[DISCUSSION] Microsoft Office 2019

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by ratzlefatz, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. ElDavo

    ElDavo MDL Novice

    Sep 22, 2017
    Thank you ratzlefatz. Just uninstalled msi 2016 and installed 2019 and everything is working fine.

    Now another question. I would also like to update my existing 2016 install on Mac to 2019. Is it possible?
  2. be037446

    be037446 MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2010
    I've installed Office 2019 for several times now. Also used the Office Removel tool several times to be sure everything is clean.
    Office 2019 is activated, I can open Word, Excel, ..., create new files, save them and reopen them.
    But I cannot open my existing Office files. The startup screen appears briefly and then ... nothing.
    I also cannot open them if Excel or Word is already started. Then Excel or Word just crashes.

    Anyone same experience ?

  3. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    Office 2019 for Mac -> this way.
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  4. OzTechGeek

    OzTechGeek MDL Junior Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    #664 OzTechGeek, Sep 29, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2018
    Could I ask why you want to use "Office 365" instead of just "Office 2019", I have seen a few people ask about this and I may have missed something but just trying to understand why "Office 365" is wanted over "Office 2019" install.

    Also I may have it wrong but I thought I read some posts and also one from @ratzlefatz here, where it talks about the current KMS activation methods available currently do not really know how to activate "Office 365" correctly since it's a special "M$ Subscription Cloud Edition" so instead the KMS activators do a "Best Match" approach, and activates as "Office Professional Plus 2016 or Mondo"

    As for your Word & Excel only install, you could do it with OfficeRTool or ODT using one of two custom XML files:

    Option #1 - Office Professional Plus 2019 with Word and Excel only
       <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Monthly">
          <Product ID="ProPlus2019Retail">
             <Language ID="en-us" />
             <ExcludeApp ID="Access"/>
             <ExcludeApp ID="Groove"/>
             <ExcludeApp ID="Lync"/>
             <ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive"/>
             <ExcludeApp ID="OneNote"/>
             <ExcludeApp ID="Outlook"/>
             <ExcludeApp ID="PowerPoint"/>
             <ExcludeApp ID="Publisher"/>
       <Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
       <Logging Level="Standard" Path="%Temp%"/>
       <RemoveMSI All="TRUE" />
       <Updates Enabled="TRUE"/>
    Option #2 Individual Apps
       <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Monthly">
          <Product ID="Excel2019Retail">
             <Language ID="en-us" />
          <Product ID="Word2019Retail">
             <Language ID="en-us" />
       <Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
       <Logging Level="Standard" Path="%Temp%"/>
       <RemoveMSI All="TRUE" />
       <Updates Enabled="TRUE"/>
    The Differance: Option #1 would give you a single app listed under "Programs and Features" called "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019" and Option #2 would give you 2 indvidually listed apps "Microsoft Execl 2019" and "Microsoft Word 2019", apart from that I do not think there is any other differances.with the 2 install methods.

    Conversion from Reatil to Volume and KMS Activation still required with either method
  5. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #665 ratzlefatz, Sep 29, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2018
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  6. OzTechGeek

    OzTechGeek MDL Junior Member

    Aug 1, 2011
  7. toomanytimes1982

    toomanytimes1982 MDL Novice

    Sep 29, 2018
    I have installed Office 2019 ProPlus.IMG and used OfficeRTool, it worked perfectly.

    But VISIO and PROJECT dont got installed, how i can install them ? They are included in the .IMAGE File.
  8. OzTechGeek

    OzTechGeek MDL Junior Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Read Post #1, you want a XML file using ODT or OfficeRTool

    Also read:

  9. OzTechGeek

    OzTechGeek MDL Junior Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    For those of us wanting to keep the most current local copy of the C2R files for Office 2019, I wish M$ would have included some type of SVF, rsync or xdelta tool into ODT, that way you would not have to re-download the entire 2GB+ for each architecture of Office 2019 each time a new build is released, Enterprise customers must/are goning to hate that. I know I do :)

    NICK@NUMBER11 MDL Expert

    Mar 23, 2010
    All you need to do is to add the latest version to the image file and the setup installs the new version :)
  11. hen1121

    hen1121 MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2015
    I tried this but it doesnt matter where I put it, it simply dont want to install. The only way I get it work is to give it a full path

    I put the machine offline to avoid downloading a copy from the net.
    Basically, all of these attempts are failed, getting the errors of no sourcepath

    I have tried the following:
    1st try:
    C:\O19 <--ODT file, batch & xml put in this folder
    C:\O19\installmediafile <--hold the whole extracted IMG, with setup auto run and Office folder here
    The batch file run this line: setup.exe /configure config-x64.xml

