Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1601 Yen, Nov 30, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
    Which end? This is wishful thinking. An imaginary event somewhere in the future...not even sure if vaccines would be able to....
    You'd have to lockdown 10 years. THIS is the reasonable time to prove efficacy and guarantee safety of a vaccine/drug development.

    Where are they? And nothing is for sure. Sure is that he's a fool. Playing with fears of people, creating an artificial demand of unsafe vaccines by praising them as saviour. Nobody has released the primary data yet.

    Fast and safe does NOT coexist! Stating otherwise is irresponsible. You can save time at bureaucracy, but not at the biological actions of vaccines.

    Professor but not capable of knowing the definition of efficacy. And referring to private reports.

    Only a fool would use them to reason not to take the brakes off yet.

    Bravo! A brave pioneer taking anything, no matter which it is. Would have been the best customer for Grünenthal that time.

    Thank god most of the people are more reasonable and do scrutinize.

    Better he should move to politics completely, he has left responsible science already.

    It's fatal to talk about an imaginary end and by that giving 'hope' without to have the primary data of those studies yet. This is just a stalling tactic to keep people quiet and swallowing the unreasonable early stage vaccine euphoria.

    Besides of that we do know nothing about how long it'll protect and in what way.

    Be a patriot, prepared for getting KIA as a probability and joining the fellow Brazilian guy....
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  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    AND this is what globalists are going to do, it's part of the plan, part of this conspiracy. Mark my words: 10yrs at least until global agenda 2030 is put in place.
  3. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013

  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  5. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    One of the things I noticed early on in the reporting of Covid-19 was there was never any references given. Only the hysteria proclaiming "there were 484 new cases reported today and 10 new deaths, bringing the total deaths statewide to 508."

    The question is, in relation to what? So I decided to do some simple math to try to figure what the figures really meant. I found this web site: that seemed to have pretty accurate reporting numbers, so I used it for my source. Then I went and found a listing of all the States in the US. Now I realize that this is a global forum and the numbers might be different in your country, but it's pretty accurate for the United States.

    What it shows is the number of cases, the New Cases, Total Deaths, and what is never reported is the population of a particular state. Then a simple division of Total Deaths divided by the State population will give a percentage of infections and deaths for that state. And what it shows is enlightening. The average death rate for the entire country is just 0.080%. Many states are much less. Some a lot less.

    Knowing this, the vaccine hoopla is comical. If you do nothing, you have a 99.920% of not dying from Covid-19, so the question is why would you take a vaccine that promises to be 90% effective, when if you do nothing, you are better off. I wonder how the population at large would react if the news media reported "There were 484 new cases of Covid-19 today in New Hampshire, and 10 new deaths, bringing the total of percentage of infections to 1.217% and with 508 deaths, the fatality rate to 0.037% of the state population, which corresponds to less that 1/2 of the average Fatality Rate for the entire country.

    Full table attached for all states in the US, data is current as of 11/22/20



    Attached Files:

  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, all the world doctors, all the world cases, all the deaths, all the world medical services - it's all just a conspiracy, right?

    They are all wrong and the only guy who can "see" through all this is - your guru, right?

    It's hard to keep a straight face while reading your posts of late... :(
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  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1607 Yen, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
    It's because you are intolerant. And you are unable to differentiate valid criticism from 'conspiracy drivel'.
    You do not accept valid criticism which would let appear the pandemic a little bit more harmless.

    It's not only you, it's here as well. Nobody has to contest what is decided.
    It's more comfortable to keep quiet.

    The instruments and ways to measure how serious the pandemic currently is originated from people who had to make decisions in time. They had no competent advisors and no evidence base. So a complete botchy construct that has been never revised and validated against new scientific knowledge is still applied.

    It's like a holly cow nobody has to question. And when doing anyway you get pigeonholed as being a denier or a conspiracy adherent.

    At my latest posts I do quote and I argue.
    I point on bits of the nature article which clearly confirm the systemic mistakes I already have pointed out.

    I point on bits of professor Openshaw which unveils his unseriousness. His vaccine euphora is unreasoned.

