1. lewcass

    lewcass MDL Senior Member

    Mar 10, 2018
    Moan about mint? :g: Never tried it. Without even knowing about ubuntus problems and how it affects ubuntu based distros i selected debian. I made a good choice even though i didnt know all the facts :icecream:
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  2. Nimbus2000

    Nimbus2000 MDL Senior Member

    May 5, 2010
    I agree that the base distribution (Ubuntu) has some serious issues. I am really looking forward to the release of LMDE 3 (Linux Mint Debian edition). I have used previous versions and really liked them.
  3. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    i did upgrade from 18.3 to 19 (took tooo long.. fresh wipe faster)
    and noticed cpu fan was lower speed and pc feels more responsive.

    will try debian later on... been at least 12 yrs since i tried it last
  4. lewcass

    lewcass MDL Senior Member

    Mar 10, 2018
    Debian 4 Etch? :biggrin5:
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  5. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
    I've been a Linux Mint user for quite some time now, beginning with Linux Mint 15 Olivia, and I have to admit that Linux Mint 19 has been the most problematic release I can remember. This is one of the reasons I haven't bothered to install it yet. The other is this: Months ago, before this release was even announced, I was toying with the idea of trying either Arch or Manjaro. Maybe this is the push I needed.
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  6. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
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  7. Nimbus2000

    Nimbus2000 MDL Senior Member

    May 5, 2010
    The final version has been in testing for a week. I have been chomping at the bit :D
  8. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hi bro thanks for the heads up, very good to know :)
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  9. Hugefiang

    Hugefiang MDL Novice

    Aug 17, 2018
    Linux mint 19 is great, stable and fast for my old computer xD.. But i want some things faster, look nice'r and cleaner..

    I want a clean Black theme (that doesn't make firefox also black)..

    I've used Papirus icon Theme, but if you know something better of cleaner let me know..

    I've decreased my Boot time with 1 minute and 30 seconds now it boots completely in 45 seconds.. quit nice but i want faster xD.. any ideas are always welcome..

    I want some Commands to clean Linux mint once a month.. i hate Cleaner programs they are garbage btw..

    How can i get rid of all that Green stuff (Colors, etc) iknow Green is good for your eyes but its to much xD..

    I've used all tutorials to speed up Linux mint 19 and it works, but if you know better tweaks let me know..

    I've heard that you can let Linux mint 19 boot with the full processor power, like in Windoze.. but how?

    I have 4GB RAM, is that enough for Linux mint 19?

    What services, programs can i Safely delete or disable to increase my Boot time or speed up my OS..

    And do i still need an AV in 2018.. I only have (PPA) Papirus icon Theme installed, and all my other apps are installed from the store on the Distro.

    Do you know some nice themes, etc let me know!

    Cheers! :)
  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  11. Dude Guyman

    Dude Guyman MDL Senior Member

    Jun 20, 2017
    #634 Dude Guyman, Sep 27, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2018
    I'll take a stab at this, and it's totally just my opinion, if you really like Cinnamon or something, just disregard my comments...

    1. Cinnamon, Mate, or Xfce? If Cinnamon, switch to Xfce (or Mate). Cinnamon is clunky and sluggish by comparison.
    2. From an Xfce user (may be different on the others, I don't use them) Go to Sessions and Startup and uncheck any programs you don't want starting at boot. Like if you do not use Bluetooth, printer, Nvidia optimus, uncheck them. It would be a tiny improvement but...Linux is already about as fast as it can get, there is not much tweaking to be done like in Windows. As mentioned, an SSD is about the best thing you can do these days.
    3. Themes. Mint has always been pretty dull looking to me and most themes or icon sets will have something I like better but something else I hate. That said (if Xfce), fire up Synaptic and get xfwm4-themes package plus Numix-blue theme if it's not already in the xfwm4-themes pack (I think it only came with an ugly red version when I tried it, and assuming a windows-like blue would be preferable to green, red, etc to you). That will give you many more theme options. As for icons, I've always liked the plain old Gnome or Adwaita ones best, they don't replace Firefox, VLC, etc icons with strange looking custom ones. I like the Mint-red (selected text, not icons) over the Mint-green for the default theme, assuming something in xfwm4-themes doesn't float your boat.

    That's about all I've got. I dumped Mint (Xfce) for Xubuntu (Xfce) when Mint started adding their own Xapps and other bloat I didn't care for. Not to mention Mint is months behind on getting updated Ubuntu releases into Mint. For example Ubuntu 18.04.1 came out in July(?) and Mint (19 = 18.04) is just now posting about "Linux Mint 19.1 is estimated to be released around November/December 2018" which will be their take on 18.04.1 I would imagine.
  12. Hugefiang

    Hugefiang MDL Novice

    Aug 17, 2018
    I use Cinnamon, but i have also tried XFCE.. but i want to give XFCE again a shot to go, but i can't find much tweakings for XFCE, like Mint.. Hmm.. How long do you use XFCE already, and is it really enough stable, lightweight.. because in MInt i play some virtual games on Google chrome and it fills up my 4GB RAM quickly and turns on the swap partition which is a pain in the ass, will this happen if i use XFCE also? :/ if you know some little tweaks or things to speed up in XFCE, i will give XFCE a try :) Xubuntu is the same as Ubuntu, so XFCE will gets updated really fast every day right? if i fall in love with XFCE again, i hope they never give up XFCE.. like they did with Lubuntu :/
    Because some people may think XFCE is dead.. and need to be replaced lol..

  13. Dude Guyman

    Dude Guyman MDL Senior Member

    Jun 20, 2017
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  15. Nimbus2000

    Nimbus2000 MDL Senior Member

    May 5, 2010
    Newer version of Mint use xed for the default editor.
  16. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
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    What do you like most in Mint ? Because I personnaly can't bear it anymore