[DISCUSSION] Microsoft Office 2019

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by ratzlefatz, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. vanelle

    vanelle MDL Expert

    Sep 22, 2014
  2. Windows_Addict

    Windows_Addict MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2018
    - Download Office 2019 / Office 365 C2R image files
    - Mount the downloaded office .img file by right click on the file > Mount
    - Run the file named "YAOCTRI_Configurator.cmd" from YAOCTRI, and with it, you can easily install all possible office C2R products with many configurations from any Office 2019 / Office 365 C2R image file.
    - Activate with KMS_VL_ALL
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  3. prvnrk

    prvnrk MDL Novice

    Jun 6, 2015
    Thank you Windows_Addict for your useful reply, Problem solved :)
  4. Bladeslap

    Bladeslap MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2015
    Hi to all,

    I appreciate that it is a little while since the last posting to my previous Office 2019 VL query (https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...osoft-office-2019.75232/page-158#post-1614950) however I have recently encountered an issue which is preventing updating the Office 2019 program suite. My Office 2019 is configured to use the Beta Channel and until quite recently (I discovered the problem in December) my Office suite was receiving it's updates on demand without issue and as a result there were always updates available every time I made (infrequent) checks. Suddenly, the update process proceeds through 'Checking for Updates' and then 'Downloading Office Updates' before finally failing with the message "Something went wrong - We're sorry, we ran into a problem while downloading updates for office. Please check your network connection and try again later" whilst also reporting the Error Code: 30015-28 (2353463554).

    Solutions to this issue suggest removal and reinstallation of the Office 2019 suite of programs. However as my Office programs have deviated substantially from the default setup options and program paths along with various customisations I have added and used for many years you will appreciate that I would very much prefer this to be the last option. That said, once again I would greatly value any thoughts from the forum experts as to how I might overcome the problem especially by another alternate means.

    For example, can anyone suggest a reliable way to download the most current version (perhaps using YAOCTRU) and then to 'over install' the existing setup (for example using YAOCTRI to establish the VL version and configure it to the 'Beta Channel')

    Thank you in advance for all suggestions as to how I might restore the update function without recourse to a full removal.

    Many Thanks,

  5. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011

    C2R update process is basically in-place install , so over install might also have the same problem

    nevertheless, it will not hurt to try
    just run YAOCTRU and follow the options to select Beta channel and your lang/architecture/download method
  6. Kuroi

    Kuroi MDL Novice

    Jun 27, 2014
    hello everyone and thanks in advance for your mighty work

    i installed office 2019 using officeRTool and i was wondering if there was a way for it to "auto renewal" every time it expires

    thanks and sorry if it's been talked already but i can't find a way to "search" into the whole thread :(
  7. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
  8. Bladeslap

    Bladeslap MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2015
    Hi abbodi1406,

    Thank you for offering such a prompt response and for the guidance provided.

    As I noted in my earlier post (dating back to August) I noted that I had hitherto prepared my downloads using the ODT before subsequently configuring the install (separately) (again using the ODT) with the following parameters:

    <Add SourcePath="G:\Office2019\" OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="PerpetualVL2019" ForceUpgrade="TRUE" AllowCdnFallback="TRUE">
    <Product ID="ProPlus2019Volume">
    <Language ID="MatchOS" Fallback="en-us" />
    <Product ID="ProjectPro2019Volume">
    <Language ID="MatchOS" Fallback="en-us" />
    <Product ID="VisioPro2019Volume">
    <Language ID="MatchOS" Fallback="en-us" />
    <Product ID="ProofingTools">
    <Language ID="MatchOS" Fallback="en-us" />
    <Display AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
    <Updates Enabled="TRUE" Channel="PerpetualVL2019" />

    Please note that the above parameters take into account the limitations advised by Windows_Adict in his response which clarified your own research ("LTSC channel is a exception in this case, here we can not change the channel to non LTSC, (office will report it's on latest even if it's not, if we change it). abbodi checked the logs.....") that it was not possible to download a VL edition whilst also seeking to incorporate the parameters for the Beta Channel hence the specified Channel setting being 'PerpetualVL2019' even though subsequently it would be reverted to the 'Beta' Channel using "Office Tool Plus" until I encountered the issue where this was not possible hence the reference to YAOCTRI suggested in August.

    Accordingly, whilst I was able to verify that YAOCTRI was able to find the ODT downloaded file set and additionally that each of the options menus were active I had not in fact applied any of the available settings using this method nor had I made any attempt to configure a bespoke VL download set to 'Beta' Channel using either of the YAOCTRU.ini or YAOCTRU.cmd tools.

    I would therefore very much appreciate your guidance as to the specific file revisions necessary to apply the above ODT parameter set (which additionally includes Visio Pro & Project Pro together with Proofing Tools each set to 'fall-back' on the OS Language (in this case EN-GB) and hence the GB dictionary sets and local currency options by default) to achieve a successful YAOCRTU download for subsequent YAOCTRI installation.

    Many thanks again,

  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    I'm actually lost

    you want to install files from PerpetualVL2019 for Beta Channel? or the other way around?
  10. Bladeslap

    Bladeslap MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2015
    Hi Abbodi1406, Apologies for causing you unwarranted confusion:oops::confused:!!

    I was simply seeking to establish a configuration set up I had used on many previous occasions since the early Office 2016 days namely;

    1) install the VL Edition and then
    2) revert the update channel to 'Beta' (prior to the C2R releases this was routinely accomplished using "Office Tool Plus")

    NB. My 2 previous Office 2019 VL C2R installs had also (following some experimental registry tweaking) successfully been configured to 'Beta' channel (or in truth it's previous Insiders Dogfood naming convention) updating regularly without issue.

