Hi quick question about the removal process. After removing all that bloat from Windows 10 or 11 does any of it get replaced after you update? Thanks
Success to you in all your endeavors! I join @Feartamixg in asking: The newest version of Toolkit v12.0 has an older ToolkitHelper (v1.0.5616.0) than was used in Toolkit v11.10 (ToolkitHelper v1.0.5724.0). I would also like to be sure that this is due to technical necessity, and is not an accidental mistake.
Update the image to the CU specified in the Changelog for Toolkit v11.10-v12.0 (19044.1387), and add this components to you RemovePkgsList (based on a template: Toolkit\Bin\Lists\ToolkitHelper_Templates\RemovePkgsList_W10_LTSC_2021.txt) for its removing: Code: TIFFIFilter OfflineFiles OpenSSH RemoteDesktopClient RDC SimpleTCPIPServices TelnetClient TFTPClient RemoteDesktopServer RemoteRegistry WorksFolderClient ProjFS StorageSpaces #21589 (mydigitallife.net)
@MSMG , Sorry for speak same issue again. In Toolkit v11.10 & 12.0 lines 1751 & 1860: Checking whether the selected Source OS is Windows 10 v1809/v1904/v19H2/v20H1/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2 Client Edition It should be: Checking whether the selected Source OS is Windows 10 v1809/v1903/v1909/v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2 Client Edition No v1904/19H2/20H1, they are v1903/1909/2004 In Toolkit v11.10 & 12.0 Code: :: Checking whether the HOST OS is Windows 7 and selected Source OS is Windows 10/11 if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w7" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w81" ( echo. echo.ToolKit cannot service Windows 10/11 Source OS on Windows 7 HOST OS... echo. echo.ToolKit requires a Windows 8.1/10 HOST OS for servicing Windows 10 Source OS... goto :Stop ) It should be: Code: :: Checking whether the HOST OS is Windows 7 and selected Source OS is Windows 10/11 if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w7" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w81" ( echo. echo.ToolKit cannot service Windows 10/11 Source OS on Windows 7 HOST OS... echo. echo.ToolKit requires a Windows 8.1/10 HOST OS for servicing Windows 10/11 Source OS... goto :Stop ) In Toolkit v11.10 & 12.0 (Update Dec 3rd) Code: if "%TargetEdition%" equ "ProfessionalCountrySpecific" ( set "Flag=ProfessionalCountrySpecific" set "Edition=ProfessionalCountrySpecific" set "Name=Windows %OSID% Pro CountrySpecific" set "Description=Windows %OSID% Pro CountrySpecific" set "DisplayName=Windows %OSID% Pro CountrySpecific" set "DisplayDescription=Windows %OSID% Pro CountrySpecific" ) it should be : Code: if "%TargetEdition%" equ "ProfessionalCountrySpecific" ( set "Flag=ProfessionalCountrySpecific" set "Edition=ProfessionalCountrySpecific" set "Name=Windows %OSID% Pro China Only" set "Description=Windows %OSID% Pro China Only" set "DisplayName=Windows %OSID% Pro China Only" set "DisplayDescription=Windows %OSID% Pro China Only" )
Hi @MSMG Firstly, sorry my bad English..!! It would be possible to change the Default Microsoft Inbox Applications menu to look like the Remove Windows Components menu, in which we can select the applications we would like to install and all the selected ones will be installed at once. Instead of one to one..??
@MSMG, I had to make other changes I put in an answer to @正义羊 friend, here. That & commercial sequence was causing problems, so I think it was better to separate the conditions in line at the moment. But so, it is certain that it will work in all versions of Windows. In the last change to correct the display for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 gave problem in the display for Windows 11, heheheh. Separated by lines it was working right. I have 2 possibilities. Now working for 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. 1st option Code: for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=[]. " %%s in ('ver 2^>nul') do (set "HostVersion=%%s.%%t" & set "HostOSVersion=%%s") if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" set "HostOSVersion=7 SP1" if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.2" set "HostOSVersion=8" if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.3" set "HostOSVersion=8.1" if "%HostBuild%" geq "21996" set "HostOSVersion=11" set "HostOSName=Windows %HostOSVersion% %HostEdition% %HostInstallationType%" or 2nd option note: 8, 8.1 and 10 should be alright just obtaining the data from registry ProductName. Code: for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=[]. " %%s in ('ver 2^>nul') do (set "HostVersion=%%s.%%t") for /f "tokens=3-4 delims= " %%p in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "ProductName" ^| find "REG_SZ"') do (set "HostOSName=%%p %%q") if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" set "HostOSName=!HostOSName! SP1" if "%HostBuild%" geq "21996" set "HostOSName=!HostOSName:10=11!" set "HostOSName=%HostOSName% %HostEdition% %HostInstallationType%" The changes made in inboxapps in Zune Music have been undone? Or should remain as presented in Toolkit 11.10?
