This looks quite interesting.
I put this together to track the virus, not the way the media does, but by the percentage of population by state that was affected by the virus, and then the percentage of those affected that died from the virus. Unfortunately the figures are raw and don't breakdown the age group or co-morbidities. Or if you want them all back to 3/20/20
Yeah, but, no... but... yeah... but no... For instance, in the UK: "Only 54 people have been treated in the London Nightingale hospital but 8,000 people have died in care homes." Only the Belgians have done the right thing and counted them all...
Here in Scotland, the Louisa Jordan hospital in Glasgow was barely used since it opened. Waste of money and resources I'd like to think... Also, the UK's touch of the pandemic could end up severing the union, all because of the Prime Minister's new "Stay Alert" mantra and with the three devolved states rejecting it and therefore going their own way with things. If there was ever to be a resurgance of infections in England, hell mend you Boris. To think Brexit first formed the cracks and now this deepening them.
Probably. Singapore reacted really well initially (like South Korea, New Zealand etc.). As soon as they congratulated themselves on dealing with it and relaxed - they got hit by a second wave... I think it's deliberate here, the so called herd immunity "strategy" was "conceived" by Demonic Scummings, so what can one expect, they simply think that as soon as they can get most of population infected and over it, they can go back to making profits for billionaires - and to Hell with the "weak and needy". Since these are conservatives in power, they never blink an eye when they need to take a nation into war and suchlike and they will sacrifice "the great unwashed" unblinkingly... as proven time and time again... That's why we need to get rid of them at the ballot box next time - for a very, very long time...
Here is the best illustrator of the point I raised above... Just look at these buggers trying to "make us go to work", while they barricaded themselves in, precious as they are, "out of abundance of precaution":… Well, I don't give a flying f&*% if one's surname is Koch or Assange, conservatives and libertarians can go.......
Just out of curiosity who is going to pay the production costs for whatever covid 19 vaccine is invented, if any is invented? Someone has to pay to build the equipment / design the chemical processes... Also, we're talking biological purity here. Take a look a what one mistake did in the manufacture of Zantac 75. With the legal costs for that fiasco being potentially in the millions, who in their right mind would take such a risk? Just wondering...
Roche just got a test approved in the UK: However, docs keep coming out and there's no hiding... Ministers were warned two years ago of care homes' exposure to pandemics Detailed reports by social care directors in England called for PPE and improved infection control Death toll in those homes is likely more than twice the Gov numbers... Incompetent, uncaring, in short - sociopaths!!!
Ahem, ahem @Yen Vitamin D levels appear to play role in COVID-19 mortality rates Patients with severe deficiency are twice as likely to experience major complications Date: May 7, 2020 Source: Northwestern University Summary: Researchers analyzed patient data from 10 countries. The team found a correlation between low vitamin D levels and hyperactive immune systems. Vitamin D strengths innate immunity and prevents overactive immune responses. The finding could explain several mysteries, including why children are unlikely to die from COVID-19.
@gorski: The only thing I didn't notice was what form of vitamin D was tested. Here's a suppliment ( ) describing the most natural ways to bolster vitamin D.
Yes, agreed, we should do the best we can by our bodies and their needs... However, you do realise that food we get to our tables today is not the same as when we were evolving, for many thousands of years - given the production processes and distribution system, how long it lasts 'till we prepare and consume it etc. - that it is nutritionally not so good....?
This here is the original source: I'll upload the full paper (in case it's not free..dunno)....maybe you can recognize why the actual work does not support the second headline IMHO. I have problems to comprehend how they get their clear conclusion and I know... in situations (inflammation) where the immune system is involved the vit D levels are decreasing per se! They would have to exclude that COVID-19 itself (since it is an attack on the immune system) CAUSES the decrease of vit D level. It is not peer-reviewed therefore: Anyway I can agree with Mr Backman saying: The exciting thing is....there must be 'something' that is different. For instance mid age people, no 'risk' people. For instance around 50 years of age. Some have no symptoms at all and some have severe progression....What is different? I really would like to know...I rather think it is an individual thing (the way you are from genes) than a lack of something...BUT the real interesting thing is would it be possible to intervene positively if once the reason has been identified?!? The research on correlation is an important thing! And probably it is something 'simple' but subtle.....probably not only one factor alone, though. Edit: It's free. Here you are, anyway.....
I'll have a look, thanx! To my mind, the presupposition - severe deficiency of vit D - is a good starting point for immune system problems, given these essential micro-nutrients are interdependent, so it looked kinda obvious... And if there is a serious difference between north and south Italy... you know, it's kinda reasonable to investigate... But OK, I am not a pro...
The mentioned vaccine (mRNA-1273, my post #80) has achieved a first success. It causes an immune answer comparable to cured people. That is a major breakthrough on the way to a public available vaccine IMHO. It seems Moderna is on a good way It was in the news yesterday. For instance: And German source:
Move to Kerala! Neo-liberalism is kaput, totally compromised and these Human Beings(!!!) are lighting up the way forward!!! READ CAREFULLY!!! Comparisons with the UK, US etc. are INSTRUCTIVE and rather TELLING! Allegedly developed countries and yet... Hat down, all the way to the ground!!! That's what I call governance!!! BRAVO, "COMMIES"!!!!! Where can I get a membership card?...?!?
Prof. Djikic's team (a Croat biochemist) in a Frankfurt institute, co-operating with some virologists, managed a breakthrough, apparently - in understanding the way Covid19 is attacking a cell. Apparently, they seem to think that 2 already approved medicines combined - would do... We'll see...
If ALL de nurses dress like dis