Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #1821 vladnil, Dec 28, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
    Corona virus -:)
    Now a more pressing problem has emerged.
    Server build 20270 fe_release.server.201124-1455
    Distributed P2P traffic exchange goes through Wireshark.
    I have no way to trace the ends of the P2P where is it going?
    But in my opinion Microsoft is introducing a new scheme for collecting information.
    If you are familiar with a word like Binary Viruses.
    In fact, part of the code is harmless, but when merged via the Internet (pulls up the missing code), a workable dll is obtained, that is, a worm, where telemetry is a kindergarten.
    Collecting traffic sniffer data for now!
    I will add:
    The system was made for Child Games.
    All server parts are napalm cut
    Updates and all features are disabled via Debotnet
    Defender removed
    Only drivers loaded
    There is nothing from the programs, a completely empty system, except for Wireshark.
    Routine test of the system, leaving it alone for 24 hours shows a drain of traffic in an unknown direction P2P
    The Leak Isn't Just Bytes? And 70 megabytes each in the first 24 hours.
    I can't prove that there is no end point of traffic drain -
    Not caught, not a thief
    Shameful wolves overlaid !!!
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  2. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1823 Yen, Dec 28, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
    Gorski related values and clearly propagated a defined outcome "If all the countries of the world were as 'successful' as Sweden, the world would have had 4,5 million people dead, instead of 1 million".

    This I considered far fetched. And your reasons why do apply.
    You should stick to the original context!

    I clearly quoted Gorski's bit with his clear outcome and declared THAT comparison as being far-fetched! and "It cannot be related to other nations with given reasons, such comparisons are automatically disqualified."
    Look, I posted on your request this post with my summary:

    And when It came to 'the Swedish way' I said it covers most of it I posted there. That's why I specified in association to Germany. And yes at other nations it is different.
    Just let's put the Swedish way aside. I clearly stick to my own summary. ;)

    The 'British way' is anything (measures) their govt did or did not. It exists very well. Is it that hard to figure what I wanted to say?

    To finally change it and do what the court has administered! Everywhere. Not only in Portugal.
    I have said it already and it also is part of the Portuguese verdict. You can clearly read there what they judged.

    It seems I have to explain the very basics of science to those who are comparing numbers of PCR tests and numbers of people who have died by or with COVID-19 within different nations AND to what they should mean!
    We have scientific laws (4 fundamental forces) and definitions.
    It's about the latter.

    What is one UNIT? For instance one meter or one kilogram?
    And what do they mean?

    -We define units by amount and meaning.
    One kilogram is a defined bunch of mass = one UNIT to that we all compare to.
    One meter is a defined bunch of length = one UNIT to that we all compare to.

    So we all speak of the same
    Amount AND meaning.

    At PCR values and fatality values nothing applies. Neither amount nor meaning!

    In other words when speaking of one PCR and another one PCR 'count' they are not the same by quantity!
    And it neither MEANS infection nor COVID-19 nor virulence. (Quality).

    The quality issue is huge. The scientific paper clearly figured. When having a Ct of 35 ONLY 3% of the positives are virulent. The Drosten PCR paper even suggests a Ct of 45!

    Do you really get what that means????

    Our 'measurement system' which we use to compare and to spot infection waves, yeah even use it to spot differences IN different nations, use it to compare fatalities, is not validated, not standardized.
    Our politics on COVID-19 is based on scientific arbitrariness.

    And the Portuguese court finally administered justice. I was so happy reading that!

    People are dumb enough wondering....oh there is a nation with very low rates. What did they differently?
    Nutrition, medication, supplements? Politics?

    NO. Their own measurement system RESULTS to lower values!
    That easy!
    That reasonable, because it is not based on standards!

    The differences of Vietnam, Thailand to Europe are mostly because of different ways in the measurement system. (far lower testing rate, lower CT value).

    They stay at home until it really gets bad. ONLY then they seek medical advice / go to hospital.
    They have symptoms of COVID-19 already and THEN they get tested and counted.

