Ermmm, so that's a no on all points. Still evading the points (with "luck", which is NOT the point at all but OK...), vaccines as helpful (which we have a clear set of data to support this thesis) and so on... The worst part is that you keep banging on about "ego" and people who are "ego tripping" - but you are absolutely on the side of the biggest ego-tripping maniacs of the world right now... I.e. the people going "memememememeeeeee" (and I couldn't care less about anyone else)!!!! Go figure - it's a real eye-opener...
Axios: Unlocking the mystery of the "never COVID" cohort.
The conclusions, of course, they had to be... I crap on that statement, of course Damn you, Brooks, and all around your life.
Nobody of the readers can see anything wrong with it when reading my 'COVID anecdote'....I did all what is necessary to protect the people around me. I am staying in quarantine until I am negative.
Maybe you want to watch this:
Slippery fish... OK, let's pin you down a bit, shall we...??? Nobody alluded at you personally, in that context - but who you are factually standing with, like AfD and other such organisations around the world (everywhere one looks you'll see the same mindset in action of the worst kind!) trying to (pay attention!) be the guarantors of "freedom", when we know that such organisations are utterly intolerant themselves and shouldn't - by definition - be tolerated. All these guys are interested in is domination over others, i.e. theirs is the biggest ego trip in the Universe. And you, as somebody who keeps banging on about (undifferentiated) ego as the basis for all evils - stand with that lot on these issues!!! Sheer madness, I tell ya!!! Evade this, if you please... AFD in this case is: "America’s Frontline Doctors, a rightwing political group that gained notoriety in summer 2020 after some of its members appeared in a viral video touting unproven Covid-19 treatments as miracle cures. AFD’s founder, Dr Simone Gold, has headlined anti-vaccine rallies and is facing charges for storming the Capitol during the 6 January riot. Also visible in a photo included in the WEAR-TV clip was Dr Stella Immanuel, an AFD member who has claimed masks don’t help curb the spread of Covid-19 and repeatedly said some real world illnesses were caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches." Fabulous company to be in. These guys are never bored!!! Divide and conquer: So, once again: the WRONG company to be in - FOR ANYONE DECENT - on any level, on any account!!!
@gorski It's of absolute no interest to me what you have posted right now. I am not a bar to you posting that if it makes you happy putting me into whatever political camp.
This is objectively where you and the others with this a priori antivaxxer etc. stance are. It has nothing to do with me - it's your choices, fcol... Ignoring facts will not make them go away... Their predecessors counted on this kind of political illiteracy and/or apathy to get into power and then we know what happened - so ask yourself who are you working for objectively?
@Yen Turns out you are an antivaxxer too! The only antivaxxer here, wait no even more, anti-Farmafia, is me. Poor Yen , you're a victim of this insidious pink menace which should be dead long time ago.
Agreed. But I did not say he is antivaxxer (at least generally not so) - rather that he is in bed with the worst of Humanity, some of whom are now using this C-19 antivaxxer hysteria to gain ever more power and influence and these are dangerous people! I repeat, one should NOT help those nasties in any way!!!
@gorski You don't have a clue about the German politics on COVID! Anyway you try to talk about. And your political drivel is ridiculously boring..... Everyone who is not conform to your political ideology must be a right wing adherent. One of the most reasonable politicians here is Sarah Wagenknecht (The Left)! Before you try to put people into political camps watch this (you know how to enable translations on youtube) "Die Fake-Facts der Impfpflicht-Befürworter" "The fake facts of the vaccine mandate proponents". My home is science. I learn from science and all my ideas about the pandemic came from science. The video of Sarah is completely backup'ed with reliable sources and I totally agree! My greatest error had been the origin of SARS-CoV-2. I was foolish enough to think it came from an animal. It took some time: Now it's obvious that it is a product of the gain of function research escaped from the wuhan lab August 2019 already (where the genetic database there went off-line). To fiddle with corona viruses is a cooperation of the DARPA / NIH with Wuhan labs (Fauci and the Chinese). In the meantime there are more and more evidences and a good study (Universität Hamburg)
FWIW, I put @gorski on ignore several months ago and this thread became much more pleasant to read. I would suggest that everybody that frequents this thread do the same. Without any responses to his comments he will be forced find some other people to annoy. .
