Moving AWAY from Microsoft products IS very much possible for many people.

Discussion in 'Linux' started by smallhagrid, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Very cute and funny as it describes windoze & its near clone called apple, BUT:
    Very uninspiring as well as totally misleading as concerns Linux.

    My clients & friends whom have ALL gone from windoze to Linux have zero tech skills - but 100% satisfaction in that they never need to look at windoze again.
    (And none of them ever considered apple simply because it is a very expensive religion to join into.)
  2. shewolf

    shewolf MDL Senior Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    #202 shewolf, Jul 19, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020

    fan opinion does not make statistics, real statistics is something else ==>> and confirms the message before :p


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  3. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Misleading rubbish - does not include web servers nor smartphones.

    Prior reply alluded to tech skills needed vs. 'just buying a new one' & tries to foist the OPINION that users must study large amounts of excessive skills to simply become Linux users - an outright lie.

    Shewolf, you have visited here merely to bash Linux & clearly expect others to respect you for that.

    Not happening.
  4. shewolf

    shewolf MDL Senior Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    #204 shewolf, Jul 19, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020
    No, you didn't understand.
    99% of my work and private time spent on PC is on unix, and when I say something I know very well what is behind it.
    for the average user +/- if it stays within, mail, movie, pictures, writing, print, browsing will generally have no problems with linux,
    but when one day he is attracted by curiosity! curiosity killed the cat. :p

    i love linux, the average user needs to be told the truth whether someone liked it or not. Flattery is the food of fools.
    i don't expect respect from forum users nor do i need it.

    The intelligent loves to educate himself, the stupid to educate. that's all.

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  5. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Sure, very helpful (NOT) :
    A self-declared Linux-lover has come to a thread which has been posted to ENCOURAGE others to try and/or move to Linux, but then=>

    Posts misleading, fear inspiring info about said possible move, then posts again, showing ONLY the (supposedly correct) desktop usage stats which devoutly IGNORE servers & smartphones that so much of the world now makes use of, endlessly.

    The truth is far simpler:
    Linux is ACTUALLY quite ubiquitous already - now even included in the abortion known as '10'.
  6. shewolf

    shewolf MDL Senior Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    do not mention servers because they are not managed by beginners and the average user, never suggest to anyone to log into smartphone as a root user, only if you want to hurt him.

    beginner needs to be told the truth and that is that Linux is not as easy for him as Windows and that it will take a lot of willpower of love and knowledge to deal with, the flat rate approach discourages the user very quickly.

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  7. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    1. It is quite easy, simple & harmless to get & try Linux liveboot sessions to see what it is like;
    2. Since MOST desktop PC users do not require more than 'the usual' programs/functions, that are provided in MOST popular Linux distros - they can easily & safely see if/when what they need is present;
    3. Desktop users DO NEED TO KNOW that most websites world-wide are running on Linux servers;
    4. Desktop users who also have smartphones DO NEED TO KNOW that most smartphones use Android, which is also a form of Linux;
    5. Desktop PC users running the most popular Linux distros are ALWAYS logged in as lower level users - do not need to experiment - and thus need NOT concern themselves with the deeper aspects of customizing or tweaking their chosen OS.

    You are working much too hard at bringing FEAR into this discussion - which causes this very devout Linux user (who supported windoze & Mac users for decades also...) to think that you are a shill, coming here to make trolling replies aimed at causing discontent while PRETENDING exactly the opposite.
  8. shewolf

    shewolf MDL Senior Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    #208 shewolf, Jul 19, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
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  9. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    No hate being aimed, intended or shown here by me - merely unhappiness seeing how this member makes claims which are the exact opposite of the fear-porn being posted in trolling this thread.
  10. eemuler

    eemuler MDL Senior Member

    Jul 31, 2015
    The only point I agree with is 2.
    1. Yes, except for those stuck with hardware that won't boot a live distro.
    3. Most people do know, but does it matter?
    4. Most people do know, but all they need is some kind of interface that allows them to interact with one from the other. Tethering, transferring files, etc.
    5. If the distro has everything they need preinstalled and preconfigured, yes. Otherwise, no. FEAR is realising you want something more, and that you have no clue how to get it.

    I haven't tried it yet, but I'm very keen on the Linux being offered with Windows 10. From Microsoft's point of view, I'm not sure it is a good idea. Finally, an easy way to allow users to get comfortable with a rival OS - that doesn't seem like good marketing strategy to me. It is like bundling a Linux distro with Windows 10.
  11. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Anyone (pretty much) with h/w capable of running '10' can try a live distro easily enough and/or also install one - either as a multiboot or alone.

    There are many good, very complete distros aimed right at folks with older h/w too.

    Examples from this user:
    I have an ancient 14" Toshiba NB that will no longer boot into its original OS (XP), but it runs Linux flawlessly & even does things that it could no longer do when it ran XP;
    I have another that was a 17" model & had '7', but could no longer be used when lots of its built in stuff had failed (KB, trackpad, Wifi, etc...) - so it was stripped down & will also run Linux merrily with external KB/mouse/display & wired ethernet now.

    Both are sub-standard by today's h/w demands, but both have been placed back into service & are useful once again.

    What Eemuler points to is h/w that is so very locked down by its maker (Clevo, IIRC ??) and/or OS, as he posted much earlier on this thread.

    As to some form of Linux incorporated into '10' or whatever they will call it - this was discussed here:
    And it may become quite worrisome if/when such convergence is miscomprehended by the trusting masses.
  12. Nimbus2000

    Nimbus2000 MDL Senior Member

    May 5, 2010
    Lately I have found more and more old XP class machines that refuse to install a current version of Linux, even distributions aimed at lower - low spec computers. Fortunately, I have found that systemd free distributions still work well. My latest experience involved a 10 year old nettop with 2 GB Ram and a single core Atom CPU. It is happily running Devuan without a GUI and functions as a FTP server. MX appears to work well for desktop use.

    I am not sure why this issue exists, but if you find yourself in a similar situation, try something without systemd.
  13. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Lots & lots of dispute & controversy about the systemd 'takeover', sadly - and what Nimbus2000 says lends great credence to the likelihood that it is harming the adoption of Linux by causing difficulties.
  14. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #219 vladnil, Aug 28, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
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  15. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013