    A doctor makes the diagnosis and reports the numbers and not the PCR testing alone!
    This is proper diagnostic. No absurd mass testing of people!
    And it works this way because when being asymptomatic you CANNOT spread the virus, period!

    Nobody of them get counted there. And nobody of them spreads virus.
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  4. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    That's a fake Einstein quote. The irony of applying false equivalency and then trying to teach others sage-quotes with a fake Einstein quote is just a perfect self-own. It just goes right along with the general trend of misinformation in this thread. Meanwhile, the issue at hand has been resolved and a temp ban issued.

    "On par with the perpetrator is the one who excuses injustice, thereby perpetuating it." -- Albert Einstein

    It's a fake quote :thumbsup:

    I'm bowing out of this discussion. Unfortunately it was everything I was expecting a forum thread about corona virus to be.
  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    WTF ! :)......... it doesnt matter who said it ........... Its true ...... and it fits to the situation .

    Please can the haters stop moaning and whineing about other people and get their own lives in order . Denunciation is crap ...... and boasting about denouncing people is psycho . Grow up and stop being so vain . Its OUR world and not yours ,.

    ' sticks and stones can break your bones but names can never hurt you ' .
  6. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    Then don't be upset by my words either :D It's hard to live up to your own prescriptions not to moan and whine about words, isn't it? The reason is, in your case it is motivated by bad intention. That is your motivator, not truth. Hence, you have to passive-aggressively like points against certain people, however baseless they are. It's spite, not fairness or good will. And oh-so typical of the emotionally immature. Don't feel bad for being seen for how you currently are. You can't hide it. If you like the fake quote so much, you should understand that your posts squarely make you fall into the "weak" category, but you're probably also beyond irony. I will wink out (again). Byeeee "brothers who want peace" :good3:
  7. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Again . An ignorant , vain personal attack . Grow up . Weak is you trying to force other peiople to do what you want how you want when you want . If you cant make it in a group as part of a group sod off and play on your own .
  8. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    What part of Mr. X's words do you find to be particularly group-minded? The b*** part, or the prostitute part, or the dying of covid of my entire family part? Because this is what you're defending, right? Do you happen to have more than one account? :D It's just strange how you and Mr. X are always posting in the same threads... Again, please let everyone know what type of group-mindedness you have in mind, that excuses what happened? You admitted you approve of his "revenge" and your posts to me are full of it as well. Yet, you use the fake quote to try to teach me, while the quote actually sentences you. You have no leg to stand on. A discussion is to handle points that come up. If you can't do that, that is your deficit. So then you resort to passive-aggression and ad hominem attacks. You are seen and you don't like it. I understand. What else do you want me to say? I see you. I have acknowledged you. I find it inpolite not to respond to people. So if you true intention is to not talk to me, you shouldn't speak to me anymore. Is it that hard to let me go? Prove it.
  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    In german ---- > Sei nicht so tuntig .

    Calm down and THINK before you write . People in a group are different . Have different opinions and ways to express themselves . NOONE has the right to dictate to others what they think or say . If you dont like it dont read it . Ignore it .

    THINK about what your demanding ? = That YOU decide what other people can say and do . You as a dictator and sensor . You projecting your ' morals and ethics ' on to other people .

    Thats weak .

    DONT tell me what i think and DONT put words in my mouth . If you want to know something ASK .
  10. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    Again, so what about "b**," "prostitute", "I hope your whole family dies" did you want to defend as the essence of group-spirit again? I'll wait while you "think before you write."
  11. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    You ask my opinion ? ....... OK :) .......Theres a difference between ' thinking ' = haveing vain , childish , unintelligent thoughts ...... and thinking = analysing / trying to understand .

    I realy realy realy hope your whole family dies . Same with all the people on the planet . If they didnt it would soon be overflowing .......and why should anyone have anything against prostitutes or being called a prostitute ?

