How can I tell if someone is using the N version of windows 10? Some variable or powershell script maybe? Is it shown on winver?
e2e543ef566d657d57dba8f1b12fa20c0166845d *pt-pt_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_21h1_updated_aug_2021_x64_dvd_ae339133.iso Please
Updated the 1904x.1202.1.15 Updates Overview:
Yes (at least 19043.xxxx did), on my second system it even offered in the Release Preview channel, with a link to the insiderpchealthcheck website, from which i got this info: And this was on the same system when it got offered the first time: (for some weird reason it doesn't get the 21H2 EP offered)
Take a look at this post, i made a tool based on it (with help from @abbodi1406 ) but i never uploaded it and now a lot of time has passed, hard time to find it on my drives + I found my tool, checking it. Script (needs Nsudo files, a 18362.1 x86/x64 multi-arch install.wim (correct language and, edition)): Folder setup: Code: | FiX_Abbodi_AiO.cmd | install.wim (x86/x64 in this order) | README.txt \---Bin +---Win32 | NSudo.exe | NSudo.json | NSudoC.exe | NSudoG.exe | \---x64 NSudo.exe NSudo.json NSudoC.exe NSudoG.exe Code: @echo off REM change wording if needed.. TITLE FiX_Abbodi_AiO echo Checking for admin... reg query HKU\S-1-5-19 1>nul 2>nul && goto :gotAdmin powershell -noprofile -exec bypass -c "start cmd -ArgumentList '/c \""""%~f0""" \"' -verb runas" & exit /b :gotAdmin CD /D "%~dp0" cls echo Detecting OS architecture... echo. reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && ( set "arch=x86" ) || ( set "arch=x64" ) echo Mounting 18362.1 install.wim... echo. md "%SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount" if "%arch%"=="x86" ( dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:"install.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:"%SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount" /ReadOnly ) else ( dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:"install.wim" /Index:2 /MountDir:"%SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount" /ReadOnly ) echo. if "%arch%"=="x86" ( set "_nsudo=%~dp0bin\Win32\NSudo.exe" ) else ( set "_nsudo=%~dp0bin\x64\NSudo.exe" ) echo. echo Copying missing components... %_NSudo% -U:T -P:E -Wait cmd.exe /c robocopy %SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount\Windows\WinSxS %SystemRoot%\WinSxS /R:0 /W:0 /NFL /NDL /J /S /DCOPY:DAT /XC /XN /XO /XX /XF migration.xml pending.xml poqexec.log /XD Backup Catalogs FileMaps InstallTemp ManifestCache Temp echo. echo Import the components registry keys... echo. reg query "HKLM\COMPONENTS" >nul 2>&1 && ( net stop trustedinstaller >nul 2>&1 ® unload HKLM\COMPONENTS >nul 2>&1 ) reg load "HKLM\COMPONENTS" "%SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount\Windows\System32\Config\COMPONENTS" reg export "HKLM\COMPONENTS\CanonicalData\Deployments" "%temp%\Deployments.reg" reg export "HKLM\COMPONENTS\DerivedData\Components" "%temp%\Components.reg" reg unload "HKLM\COMPONENTS" reg load "HKLM\COMPONENTS" "%SystemRoot%\System32\Config\COMPONENTS" reg import "%temp%\Deployments.reg" reg import "%temp%\Components.reg" for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\COMPONENTS\DerivedData\VersionedIndex" ^| findstr /i "VersionedIndex"') do reg delete "%%i" /f reg unload "HKLM\COMPONENTS" del /f /q "%temp%\*.reg" echo. echo Run DISM to check and restore health (and rebuild VersionedIndex registry key)... echo. Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:"%SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount\Windows" /LimitAccess echo. echo Unmount install.wim... echo. dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:"%SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount" /Discard rd /s /q "%SystemDrive%\Fix_Mount" pause