    I did that as well. To demonstrate that GB did it far worse than Sweden.
    There is also an unemotional statistic term: Excess mortality. A pandemic of international scope should at least significantly change it.
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1608 gorski, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    Not true! I agreed with every single valid point, which does not stem from an "ideological drivel" (to trow back your own emotional and baseless accusation!)!

    The opposite is true, for all of you opposing the "erring on the side of caution" approach!

    Yesterday I was listening to one of the architects of the early response here in the UK and he was immediately apologetic, saying that given what we know today (that asymptomatic people were infectious and they were spreading the infection like a wildfire without us knowing it) we would have been even more forceful and we would have saved lives!

    It is YOU who are against this approach, ergo it is (all of) you (opposing such life-saving measures) who are utterly intolerant, stubbornly and arrogantly so!

    The Swedish C-19 response architect said the same thing! I reported it here! Nobody - out of all of you who are opposing the measures - said anything to take this into consideration! No one! Not a single person amongst you! Not a word! Zilch! Zero! Nada! So, it is you and people like you who are DOGMATIC and so it is you who is DOGMATICALLY REFUSING TO ACKNOWLEDGE ANY OF THAT!!! Whatever doesn't suit your ideological position - you simply ignore it completely!!! Ideological blind spot!!

    So, nope - you and people like you are INTOLERANT and IDEOLOGICALLY driven. Therefore, this stance of yours is THE ideologically driven drivel in this debate, if you want to use such terms....

    Yen, don't flatter yourself! You are not fighting for something enlightened, worthwhile and daring! You are no revolutionary! In this context you are a reactionary, aligning yourself with reactionary forces all around the world, people like Trump, Bolsonaro and alike, FFS!!! Look at Germany and see who supports such nonsense on the streets. That alone should make you re-think! But oh no....

    Alas, according to you lot, almost the whole professional world of so many scientists and doctors, they are all fools, they don't know what they are seeing on their wards, they do not understand just how many resources they must spare from cardiovascular or brain or oncology surgeries and other treatments - because of C-19 - and their pleas to all of us, to take care of each other, so there are fewer infections and less pressure on the medical services, ergo all of those pleas, they are all just "ideological drivel", are they? They are all fools, ignorant, uniformed, they can't process the elementary information before them, right?

    Jesus Marx wept! Just how ideologically blind can you get, Yen?!?

    You know what, Yen: I wish you would stick to what you know best. With that attitude - as a scientific adviser to any government - your Public Health Policy would have brought untold extra suffering and death... So, really... Do your job and let top professionals continue with theirs, to the best of their ability!

    If you are all for a Human culling, just come out and say so...

    I wish there was fewer of us but not like this, I would use education, family planning, empowering of women, quality medical services to all Humans and so on, using natural ways to limit our numbers and make peace with Mother Earth. But this, strategically speaking, is akin to eugenics. This would be eugenics under the table, as it were. Simply put, "let's get rid of the elderly, vulnerable, weak and meek" - but of course, we do it in such a way so as we preserve ourselves. Which is what Koch's network of barstewards is doing on his orders! I mentioned it here several times. Not a word against it! From any of yous! I'd call this significant!!!

    And I agreed about the vaccine euphoria! I also think we must be cautious! Which kills your argument on me being intolerant - what you meant was rigid and unwielding to arguments and facts!

    Well, guess what: this proves I am a reasonable person! Driven by Reason! I know how to think, systemically and on the level of tactics, too! I am consistent! I have been trained to do so, for many years!

    As opposed to your reasoning on these issues, which is, sadly, all over the floor, from one position to the other, wildly different from start to finish, depending on whom you see as a guru, for whatever reason! Unlike you, I have no gurus and fall for no ideological drivel, so all information has to pass the scrutiny of my well trained and well ordered Reason!

