Hello . I'm trying to update ltsb to ltsc using the ltsc iso. When i start the setup it says that the version si not current (Windows 10 Setup 1809 build 10.0.17763.1 This version is not current. For more info, go to: KB4464619 ) . Is there a new iso out or how can i update ? (i want to keep all apps and files) tnx.
Nicely done sir, much obliged . After gathering and sorting some more info i can update the Telemetry Repo .
I remember reading a while back that Microsoft removed the ISOs because of the discovered bugs. Have they re-released LTSC yet?
1) Uh, yeah, that's why it's there and why "-eq/-neq $true" or "-eq/-neq $false" is not included in any If statements when a Boolean value is silently returned. 2) No, it should not include a wildcard like "*LTSC*" because "..LTSC 2019" is not what is returned to that variable. 3) WIM_HKCU is the Default User hive, as the NTUSER.DAT is used as a template that is copied to all other accounts created and is the only Current User of the image (until others are created).
(LONG time lurker, first post!) I'm trying to find out the same thing, but there doesn't seem to be definitive answers anywhere... At work, we got an email from our main rep saying to delete all our server 2019 media since it was buggy and a new release was "imminent" for both server 2019 and LTSC 2019. On the phone a different rep said that was true for server 2019, but LTSC was fine, there was no new versions forthcoming, go ahead and use it because the bugs would be fixed via updates. A third rep said *that* was only true for fresh installs and a new LTSC version WAS going to be released "soon". Been Googling around for the past 2 hours trying to find a straight answer and have found nothing but speculation, old news, and conflicting reports. Thanks for the confusing mess Microsoft. Morons. In the mean time I'm just going to put off my new build for a month or so and see how it all shakes out.
How did you guys activate it? ms toolkit i get <Cannot Activate because this product is incapable of KMS Activation.> kms-vl_all i get no windows volume license product detected
You need first convert retail to VL then activate with kms if you don't have VL like me in first place.
As he didn't state explicitly what he wants to activate, and the topic is about Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019, it's possibly that. The conversion from Retail to VL has to be done only for Office. Windows can be switched on-the-fly with the right key.
It works (almost) fine for me, see #1641. Bugs? There are always bugs, smaller, bigger, ones that one can live with, ones that annoying etc, new ones introduced with new updates. Do not believe all that you read...