Performed a test last night with v8.7 on RS4 en-US (original non-updated release) with integrating updates and .NET 3.5 and removing all apps/components, and again received error 0x800736b3 on Windows Update. Note that I did follow the instructions for RS4 in Readme.txt to the letter. Could this issue be related to .NET 3.5 integration? Because @MSMG : I believe you did not integrate .NET 3.5 in your tests. Also, just before saving the sources, I disable all Windows features manually (except PowerShell, IE and .NET related features), and enable the features LegacyComponents/DirectPlay/SubSystem for Linux. Perhaps this changes something. This probably also results in the CU being offered again by WU. I will perform some more tests later this weekend.
If you want to integrate updates, first do it in the NTLite, and then again in the ToolKit. This method works 100%. I personally tested it myself many times.
I must have missed that part in the read me file of the toolkit. I saw no mention in the known issues section stating that CU integration wasn't working. I also saw no mention of having to use NTLite for it either. I did however see that the developer tested the toolkit with CU integration and everything went ok. Integration of the CU worked for me and apparently others as well.
Someone like. Someone works, but someone does not. After integrating CU, you delete some components and require the re-integration of updates. But through the Windows Update this does not work.
If that were always the case then shouldn't that be a known issue? Shouldn't it be widely reported by people using the toolkit? Wouldn't @MSMG have informed us of this issue?
You are the only one i'm seeing say such things. Would be nice to get a confirmation of the need to use NTLite to integrate updates from @MSMG. If it's a an issue that everyone knows about then it has been omitted from the known issues section of the toolkit read me which doesn't make much sense.
Removing Asimov in Microsoft Telemetry will break the installation of drivers through WU, this has mentioned in the Known Issues part inside the Readme.txt
I have done my tests with Windows 10 Pro en-GB x64 with .NET Fx35 integrated, check the below posts 1) If using ToolKit to remove all components then with/without updates with/without .NetFX35 it works. If using updates pre-integrated, then do integrate .NetFX35 before the removal of MS Telemetry, Defender, PeopleExperienceHost, SmartScreen. Note: with updates removing WMP it breaks the installation. 2) If using ToolKitHelper.exe to remove all components then you need to use a vanilla imgae with .NetFX35 pre-integrated. May be enabling/disabling the feature is what causing the issues, do enable/disable the features before the component removal and tryout.
But only when using the ISO's with pre-integrated CU's, right? As the Readme.txt known issue states: - Windows 10 Redstone 4 - Removing Windows Media Player Component from an Image with a Cumulative Update pre-integrated will break the Windows Installation I had no issues with installation after integrating latest CU and removing WMP with the non-updated ISO from April 2018.
+ Added a Feature "Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2" for Windows 7/ThinPC/Server 2008R2 But i dont have link for NetFX472_W7.7z