    Did you? FCOL, there is an almighty outcry here that many, many more deaths which are to be classified as "excess deaths", i.e. C-19 related, were not noted down at all and that therefore the numbers are worse, much worse! Not just here but also in the USofA and - just about any other country, except Belgium! They were the only country in the EU to have recorded ALL OF THEM initially, so their numbers were the worst - on paper! But the reality was much worse elsewhere and we simply know it! But don't let that stop you! Keep pushing.... You're on a roll...

    Errrmmm.... remind me once again: what exactly do you want us to do?!? What are you advocating, precisely? Which Public Health Policy should we adopt, according to you? Just so we are clear what it is that you advocate... You know exactly what I advocate, so please...

    What is the problem here? With all the specificities between countries, problems with tests, with not exactly uniform counting and so on - the overall numbers are quite overwhelming and don't leave anything to imagination! I.e. with all the academic problems and "impurities", reality of our overwhelmed hospitals, care homes, mortuaries, graveyards (sometimes huge makeshift graveyards, without funerals(!) etc. - all of that is biting us in the arse way too much, so beats me how some choose to ignore all that?!?!?!? I mean, one has to be really... ooohhh, I don't know.... dogmatic?!? Intolerant of facts which do not fit the dogma? Ignorant of reality? Irrational? Hidden agendas?

    Not necessarily a conspiratorial kind, just "fan-like cheering on" of a position which to their mind is getting rid of "Human garbage", simply taking the trash out? Or what is it?

    I mean, why would anyone choose to ignore such an obvious, clear and present danger to so many of us, even if we are talking about a minority, perhaps "only" one in 5 who could be adversely affected and of those a minority who would be susceptible to "long Covid" and wouldn't be able to recover for a long time, if at all?

    What happened to solidarity? Empathy? I suppose many of these right-wingers opposing these measures are Christians? What happened to their "Christian love" for thy neighbour, your fellow Man and Woman?!?

    Seriously, sometimes I despair!!!
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  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1609 Yen, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
    I have scientifically reasoned why I have criticism at PCR numbers.
    And all that for good. For focussing and tracking those who are really a danger to others and to keep resources free.

    In simple words. Only counting those who have symptoms of COVID-19 and are positive.

    Also I do not understand why you quote a professor who has obviously a completely different stance on vaccines (safety) than you.

    I want a safe vaccine. This means at least 5 years development, rather 8 years.
    And ergo we need to develop strategies to LIVE with the pandemic.
    And the major thing for that is to correct and eliminate the PCR issue.
    THIS is consistent!

    What about you? You also want a safe vaccine right?
    But no strategy to live with it until then? Lockdown after lockdown?!?

    'They' are not all! In fact 'they' are a few. The majority does simply stay in background keeping quiet and takes care not to get involved. (OK around 12000 pros have signed the barrington declaration. Yes, I know they are the bad guys who know 'nothing'.)...

    How many scientists actually have been really involved to 'advise' the govts and are responsible for current measures? And how many measures are simply 'copied' without to question the base of evidences?

    And all those inconsistencies! First masks were useless and today you get punished not wearing one!

    The history of the process to get results about the pandemic has nothing to do with proper science.

    And while the PCR numbers were low 'they' did nothing to gather more scientific data for a better understanding of the pandemic.

    Now where the PCR numbers are high again 'they' do the same. No progress, no learning.
    There is the same indolence as at other political subjects (global warming).

    And yes 'those all' are fools. Not really tackling the pandemic.
    Their strategy is waiting for a vaccine and to do nothing but staring on a counter.

    No scientific forums, no debates. No exchange of experiences. No European projects of research about 'how to live with the pandemic'.
    'They' lay back waiting for the vaccines...until then 'they' lockdown when an individual but certain 'number' has been exceeded.

    When the vaccines do not do what they are supposed to all they will feel what it means being the fool!
    And if they should 'work' it's based on 'good luck'. To be guinea pig for it isn't foolish either way?
    Long term issues will unveil years later only.

    And where is their source of 'what we know today?', please.
    300:Zero. (300 positive and asymptomatic, zero virulence) according to the nature study with almost 10 Million Chinese.
    Read yourself there...
    300:0 is significant. It actually can't go more than this to prove that it's a myth!
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Ducking and diving, Evading and evading and evading some more.... Not answering, then posing more questions...