MSMG MDL Developer > it is the First Time that Windows Defender shows it as a Virus: MSMG ToolKit v12.0
Just to inform a test: I took a test with Malwarebytes in all ToolkitHelper versions, and detected only in Toolkit 12.0 of 2021-12-03 new version that is the same as 11.10 (ToolkitHelper do dia 2021-11-26). In the Toolkit version 12.0 yesterday 2021-12-02 (Toolkithelper 2021-11-13) and other previous ones, nothing was detected. Who knows may be something newly implemented in ToolkitHelper or MSMG took some digital plague on the PC.
I was actually curious and did a test against several toolkits since 8.8, for example when scanned zip MSMG Toolkit v 8.8 on VirusTotal nothing was found. Scanning zip MSMGToolkit v 12 13/54 sites reported virus inside MSMGToolkit not sure if those are false/positives or were getting Christmas presents already ?
Ok, will check and make the changes. The new Media Player (Zune Music ) App currently can install only for Windows 11 v22H1 preview and so the code was reverted to old one.
Usually code protection added to the ToolKitHelper does triggers false positive sign with some Antivirus programs. Before traveling I just forgot to take the backup for Toolkit v11.10 and so tried to download it from mega account but due to some issue it was stuck at 99.9% and so downloaded it from user uploaded third party site and used the ToolKitHelper.exe from it for v12.0 Can you post the SHA-1 for Toolkit_v12.0.7z and ToolKitHelper.exe you have downloaded and the ToolKitHelper.exe one from Toolkit_v11.10.7z Will check with my side to see if anything wrong.
File: ToolKitHelper.exe (v1.0.5724.0, from Toolkit_v11.10.7z) = ToolKitHelper.exe (v1.0.5724.0, from Toolkit_v12.0.7z) SHA-1: ADD586D9CDD5A8E12EB6DB4422579D90C6FF29F6 File: Toolkit_v12.0.7z (with ToolKitHelper.exe v1.0.5724.0) SHA-1: 0A94E0A41124D55C7CE9A9EE986B0EA17970F118 (If I understand you correctly)
2021-12-02 Nome: Toolkit_v12.0.7z CRC-32: b2a75d95 SHA-1: fc11e1294f0518fce75c58b36216700c9b8be2e9 SHA-256: 9d3b2fd420e8109004cdb4e32b09572a4688732d94f7f5983c2d9653784c99ff SHA-512: 176bfc454f26f6d4d5800110cf3d3a31ac885ce18b573986376a3e32bebdf0973425beb8ae859d5a81e69264b1e87035c9cc7bdcc5456fbd9fbfd6bde442d218 2021-11-13 no Trojan Nome: ToolKitHelper.exe CRC-32: 4058bb7b SHA-1: f372cecfe54322fb2588958b5855a1cf9bb964b4 SHA-256: 636963535527569695d48c596b32009a7f41f267c0c899033fce5b8656955a42 SHA-512: 177f6f444ce56212938e50e1536b7f5fa5c856d83682d836d05e2c085a672e5b32dc455936cbd44c9b795c3c86936e425315673e4b11d244179b88657e7d6e1a 2021-11-26 Nome: Toolkit_v11.10.7z CRC-32: 1a61591e SHA-1: fb2caccfed2dc66ed8f08cfd3bce5167d14aee78 SHA-256: f41c7904f36ef0bf0477d45f4368557e157d4da6c1e6ba31b80bea5acb7ec3e9 SHA-512: eb18fbd0b5ee103cd0052e42119598994ebb282b4a44fd2c5c0440659138e8e1e40cccda1765d50c4a545e13ccf5f97c7b0818397c9551d11ad9a0f9788d246a 2021-12-03 Nome: Toolkit_v12.0.7z CRC-32: 38defc4a SHA-1: 0a94e0a41124d55c7ce9a9ee986b0ea17970f118 SHA-256: e61fa862cf2165f8d552d1a8d157098798061b01639ce6813ec8580bc57adc40 SHA-512: e3eb57f0762604c4d207c0c8177fd6ab3ab6f1b3cbfd00283d01355f0dd6d7840263c64d6fa451e625ca218ed73fa43b1ee48ef8c904272cd5dd037b117a85ff 2021-11-26 Trojan Detected Nome: ToolKitHelper.exe CRC-32: 034786a4 SHA-1: add586d9cdd5a8e12eb6db4422579d90c6ff29f6 SHA-256: 1dcb7fc6859006ff74f2ed44d1afafca8ba695e97a3742d588eeb94345d05c88 SHA-512: 3c8bc802d72f9c9aec6290908af107d92e618d95fe039d25338ec4eb41851d9679cf4e6108d989cb21ad376d7a836350dc4d1b3c3ca64df1349d34540aa33821