1. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    I promise I will not remove firewall :)

  2. kompassorpigo

    kompassorpigo MDL Member

    Jun 22, 2016
    Windows Firewall is really inefficient and resource-hungry compared to other firewalls. Especially with larger ranges. Typical user won't notice it because a typical user won't have that many rules, but try blocking a country and watch your computer grind to a halt.
  3. kompassorpigo

    kompassorpigo MDL Member

    Jun 22, 2016
    Problem with Proton is input latency. Can't play multiplayer games competitively because you will pretty much always be at a disadvantage.
  4. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    Where do I find the menu to integrate PowerShell 7, I added the update pack to the D:\ToolKit_v11.1\Packs\PowerShell7 but cannot find the menu in the script.
  5. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Integrate Menu 2 --> then 3.
  6. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #20066 inTerActionVRI, Aug 8, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021

    Sent an 2021-08-07 New Custom Toolkit updated file attached in the link above.

    Merge made with the second version of the Toolkit official on the day 2021-08-05.

    Added a generic AutoUnattend file for builds below 18362 and maintained what I have already made available that it always worked for builds above 17763 LTSC. I recently started dealing with LTSC and found this problem with my generic AutoUnattend. Readme is the same. Make your customizations based on README.

    Improved aesthetics in the display of messages from the integration of skins, optimized a little more due to the style of the code presented in this version by @MSMG.
    Restored the implementation function of the Sun Valley Icons Skin "for the builds below 18362. It is working now.

    Fixed a signal that was exchanged, and prevented the Windows 11 "Bypass Hardware Requests Checking" to be implemented.
    Added plus a "StorageCheck" bypass tweak present in the MSMG code.

    Improved checking for n editions in the session ":IntMediaFeaturePack" with the addition of this Tweaks recommended by MSMG for non-N editions.
    :: Checking whether exists N Editions supported for Windows Media Feature Integration are selected as source.
    set /A ImageEditionCount=0
    for %%i in (!ImageIndexNo!) do (
       if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i" (
           call :GetImageEdition "%InstallWim%", %%i
           for /d %%j in (StarterN, StarterKN, HomeBasicN, HomeBasicKN, CoreN, CloudN, ProessionalN, ProfessionalKN, ProfessionalEducationN, ProfessionalEducationKN, EnterpriseN, EnterpriseKN, EnterpriseSN, EnterpriseGN, UltimateN, UltimateKN, EducationN, EducationKN) do (
               if "%ImageEdition%" equ "%%j" (
                   set /A ImageEditionCount+=1
               ) else (
                   call :MountImageRegistry "%InstallMount%\%%i"
                   reg add "HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\WindowsFeatures\WindowsMediaVersion" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
                   call :UnMountImageRegistry

    When the new Tweaks that @MSMG put to disable Windows Update were merged with the function "Custom Disable Windows Update Tweaks" that have the purpose of keeping the Download of Apps in Windows Store working, it ended up disabling this function.
    This has been fixed and I am Providing .reg files for anyone who is getting the Windows Store Download Error 0x8024500C, wants to Enable Download, and keep Windows Update partially Disabled. And another .reg to disable Everything as per MSMG settings.

    added the following .reg files
    WU_WS_ConfigPolicies (DisableWindowsStoreDownloads).reg
    WU_WS_ConfigPolicies (EnableWindowsStoreDownloads).reg

    Added the condition to Integrate Windows Media Feature Pack
    :: Checking whether exists N Editions supported for Windows Media Feature Integration are selected as source.
    If only non-N editions are selected, the following message will be displayed:
                 MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Windows Media Feature Pack
    No N Edition was found. And, Non-N Editions are not supported.
    Added Toolkit_Beta (It is the Official with the fixes i found until now).

    Use GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd to start Toolkit, Toolkit_Beta and CustomToolkit.

    Minor Fixes - New File mega.nz "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip" with updated abbodi1604 convert-UUP Script v67.

    From now on I will post the packages separately.

    Package "CustomToolkit(xx.x)202x-xx-xx[RaiyvaN].zip" referring to the CustomToolkit will be attached, and the package "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip", referring to the integration of the convert-UUP abbodi1604 Script for the Virtual Creation of Editions, will be stored and made available through mega.nz. Because due to the size of the file, it is not allowed to attach directly to the post in the forum.
    Note: To work with Virtual Create, it is not necessary to extract the file. Just save it to the Toolkit folder. The script will do the entire process. But you can extract to see what has changed. This is up to you.

  7. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
  8. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    There is no option to install PowerShell in that menu for me.

    Is it because I'm running in on a Windows 10 Enterprise 19043 install.wim?
  10. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #20070 inTerActionVRI, Aug 8, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
    The options in different letters will appear only if they are server or client.
    for Server: 2 --> 3 --> G
    [G]   Windows PowerShell 7
    for Client: 2 --> 3 --> I
    This should be your case.
    [I]  Windows PowerShell 7
    The 2 options are present.

    Tested here, it's all right.
  11. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    #20071 ingviowarr, Aug 8, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
    The only thing can stop me from Firewall removal is potential DCH Drivers (offline) installation breakage.
    If this breaks VPN (as described before), this is also not good...
    But @MSMG sometimes do unbelievable magic with components removal (splitting the Store to front/backend is a good example, or restoration of the "Start" functionality on LTSC).

    My issue is I can't do a complete test (Firewall removal + DCH Drivers installation), because my machines are from pre--DCH era.
    But time to time I need to deal with other, more modern machines, and without this knowledge I'm in trouble.

    Never experienced any issue with complete UAC disabling until last Windows builds and this odd "Setup Bug".
  12. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    It worked after I downloaded the entire package, which on Gigabyte Fibre took all day. :(
  13. kiczkabog

    kiczkabog MDL Novice

    Jun 13, 2021
    When i go to source(dvd, i have dism errors. I have got good image.
  14. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    That's interesting. I was looking for a replacement for Windows Firewall a couple of years ago, since Windows now ignores it for some functions like it does for the hosts file. I tested about a dozen firewall programs and despite Windows ignoring it's own firewall ALL of the ones I tested upload obscene amounts of telemetry data, were as much as 2GB in size, were far more resource hungry (more memory, more CPU and more processes). Some you had to spend more time configuring and training that it became counter productive to use them .

    Then there are ones that were just front ends to Windows Firewall or no longer supported. For the most part absurdly expensive (I'm in Aus and everything here is expensive). Others, you could not disable auto-updates, and most of them were loaded with advertising and nagging.

    If you know of something that is far less resource intensive than Windows Firewall, costs the same, is not full of bloat and is not a smoke screen for telemetry collection please share it with us.
  15. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    You could just download only the files "Toolkit_v11.7.7z" plus the updated "toolkit.cmd" that @MSMG puts together when making some adjustment after the launch of a new version.
  16. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Use short path and "Start.cmd".
  17. 3to4

    3to4 MDL Novice

    Feb 4, 2011
    I have been trying to use Windows 10. With your help, now I have a light version, and I am very happy!!
    Now, I would like to integrate .net Framework 3.5 in Windows 10 ltsc 2019.
    I went to the download folder for 10.0.17763, but there are two files for x64, one 69.4MB and the other 37.1MB.
    Which one should I download and integrate? Maybe both?
    Could someone kindly give me some advice? Sorry for a question from a beginner.
  18. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    If your processor's architecture is:
    x86 (32-bit) Download x86;
    x64 (64-bit) Download amd64;
    ARM64 (64-bit) Download arm64.

    I leave the 3 in the folder.