    For some reason most of the problems I have encountered largely appear to have arisen as a result of the changes introduced by Microsoft around the time they updated the Channel naming conventions (hence my August post responded to by Windows_Adict). It was suggested that the answer to my issue was to configure the install using YAOCTRI to set the update channel!


    As stated, not being conversant with the optimal YAOCTRU download procedure I have reverted to the latest ODT release to download an updated VL 'base' copy (16.0.10369.20032) dated 08.12.20. Then, using YAOCTRI to set the configuration (including the update channel - thought I was unable to find the Proofing Tools or Language 'Fall-Back' options) installing over my set up with the reported update problem.

    The "Something went wrong" problem appears now to be resolved but whilst the base copy remains set to the latest VL release (16.0.10369.20032 - 08.12.20) and the update channel correctly set to 'Beta', it is not picking up the current Beta update release (16.0.13704.20000 - 07.01.21 - or indeed any of the other intermediate 'Beta' releases since 08.12.20) reporting instead that "You're up to date! The latest version of Office is installed on your computer". Perhaps this suggests the update process may be getting blocked? Any thoughts on how I might force it to update to the recent Beta releases??

    Thanks again

  11. Insgrmnsk

    Insgrmnsk MDL Novice

    Jan 8, 2021
    Hey guys! I'm a newbie here. Just started working at a new company and I'm trying to install the office package on my new work laptop. I have office at home but its pirated (bad idea I know). I'm scared to do that on my work laptop so If anyone could help me and break some installation steps down I would appreciate u a lot :'D
  12. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011

    PerpetualVL2019 version range is restricted by Microsoft
    therefore, you cannot use any higher Channel range as update channel

    it's mostly marketing restrictions
    download latest Beta version (using YAOCTRU or ODT)
    then with YAOCTRI, you can install Office 2019 Volume from any channel source
    this is the only reliable way
  13. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Hi @Bladeslap,

    PerpetualVL2019 is just channel name (with underneath restrictions), it does not mean it's the only VL

    you can install Office 2019 VL (or 2016 VL) from any channel, you don't need PerpetualVL2019
    what you do is basically install Office 2019 twice

    if you want Beta channel, then simply install Office 2019 directly from Beta channel (using YAOCTRI)

    FYI, Office C2R features are controlled by the installed/active licenses
    using Ofice 2019 from Beta channel will not be very different from Monthly, Semi-Annual or PerpetualVL, and will not offer new features
  14. Knife

    Knife MDL Novice

    Feb 23, 2010
    Hey folks. First, thanks for all the great work, really.

    I think I have created a problem and I'm wondering if there is a solution short of nuking my entire Win 10 install and starting from scratch.

    I have used ratzlefatz's/abbodi's OfficeRTool to install various flavors of Office on several machines, without a hitch (again, THANKS!!!).

    On one laptop, I think I had Office Pro 2016, which, after like, 2 or 3 years, threw a "This Installation of Office is not Authorized" at me, so likely mistake No. 1: I (foolishly, I know) ran OfficeRTool just option "K" the KMS activation script, on it and it re-authorized for another few months. after that, mistake No 2.: I installed Office 2019 over that and OfficeRTool now will not authorize.

    I have used OffceScrubber and rebuilt the tokens file (per the MSoft instructions). I even booted the machine with a Linux USB stick and deleted every reverence to office that I could find, from there (without diving into the Registry, however).

    Still, Option C on OfficeRTool tells me there are like, 128 licenses that need to be converted, many of them "Office 2016" - and each time, KMS activation ultimately fails.

    Can someone tell me if there are some Registry Keys or other hidden files that I can/need to delete, to get a "clean" install of Office 2019? Or, am I stuck?

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  15. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #3317 ratzlefatz, Jan 12, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
    OfficeScrubber normally will do all needed cleaning tasks and removes all remnants of the prior Office install.
    What security-/antivirus-solution are you running?
    Did you really disable AV engine / create scan-exclusions so this won't interfere?
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  16. Knife

    Knife MDL Novice

    Feb 23, 2010
    #3319 Knife, Jan 13, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021

    Thanks for the quick reply. I am only using Win 10's built-in "Windows Security" as my security/antivirus-solution. I have disabled it on an OfficeRTool installs and that made no difference.

    Also, additional info: I ran OfficeScrubber enough that it eventually told me it could find no licenses or installs to remove and asked: do I want to run it anyway? Which I did. Still, Conversion through OfficeRTool after an ostensibly "clean" install shows 128 licenses, many for "Office 2016" that need to be converted and KMS activation through OfficeRTool fails.


    Thanks for the quick reply, as well. I will try the Office Deployment Tool. I guess just DL and run it, and then convert and authorize with OfficeRTool2020 (or KMS_VL_4ALL or YAOCTRU or other solution)?

    Again, thanks, you guys rock!
  17. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #3320 ratzlefatz, Jan 13, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
    @Knife :
    Was Office-trial pre-installed on this machine? Could be, this was a UWP/appx Office.
    Start a powershell-console with admin-rights and enter the following command:
    Get-AppxPackage -name *Office*
    What's shown in the list?
    On my system there are only 2 entries:
    Name : Microsoft.Office.OneNote
    Name : Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub

    If you have more, then we have to deal with these UWP/appx-packages.
    But we have to move to other Office-thread as this is no more a Office 2019
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