    My conclusion: either you are clueless or you are hiding your agenda!

    That is NOT serious!
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Well actually really important is what I personally can do. (Anything related to public health politics will remain postings here).

    I allow myself to deny phase IV. I'll observe this phase. Until then I 'live' with the pandemic.

    The mass vaccination will start soon. What people should know is that they have to sign. By doing that they are participating in study phase IV (confirmatory trial). The participants will be without damage claim.

    For me the benefit / risk ratio is inaceptable. I am below 65 years and don't have any comorbidity. I am not system relevant in that way that I could be of professional medical help.
    And from my personal POV vaccination at his early stage of development is not reasoned for anybody of this group. Also not for the kids.

    No evading here. A clear opinion and statement.
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1612 gorski, Dec 2, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    You are still evading my clear questions! So, there! For me, this says a lot!

    As for vaccines; this morning I listened to a professor from Imperial College (BBC Radio 4), who went through all the info re. the new Pfizer&co. vaccine and he says that he thinks it is safe, if I got it all right, since I did not hear the interview from the very beginning (he says, minor issues only, like a rash etc. - based on many thousands of volunteers' reactions so far), since this is not an entirely new vaccine, given these were in the making for a number of years, just the specificity of C-19 is new (targeting the C-19 protein spike, getting the body's immune system into a production of defensive cells in several ways, T-cells included)... We'll see soon enough, since the UK is now the first country to have approved/legalised it and the first 20 million people (the UK bought 40 mil doses) will soon start getting it (despite the difficulties in delivering it, needing freezers, to store it an more than -70 degrees C)...

    The cynic in me says that the plan to inoculate the elderly first means they will be the guinea pigs, so if they survive we shall all get it by Summer, i.e. enjoying life to the max, as before...

    The optimist in me says "Fingers crossed"!!!
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  13. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    Their saying the first vaccines are for the elderly and health care providers the people that take care of elderly.
  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Again, if vaccinated volunteers are going to be immunized and protected why mandatory vaccine for everyone?

    Rhetorical question, of course.
  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1615 Yen, Dec 2, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    Moderna / BioNTech vaccines are the first mRNA vaccines ever.
    My first post about mRNA-1273 on 17/03

    mRNA vaccines are not entirely new yes. But only from the perspective of manufacturing / equipment with the specific blueprint for the target proteine.

    mRNA is usually unstable. The reason why there hasn't been any mRNA vaccine yet is because of the difficulty to get it into the cell before it gets decomposed by body enzymes (detected as foreign mRNA).

    The work of research was to find ways to keep it protected until it can enter the cell. And here is the first difference of different mRNA vaccines (the encapsulating).
    -lipide nanoparticles and modification of mRNA ends.

    It seems BioNTech BT162b2 did here not that good work as Moderna did with mRNA-1273. The former needs dry ice as storage conditions whereas the latter is satisfied with an ordinary fridge / freezer.
    The best in this regard is CureVac's mRNA (CVnCoV), though. But it hasn't reached Phase III yet. But it seems they only need 6µg.

    It is a genetic based agent, it interacts with the ribosomes. Scientists do exclude an ability of DNA insertion, though. (It's interacting with the ribosomes, not the nucleus).
    The second difference of different mRNA vaccines is the chosen proteine which shall be manufactured by your cells.

    The uncertainties are:
    In which amount does it enter which cells.
    How long will the mRNA be active there.
    How about auto-immune 'consideration' of such cells. For instance: What happens if CD4+ cells which already know real corona viruses detect such cells which are now producing the spike proteins?!?

    How effective is the self-manufactured protein.

    It is a completely new approach at human vaccination! And it is an artificial 'channeling in' of artificial mRNA.

    I am not worried about the short term side effects.
    The narcolepsia cases could be associated to the Pandemrix vaccination years later only.
    (Different kind of vaccine, though.)
    I am worried about autoimmune disorders...maybe myelitis.