    2nd try:
    C:\O19 <--ODT file & batch
    C:\O19\installmediafile <--hold xml & whole extracted IMG, with setup auto run and Office folder here
    The batch file run this line: setup.exe /configure installmediafile\config-x64.xml

    3rd try:
    C:\O19 <--ODT file & batch
    C:\O19\Office <--the Office folder extracted from IMG & xml
    The batch file run this line: setup.exe /configure Office\config-x64.xml

    4th try:
    C:\O19 <--ODT file, batch & xml
    C:\O19\Office <--Office folder extracted from IMG
    The batch file run this line: setup.exe /configure config-x64.xml

    Any clue on how to get this work? Thank you.
  12. tavrez

    tavrez MDL Addicted

    Sep 28, 2015
    Guys it's not Office 2019 if you use "Current" channel,
    Office 2019 is an specific version of Office 365 which is never going to get any new features, Current channel is for Office 365.
  13. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    Which leads to the conclusion (strongly wildcatting):
    If you want Office 2019 + new feature updates, don't use "PerpetualVL2019" channel ( = feature freezed channel )
    and better take "Current" channel instead. You still can install Office 2019 from "Current" channel without problems.
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  14. Hi, i tested those cleaner script and they are perfect. in my test i didn't even remove office from control panel first and just ran the script (reboot is required if you didn't remove office from control panel)
    but unlike msi removal script, c2r removal script is closing without press any key to continue msg and we can't read fully what it did there. please fix this.
    also if msi is not previously installed in that case, msi removal script take very less time , so it doesn't hurt if you run it anyway. so i suggest to merge all office removal in one as a one click office cleaner (msi + c2r + some more cmd) i guess that would be more nice.
  15. whenever

    whenever MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2012
    I have already downloaded the ProPlus2019Retail.img file, and made an XML file to exclude some Apps. How can I offline install from the img and xml file? Thanks.

    BTW, the #1 post doesn't mention the method for this kind of installation.
  16. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    │   Configuration.xml
    │   setup.exe
    │   SetupO365ProPlusRetail.x86.en-us.exe
        │   MRO.cab
        │   v32.cab
        │   v32_16.0.10823.20000.cab
    double-click SetupO365ProPlusRetail.x86.en-us.exe -> auto detect the path
    setup /configure configuration.xml -> auto detect path
  17. IlluminiX

    IlluminiX MDL Novice

    Dec 16, 2012
    Had the same problem as @apoorvasheth in that Office 2019 would not install on Win7 Ultimate x64 because ClickToRun says I need Windows 10.
    1. Uninstalled Windows Installer based Office 2016 x64 normal method, then ran Fix-it to remove it completely, rebooted
    2. Using Aug 26 OfficeRTool on Windows 7, downloaded x64 Monthly Channel en-US package
    3. I --> entered the number of detected Office package --> entered C to select OfficeClickToRun.exe method --> selected 5 for ProPlus2019 --> Disabled apps --> Tried both Install Now and Later options
    4. Install never starts after stopping/starting services
    5. Tried other Office options like 2016 ProPlus and those didn't start installing either --> Something messed up with x64
    6. Downloaded x86 Dogfood DevMain
    7. I --> entered the number of detected Office package --> entered C to select OfficeClickToRun.exe method --> selected 5 for ProPlus2019 --> Disabled apps --> Tried both Install Now and Later options
    8. x86 goes 1 step further than x64 but ends with the Dialog box saying I need Windows 10
    9. Installed Office 365 ProPlus without issue via the x86 Dogfood DevMain package --> converted to Volume --> Activated without issue
    So I'm not sure why my Win7 x64 computer doesn't like x64 versions of Office from OfficeRTool when I previously had Office 2016 ProPlus x64 installed.
    Secondly, I'm not sure why Office 2019 x86 also won't install using the Win7/8.1 instructions explicitly (aside from newer package versions than were used in the screenshots).

    Will stay on Office 365 x86 since it seems fine and will get regular feature updates whereas Office 2019 won't apparently.

  18. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    ODT is harcoded to not allow any channel for ProPlus2019Volume except PerpetualVL2019

    installing ProPlus2019Retail (then convert) may not unlock all features

    best solution is install ProPlus2019Volume from recent version >= 10730.20102
    then change channel manually after install
  19. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    If you followed steps, cmd windows will not be closed after OffScrubc2r.vbs :)

    those are Microsoft's scripts, not mine
    i can't modify or even know how

    or you mean a helper batch script to launch them?
  20. I guess i'm following correctly, OffScrubc2r.vbs is directly closing without user prompt but msi is working fine and ask to press enter to exit. tried many times.
    ratiborus have same scripts in his tool for force remove office option, and he launches both msi and c2r to remove office. i guess a helper script can also be made as one click office cleaner, in which you can also add those cmd which you suggested to do manually.