    Did X shoot you ? Are you bleeding ? .......... or have you got a wounded ego ?
  12. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Put another way ---- > IF X wants to make a fool of himself thats his right ?

    What you did was right when you copyed it and posted it . The rest is just big brother / dallas .

    And ........ I laughed my balls off when i read what X had written to you :)
  13. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    I have no problem with it. It was handled appropriately. That was my goal. As for the bottomless statements you make, you own them. I have no part in them. They show who you are. So everything is solved! Thank you for revealing yourself :good3: Excuse me while I show myself the way out of this discussion. Rest assured, my last post will not contain the words "I really really really hope everyone in your family dies."
  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Medical associations warn of injuries caused by swabs from the nasopharynx

    The Austrian medical chambers of Styria and Vienna have warned of injuries that can result from a swab from the nasopharynx. There have already been reports of skull base perforations and liquor fistulas. Perforation is the term used to describe a piercing or piercing of the tissue.
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Oh, dear...

    1) Ignoring somebody or something is either a sign of stupidity (if the ignored person/phenomenon can hurt you) or power and only powerful can afford to ignore!

    2) James O'Brien:
    "G7 country, over 126 million people & the third largest economy in the world. To date, they have suffered 3,062 Covid-19 deaths compared to our 70,405. Just one reason why the UK government & client journalists are so desperate to remove international comparisons from the debate."

    He was responding to this:

    "Japan banned non-resident foreign nationals from entering the country following the detection of a new, highly infectious variant of the coronavirus which has also been detected in Canada and Sweden. Follow our coverage here:"

    And guess what: even that was not that "good" either:

    Replying to
    "Also, compared to other East Asian nations like Taiwan, SK, and Vietnam, Japan have actually done pretty terribly, e.g. their policies encouraging people to travel around the country was rightly criticized (similar to eat out to help out in the UK)"

    They are all - what, Yen? Idiots? Should they have Swedish approach, so you would consider them "rational" and "mature"? More C-19 related deaths, more excess deaths is - what, Yen? Better? More clever than.... what?!?

    I consider you seriously emotional on this issue!!! - look at the chart, look at the table!!! - Sweden or Vietnam, hmmm....

    Covid-19: Vietnam
    1. Quicklinks: Growth - Details & Rankings
    cases so far
    are still infected
    died so far
    recovered so far
    Vietnam (last 24 hours)
    0 New Cases # worldwide
    Live-Data: Today SO FAR +10 New Cases

    Last Update: 28.12.2020
    0 New Deaths # worldwide
    Last Update: 28.12.2020
    Vietnam (3-Day-Average)
    +2 New Cases per Day #157 worldwide
    Last Update: 28.12.2020
    +0 New Deaths per Day #130 worldwide
    Last Update: 28.12.2020

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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Emma Jingle Burnells

    Being locked down as a single person is bloody awful. What makes it worse is tedious libertarians trying to shame people like me who stick to the rules because we understand our obligations to one another.
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  17. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    About 10 years ago, I stopped paying attention to all kinds of statistics, and especially now how many people got sick from the virus!
    I know how these lists of statistics are compiled - everything is written from the lantern.
    And when people say that 5000 people got sick yesterday?
    I always say you don't know what your neighbor is doing, maybe he is a maniac, but you say that statistics can be trusted?
    It is made up of the same sofa extras sitting at home.
    For a long time no one believes in numbers, this is all fake, like the invented Corona virus, which no one has seen in the eyes through a microscope:)
    Under the guise of a virus, your job is taken away and people are made homeless.
    Complete control over people.
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Don't jumble million of different issues into one! One issue at the time!

    And the main issue is - the numbers on that level can not be faked!!!

    Stop the BS "ideas" about "conspiracies" and whatnot!
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  20. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    The news is awesome. Where do they get them?
    The situation is such that in Russia the deaths in 2020 in less than five years from the flu. And they say the opposite. Who benefits from all this?
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