@Yen Maybe, but I tested that version just for a day, then I trashed it, so I can't be more specific.
I turned off SMB1 and enabled insecure connections (trading one vulnerability for another?) and still couldn't see all the shares on the network. Without SMB1: With SMB1:
If I have got the info rightly it affects only search and detect network drives... What if you'd try to map the network drives permanently (/persistent:Yes parameter) by net use command regardless if they are shown or not.... I mean network shares you wanna use are usually known (The full UNC path to the share). You'd have to refrain from searching for new shares (only). When testing take care for the right syntax. net use driveletter: \\server\share /persistent:Yes
Also enable SSDP Discovery Service and UPnP Device Host Services. Add this to registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters] "AllowInsecureGuestAuth"=dword:00000001
It's in the 17763.1 ISO. For some reason they removed it from the refresh release. If you want an ISO that has both versions, download 17763.1 to use as a base for updating and integrate the current Servicing Stack and Cumulative Update.
Well technically you CAN modify standard Enterprise into an LTSC build. But then one day you boot up your computer and that feature update f**ked your system again. LTSC is the only win10 build that remains static and is guaranteed not to do anything without your permission or input.
Thanks for the info. Good to know....(for future updates of the clients I do administrate.). To summarize this: The Microsoft support suggestion does not work since the WS-discovery protocol does not work properly and the shares are not visible anyway... lol I consider this as another major bug and unacceptable for a LTS build. (We stick to previous enterpriseS either way here at the company). When I remove something because of security (actually the old NetBIOS) and I do not provide a proper successor protocol then I have failed.... From the perspective of responsible administration to remove SMBv1, to refrain from network search function and to map the shares is the right way, though. Maybe WS-discovery gets an update....
I should get this out of my head: searching for ways to rein in all the data collection and online services via Group Policy on LTSC is very frustrating, because: Some tutorials come with scary conspiracy theories that may or may not be proven, which sort of distracts you from learning how to disable the annoying features. Some tutorials assume that you use a fully-packed version of Windows 10, and not the LTSC version. The former is the worst, because it makes me feel that I may be better off not using computers at all, instead of being confident that I can still rein in Windows 10 like a boss.
Quick question, what are you guys doing for disabling Full Screen Optimizations across all installed games/applications?