    The elderly people have a greater benefit of vaccination, because COVID-19 is more dangerous to them.
    At the same time they are more prone to side effects due to comorbidities.
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  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    So no. Don't innoculate anything ffs.
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Coincidence ,
    Wuhan's Bio Lab is owned by Glaxo, happens to own Pfizer, which manages the finances of BlackRock, who manage the finances of the O.F.S (Soros), which have interests in the French AXA which again is a shareholder of Pfizer and is currently WHO's largest sponsor.
  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    X, relent: there is NO obligation in the UK for anyone to be vaccinated, FCOL!!!! You are not checking anything, it seems to me, even in any minimally half-hearted manner....

    "England's deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam urged patience over the rollout of the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, which begins early next week.

    But care home residents will have to wait due to logistical challenges.

    And it could take until April for all those most at-risk to receive the new vaccine, according to the head of NHS England.

    A further 648 deaths within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test were recorded in the UK on Wednesday, with another 16,170 cases reported.

    Speaking at a Downing Street news conference, Mr Johnson said the decision to approve the Pfizer jab by regulator MHRA came amid "immense logistical challenges" in getting doses to vulnerable groups.

    The vaccine needs to be stored at around -70C and comes in packs of 975 doses, which cannot yet be split into smaller batches.

    Those who receive it will need a a second dose 21 days later to receive full protection.

    "It's going to continue to be tough for some sectors - but until the vaccine is deployed our plan relies on all of us making sacrifices to protect the ones we love," Mr Johnson said.

    Meanwhile, Labour's leader Sir Keir Starmer said the vaccine roll-out would require the "best of Britain" as he called for cross-party consensus on communications about the effort.

    "If we relax too soon it will create a tidal wave of infections," he said.

    "I don't think we are going to eradicate coronavirus ever. I think it's going to be with humankind forever," he added.

    Prof Van-Tam also said that those offered the vaccine "must take it".

    "We need people to take it. This vaccine isn't going to help you if you don't take it," he said.

    NHS England chief executive Sir Simon Stevens said the vaccine would be rolled out to 50 hospital hubs in England, with the over-80s, care home staff and front-line NHS staff being the first to receive it from next week.

    Sir Simon said vulnerable people with outpatient appointments scheduled were likely to be among the very first to be offered the jab.

    The NHS is "raring to go" to vaccinate people in care homes, hopefully this month, Sir Simon said, but he admitted they would not be among the first to receive it.

    Setting out the difficulties faced in getting the vaccine into care homes, he noted that the jab can only be moved a few times, and that each pack of doses cannot be easily split.

    The 975 doses they contain would be too many for individual care homes, meaning the vaccine would be wasted, he explained.

    Both Pfizer and BioNTech have said the jab can be sent to care homes, as long as the vaccine travels for no more than six hours after it leaves cold storage and is then put in a normal fridge at 2C to 8C.

    Sir Simon said most of the at-risk population would be vaccinated between January and March or April.

    The order in which people will get the jab has been recommended by the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisations. But the final decision on who gets the coronavirus vaccine is made by the government.

    BBC medical editor Fergus Walsh said Pfizer's plan to get doses to hard-to-reach places such as individual care homes had yet to be approved by the MHRA.

    The NHS will begin contacting people about getting vaccinated, with GP practices to work together to operate local vaccination centres.

    Aside from the Pfizer vaccine, the UK has options to buy doses of six other candidate jabs. At least four of these have proceeded to phase-three trials."

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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    What sense does this make?!?

    As thousands of athletes get coronavirus tests, nurses wonder: What about us?
    Nov. 27, 2020 at 5:40 am Updated Nov. 27, 2020 at 8:01 am
    Nurses at Stormont Vail Health System position themselves in a hallway that was made into hospital room earlier this month in... (Evert Nelson / The Topeka Capital-Journal via AP) More
    Kent Babb
    The Washington Post

    On her day off not long ago, emergency room nurse Jane Sandoval sat with her husband and watched her favorite NFL team, the San Francisco 49ers. She’s off every other Sunday, and even during the coronavirus pandemic, this is something of a ritual. Jane and Carlos watch, cheer, yell — just one couple’s method of escape.

