Discussion in 'Application Software' started by CHEF-KOCH, Dec 14, 2013.
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For Build 760. (at the moment... 24th Aug)
Symantec updated the patches for 770. They are public.
Weird that they don't have the smallest delta patch from 758, like they did for 760.
Any news about 770 in other languages than English?
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1453674 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1452320
Hello, What is the name of the executable for 14.2 MP1 ?
No Symantec links?
something changed direct links not working anymore
It was good while it lasted
I am interested by the last version in French
can someone remind me what is the latest version supporting Windows XP ?
endpoint protection 12 mp9