New Updates for 1803:
Maybe it has been already answered but I can't find any info on this: Is it possible to do an "in-place upgrade" (or repair install...I don't know how it's called when you "install windows 10 over windows 10") and reset windows settings to their default values while at the same time keeping currently installed applications/documents etc?
Yes, that is a way to do it, run the setup.exe on a running windows 10. It probably won't wipe all values to default. You also can checkout the "ResetPC" option at the "settings" > "update and security" > "recovery" section.
@Enthousiast is UsoClient still work to refresh windows update? I've tried hide some updates(VGA driver and Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool) using showhide then cmd as admin but yes refreshed but windows update still showing Vga driver updates and Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
MRT can simply be avoided by a simple reg entry*, i never use usoclient, i just run WU and enjoy all it offeres (except MRT). * Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MRT] "DontOfferThroughWUAU"=dword:00000001
can you provide me setting registry from BackgroundAccessApplications? I look at regedit its empty.. windows background apps show only 1 apps.. restart still nothing changed. edit : this address Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\BackgroundAccessApplications Spoiler
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\BackgroundAccessApplications with name Migrated and value 4 Will let you disable background apps and they stay disabled. Or 'gpedit.msc' Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/App Privacy 'Let Windows Apps run In The Background' Change it to 'Enabled' then "Default For All Apps' 'Force Deny' but Game Mode won't work right unless you add an exception for it.
What last CU should have changed the delta nr to .228, 17134.228 = most current buildnr. The last update, released yesterday, was a microcode update, not a CU.
No, it just downloaded again (maybe some part) of the last CU kb4343909 which i already installed yesterday on a clean install and after checking for updates (after the intel microcode) i was up to date and just now i had again the kb4343909. It didn't required a reboot thought.
That only happens when you have enabled dotnet3FX or added a language/regional pack, to update the new added/enabled parts. And (partly) reinstalling an already installed CU won't bump the delta buildnr to another nr.