The fact that you do not know the System Application "SecHealthUI" - Security Health Services - IS Windows Defender shows just how out of the loop you are and also why your questions are incoherent. I agree, stick with the easy stuff and leave advanced scripts like mine alone. You'll just end up breaking something and then posting more verbal diarrhea.
I think he was expecting a parameter for defender removal just like for other stuff explained at the beginning of the script.
Of course he was: No one is going to make the syntax to run an automated process the length of Dante's Inferno because of a select few inept individuals.
I agree that something in the script is causing this, but Device Manager isn't "gone." The link to it from "Control Panel\System and Security\System" is missing. While right-clicking "This-PC -> Properties" is my normal way of accessing it, there are other means. It can still be accessed from the "Computer Management" snap-in (Right-click This PC, select Manage).
Some Control Panel links are just hidden not removed and for those who are used to open Device Manager through Win+X menu u can remove it's entry in the registry and the link to it will work again because it will be visible in Control Panel again. All the Control Panel links that are hidden by the script are in: Code: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\DisallowCpl
Should have figured that reply was coming; insulting intellect to make whatever point you seem to be trying to make, your name implies this. This script you are trying to push makes a crippled windows install and is a frankenstein build. No worries as I will use upfront programs developed at MDL, understand that genesis like you may have a problem breaking into the developers page here? That's it for me got you. Regards
At the risk of hijacking this thread any longer, I felt I should reply. Changing the dword value from 1 to 0 restores all of the hidden links. Keeping @ 0 and deleting subkey 16 restores only device manager to normal. Of course this only applies to current user, but applying this to my 1 admin account is enough. Can't use it from an ordinary account (which one should be using once everything is configured) anyway. Someone posted earlier that this is probably better discussed elsewhere, so I'll refrain from the "scripting/modifying" topics that seem to be taking over. I'll just say that I tend to agree, and I thank you all for the input. I'll play with this edition a bit and patiently wait for a less buggy release...
Considering most people nowadays have at least 8Gb of RAM nobody cares about optimization anymore. Hell Firefox on my phone takes up two gigabyte with a few tabs, the answer? Lets make 10Gb RAM phones!
i do.... i miss the time when the windows didnt use more than 500mb of ram and i want to make the 10 that way but no matter how hard i try it only goes up to 1gb... i work with bussiness with old pcs that only have 2 gb or 4 gb of ram.... and i want to improve the system to be a lil bit lightweight.... what happend with windows 10 lean???
I have disabled the "background apps" setting in control panel as soon as i installed the OS and the notifications are broken, no bubbles pop up and no messages are shown in the notifications pane (only indicator is the notification icon in the taskbar). Is that the problem you referred? and if so how did you fixed it? Thanks
This thread sure have derailed, it's more about LTSB 2016, home brew ISO's and scripts than LTSC 2019 itself. Too bad, I was looking forward to reading about LTSC 2019 now after release and everything but I guess I'll have to find different sources for that.
Hi, well after installing this build I am using I might notice some strange things inside the GPO settings for example I saw some quotes on the builds 1703, 1709 and even 1803 how can ?? if this build is 2016? as this N version only found in en-US as far as I know then I decided to take the "proof" on another machine that I have installed the build Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB only with a small difference is pt-BR this way I connected the two machines at the same time I opened gpedit.msc and I was comparing item by item to the end I could see that in the en-BR version I saw NO reference to newer builds even downloading the latest (ADMX files) GPO version of M$FT installing correctly and such and now will be that the LTSB version in en-US has secrets that we do not even dream ... EDIT: Oh my GOD another time post in wrong thread, correct is EnterpriseN 2016 LTSB