    “It makes people feel normal,” she says.

    For Sandoval, though, it has become more and more difficult to enjoy as the season — and the pandemic — wears on. Early in the season, the 49ers’ Kyle Shanahan was one of five coaches fined for violating the league’s requirement that all sideline personnel wear face coverings. Jane noticed, even as coronavirus cases surged again in California and across the United States, that Levi’s Stadium was considering admitting fans to watch games.

    But the hardest thing to ignore, Sandoval says, is that when it comes to coronavirus testing, this is a nation of haves and have-nots.

    Among the haves are professional and college athletes, in particular those who play football. From Nov. 8 to 14, the NFL administered 43,148 tests to 7,856 players, coaches and employees. Major college football programs supply dozens of tests each day, an attempt — futile as it has been — to maintain health and prevent schedule interruptions. Major League Soccer administered nearly 5,000 tests last week, and Major League Baseball conducted some 170,000 tests during its truncated season.

    Sandoval, meanwhile, is a 58-year-old front-line worker who regularly treats patients either suspected or confirmed to have been infected by the coronavirus. In eight months, she has never been tested. She says her employer, California Pacific Medical Center, refuses to provide testing for its medical staff even after possible exposure.

    Watching sports, then, no longer represents an escape from reality for Sandoval. Instead, she says, it’s a signal of what the nation prioritizes.

    “There’s an endless supply in the sports world,” she says of coronavirus tests. “You’re throwing your arms up. I like sports as much as the next person. But the disparity between who gets tested and who doesn’t, it doesn’t make any sense.”

    This month, registered nurses gathered in Los Angeles to protest the fact that UCLA’s athletic department conducted 1,248 tests in a single week while health-care workers at UCLA hospitals were denied testing. Last week National Nurses United, the country’s largest nursing union, released the results of a survey of more than 15,000 members. About two-thirds reported they had never been tested.

    Since August, when NFL training camps opened, the nation’s most popular and powerful sports league — one that generates more than $15 billion in annual revenue — has conducted roughly 645,000 coronavirus tests.

    “These athletes and teams have a stockpile of COVID testing, enough to test them at will,” says Michelle Gutierrez Vo, another registered nurse and sports fan in California. “And it’s painful to watch. It seemed like nobody else mattered or their lives are more important than ours.”

    Months into the pandemic, and with vaccines nearing distribution, testing in the United States remains something of a luxury. Testing sites are crowded, and some patients still report waiting days for results. Sandoval said nurses who suspect they’ve been exposed are expected to seek out a testing site on their own, at their expense, and take unpaid time while they wait for results — in effect choosing between their paycheck and their health and potentially that of others.

    “The current [presidential] administration did not focus on tests and instead focused on the vaccine,” says Mara Aspinall, a professor of biomedical diagnostics at Arizona State University. “We should have focused with the same kind of ‘warp speed’ on testing. Would we still have needed a vaccine? Yes, but we would’ve saved more lives in that process and given more confidence to people to go to work.”

    After a four-month shutdown amid the pandemic’s opening wave, professional sports returned in July. More than just a contest on television, it was, in a most unusual year, a symbol of comfort and routine. But as the sports calendar has advanced and dramatic adjustments have been made, it has become nearly impossible to ignore how different everything looks, sounds and feels.

    Stadiums are empty, or mostly empty, while some sports have bubbles and others just pretend their spheres are impermeable. Coaches stand on the sideline with fogged-up face shields; rosters and schedules are constantly reshuffled. On Saturday, the college football game between Clemson and Florida State was called off three hours before kickoff. Dodger Stadium, home of the World Series champions, is a massive testing site, with lines of cars snaking across the parking lot.

    Sports, in other words, aren’t a distraction from a polarized nation and its response to a global pandemic. They have become a constant reminder of them. And when some nurses turn to sports for an attempt at escape, instead it’s just one more image of who gets priority for tests and, often, who does not.
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