Yes, we know what "Fachidioten" can do in politics, @Yen - it's nothing new and usually nothing good. (Btw, it's not a term of abuse but a technical term speaking of a person specialised on something and judging everything by it, as if this complex phenomenon can or should be judged from "Science only corner", FCOL...) There are - as I explained to you many times but you seem to be "hard of hearing" - many competing interests in a wider society and therefore professional politicians make the decisions at the end of the day, having listened to ALL competing interests. Better politicians make better decisions, as in any profession. Then we, the electorate, judge them eventually, on the basis of their results, through a debate in the general public sphere... As for C-19 politics in Germany - you are again a slippery fish, avoiding the issues, dancing around the real issues like a fox on hot coal - it's really funny how you keep torturing the best in you with this hypocritical stream of self-serving nonsense pouring from the libertarian sources and you swallowed it uncritically - wholesale... I know enough about German politics to be able to judge the essential parts in it - obviously better than you, being so biased and in bed with the worst of us now, sadly... I have family there, my wife is German, she has relatives there (Berlin and elsewhere), we take active interest in German's affairs (fool who doesn't in EU and around), so you can go suck a lemon with that superficial nonsense... As for the video of Ms Wagenknecht (I know her very well, thanx for the needless patronising introduction, given I am from the Left, duh!) - I agree with her, by and large! SHe sounds like a reasonable woman with critical capacities untamed by her privileged position in society, yes... May I remind you that I am against compulsory vaccinations, as stated here many a time. Fully educational and informative campaigns for me, please! I am also for proper protection of workers, when it is not possible to go to work, when pandemic numbers are forbidding in that regard! With me, all the data is on the table, as opposed to you (as you keep doing it, it is obvious to me that you are extremely biased when it comes which data you are happy to entertain!)! I look critically on all of it, without prejudice, then try to make sense of them, not the way you do it, scholastically trying to prove your gurus right, thanx a bunch... Moreover, I do not agree with you constantly moving the goalposts: I was the one saying we do not have full information re. the infected and hospitalised, people in intensive care and perhaps dying because we did not have the data how many doses they had, when was the last one, what kind of comorbidities they may have had, did they adhere to measures and so on. Of course, that was all important and that was something to keep in mind, but opponents of vaccination were talking nonsense like "Ach, it should have been only the unvaccinated in hospitals and dying but they are not"... Without anything else said, without all the other relevant factors taken into consideration, on such large numbers, one can't jump to far reaching conclusions and say "vaccinations do not protect from heavy forms of the disease or dying"!!! No one claimed that vaccinated people will not get the disease, especially as it mutates! That's creating a strawman in order to appear very valiant, strong and absolutely right - but it really is pathetic! Those in public sphere who kept saying that vaccinated can not get infected and transmit the disease were buffoons, of course and I certainly did not argue in that direction, esp. during Omicron. For Delta we had fairly good indicators that vaccinations do protect well against heavy forms of the disease and dying, sure. Therefore, there was a clear blue water between myself - trying to be careful and consistent - and those tribal, fan-like people saying mindless stuff like "Oh, look, we must abolish vaccination, f#@ck the measures, let's go back to "normal" life NOW!" And there still is a clear blue water between me and such irrational, emotional people, yes... Something that bothers you?
Yeah, so much better when one doesn't have dissenting voices, isn't it?!? Poor you, babyyy.... I mean, it involved using one's brain, FCOL... "Ughh, go away, the effort needed is.... terrible!!!" Oh, I know: you liberals and libertarians, together with sympathetic conservatives, should BAN everybody else from living - now that will be the living embodiment of "liberalism" and liberal principles, sure.... While you are at it, ban the Unions, they are the bastions of Solidarity and Empathy, I mean how tiresome and boring, right?!?
Lauterbach is such a Fachidiot. You have got this completely wrong! Never meant to patronize.The remark that Sarah is from the Left party and that I find her being the most reasonable politician during the pandemic IS a counterargument when you tried to associate me with the AfD or other right wing ideologists. When I post about the pandemic I actually don't care which politician is sharing my POV. But I can very well recognize which politician is doing a good job and Sarah is one of the most reasonable person! OK next posts I'll return to scientific news....I am much more comfortable there.