how do i disable or uninstall windows update? I believe it is importing some list in customize, can someone tell me where I put this list or can someone put a list with this option?
Knowledge? No, it was my first try in PowerShell! @inTerActionVRI My new Changes... 1: Descending Sorting [Hashtable] 2: Always save Reg Files as Unicode Code: foreach ($file in $input_values) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$content = Get-content -Path $file | Where { $_ -notmatch "^(\s+)?;|^\s*$" } [string]$output = "" [string]$tmpkey = "" foreach($line in $content) { if ($line -match "^\[.*\]$") { foreach($key in $equivalents.Keys | sort -Descending ) { if ($line.ToLower().Contains($key.ToLower())) { $tmpkey = $key.Replace("\","\\").Replace("[","\[").Replace("]","\]") $line = "`r`n" + $line -ireplace $tmpkey, $equivalents[$key] } } } $output +=$line + "`r`n" } Set-Content -Path ($targetdir + $file.Name) -Encoding "unicode" -Value $output }
Nice, in this way is very optimized way. But adding an empty line between the previous Key content and the next key doesn't happen correctly. But it should happen. I didn't find out why this happens, since it is determined that in the keys, empty lines will be added and the key with the due equivalence replaced. But I solved it by making some conditions that seem redundant, however they serve to solve other problems. Creating the variable newLine is necessary so that comparison between previous line and current line are used if changing the original value of line the code gets messy. But it is also possible to do. Of course it is necessary to set PreviousLine in the correct place. $key.Replace("\","\\").Replace("[","\[").Replace("]","\]") This statement is not needed. Only in lines with path. For optimize the equivalents hash table, you can eliminate the square brackets, then remove the lines with negative sign.
In ".\Toolkit\Bin\Lists" folder. Take a look in the templates for creating your file with the 0 byte files in root of \Lists.
That's what I want the template with the filled lists for me to edit. Lists of disablefeatures, enablefeatures, removeapplist eremovepkglist. Has anyone had it or have they seen it
Swear you're not kidding? Did you go to the folder I suggested? Have you seen the template folders? Have you seen the txt files that are in there? For the List of features template, you decide wht features you want to put in the Disable or Enable list. Put only what you want to change.
Is it a lost cause looking on the Net for language packs for Windows 11 22H2? I've also tried to capture a Windows download to no avail using the Language & region dialog page to incorporate into a clean install.wim. But multiple files are downloaded to my PC, not a single .cab or .mui file. Anyone have any luck with adding language packs?
You will find it in ISO format with several language packs. MSMG posted here a few pages ago.
Big thanks. I presume I just extract the cab files from the WinPE_OCs folder to the \LanguagePacks\w11 folder in Toolkit?
Desculpe, falta de atenção minha. Você sabe qual linha para desabilitar ou desinstalar o windows update?
hello ,everyone !whether the removed component will be restored after the system update ? or is there a way to stop them from recovering ?
Most things don't come back but the big one that annoys everyone is Defender coming back. This isn't a toolkit problem, Microsoft goes to great lengths to make sure Defender is installed and working after every update.
To integrate service pack update cumulative update do i need to extract the msu before or does the toolkit do that and install?