (Given it does no harm, if taken properly, one should use all good means at our disposal, of course!) All of my family, for instance, were ill for a while, as I indicated earlier but all the tests (lateral flow and PCR) were negative. The youngest is now on antibiotics. Who knows what it really is, as he has not been tested properly. Why?

    Well, the NHS is in bad shape in the UK... Over 6 million cases on a humongous waiting list for all manner of procedures, of which at least 4.5 million are pre-pandemic, so there... But how many people do you see attack the system itself, the neo-liberal/conservative BS project, that is, which project devastated the public health system, education, pensions and so on and so forth?!? Everyone is searching for cheap and easy solutions to these complex problems, like good little sheep. "Point us in the right direction, dear Leader/Duce/Fuhrer!" Then, they invariably point to the weak and needy of our compassion - the "immigrants", the Jews or Palestinians (depending where you are), "Hell? It's the OTHER!!!" And then, like good little sheep, they follow the Trump/Duterte/Orban/Putin and the like... Yes there are worse a-holes (like AfD etc.) but the "leaders" I just mentioned are way too much already, "thanx" a bunch for advocating that being in bed with even worse lunatics (like AfD)... No one should be following - full stop! One should get educated!!!

    So, the point here is: I do listen and learn, my mind is open, from you or anyone, it matters not - one is to listen to Reason, not a person (that would be an F(ascist)-syndrome, as "Authoritarian personality" study teaches us)! So, the message to all is clear: stop following "gurus" and use your own brains, inform yourself properly and then make your minds up! Most people here are tribal, they just espouse the easy, "fan-like" attitude, "us and them" BS! "Let's ignore *them* and cheer on *our team*". This attitude is servitude incarnated, it's stupid to the bone and not worth a single breath, let alone a single life lost or a life/health ruined!

    Secondly, you evaded the direct question (and a lot more of crucial importance, when we are talking about Public Health Policy): do 2,5K deaths a day in the US alone mean anything to you - do they "compute" for you at all? From the fact that more than 80 million of US citizens are completely unvaccinated to the point that most of them are now amongst the C-19 related dying people in hospitals... As in, would you now think a bit more carefully before making a public health policy which would not include the measures, vaccines, education campaigns etc.? Or would you still be rather cavalier with other people's health and lives? "Go out, live your lives as before, this virus is nothing!" Because if you do that, you would say: "You who will succumb to this virus are nothing, you mean nothing, you do not count, you do not compute, you are not important enough for the rest of us to live by measures and get vaccinated, since we think that solidarity, empathy and compassion are not the principles we should live by! We just don't care!!!" That is what it means to "normalise death", by C-19 (or any other pathogen or unnatural cause, for that matter!)!!!

    Some youngsters' either foolishness or bravery does not a public health policy make, @Yen! I am rather surprised by you trying to pull a fast one like this, rather unthinkingly!!! Their gambling with their health or even lives is one thing. I salute their - whatever it was - in service of Humanity!!! But no one knows how the pathogen will affect one, so we can not base a public health policy on - whatever that was, done by those youngsters... Luckily, none of them was in real danger, as it happens but NO ONE KNOWS THAT IN ADVANCE!!! LET ME MAKE THAT CLEAR!!! FACT: there are many cases in the UK of perfectly healthy, strong, young people in their prime who either died or ended with a rather bad case of long Covid! Over 500.000 cases of "long Covid" alone!!!! Does that even compute for you? All "just numbers", right? And as numbers go - just not enough of dying and suffering people for you to change your position, eh? I remember you thought of it as a pandemic at first, then you changed your position, "given the numbers" (you couldn't see Human Being past the numbers because your newfound guru "suggested" it) - and now...??? They still don't compute?

    Well, you are right about invoking the "parallel Universe" image! Sure, not in my universe! People for whom this does not compute REALLY DO LIVE IN A PARALLELE UNIVERSE, a very nasty, weird "reality", as far as I am concerned, Yen!

    Get well, recover fully and remember - you can get re-infected!!! The virus mutates, there are various versions floating about, so... Pick a vaccine you are comfortable with, an up-to-date one and minimise the impact the virus will have on you, because the next mutation might not be so "light" on your body - even if it may be "milder" for most other people...

    No one is really safe from it for now, sadly!!!
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  18. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    omg, pinky. just leave the red to mods, please, and the caps lock too.
    -thank you very much.:whistling:
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Just don't read, dear Noddy - you do have that choice...:rolleyes: Thanx a bunch for being so bloody patronising...:rolleyes::p
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  20. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4000 Yen, Feb 11, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
    Thank you for your concern. :)

    My understanding of luck / bad luck is the following:
    There has to be an idea of probability (if this is based on reliable knowledge or not is a different matter), fact is we cannot predict the future for sure, yes. But we can do a proper risk/benefit evaluation based on science.

    Luck / bad luck is not a point if that what is most probable comes true.

    Luck / bad luck is a point if something comes true that is not the most probable. We call it luck if it is a 'wanted' or 'good' event and we call it bad luck if it is an 'unwanted' or 'bad' event.
    Example for luck is to win a lottery. The probability to lose the money is most probable.
    Example for bad luck is to have a car accident. The probability to get from A to B without accident is most probable. (One did that many times without).

    So in that sense I had no luck. Catching severe covid is not random. It's most probable that I (being not in a risk group, we know the risk groups) would not get it.
    But of course I am happy that it became mild. :)

    I would have got bad luck if I had got severe covid, though. (Because it would be an event that isn't the most probable for me).

    Compassion does not come up when somebody is recognizing that something bad happened to an individual. Either compassion towards an individual or humans is there from the very beginning or it is no compassion.
    Compassion is no mental conceptualisation. (There are people calling each others being an idiot and suddenly when something bad happens to one of them, the other says: Oh I am so this compassion?)

    It's far more. It comes out of self-awareness. One recognizes human being (das Menschsein) in oneself and recognizes that in EVERY other human (without having any preconditions / conceptualisations). This connectedness brings love and compassion towards all humans.

    No. I guess you still haven't got how the vaccines are working.

    A vaccine -no matter what it will be- will be always behind the actual variant that is circulating! Each natural encounter with the actual variant will act as a booster for my immune system. Important is to expose the immune system now with each new variant to train it and not to hide it. If you hide it the future variants will mutate farer and farer away from that variant from which it got natural immunity.

    Vaccinations are here to prevent severe progresses. Once a natural infection has occurred any further vaccination would not add more than a further natural exposure would.
    Only a naive immune system can be prone to severe illness.
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