1. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    I've been testing 1809 on my test-pc since v9.0 came out. Apart from the wake from sleep issue that's been around since 1507, I've not experienced any problems. I just upgraded my sons PC today, and so far no issues. Removed everything except IE and Photo Viewer.

    I have a 1709 laptop that was created from v8.2, which I was going to reinstall with v8.8 as windows updates are broken and applications regularly hang. Given the lack of issues I've had with 1809 viz v9.0 MSMG, I think I will just go straight to 1809... I'll report back if I have any issues.
  2. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #9182 Windows 10 User, Dec 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2019
    Will it support Xbox.TCUI app, Codecs Intel Video, Codecs Video Compression, MPEG-2 Splitter, Sounds, Firewall, Airplane Mode and Radio Management Service, Windows Temporary Files Cache, Shell Hardware Detection, Send to Email and Desktop, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Embedded Mode, Action Center, Languages/Keyboard Layouts, Windows Mixed Reality, Support directory removal, Manuel feature repository, .NET assembly cache, .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5, Tablet PC, InputApp, User Account Control (UAC) and WinSxS\Backup removal in future versions?
  3. november00

    november00 MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2018
    Should I still stay with v8.8 for Windows 8.1?
  4. november00

    november00 MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2018
    Also if I have 8.1 ADK installed, can I change the DISM to that from the default Windows 10 version?
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    MSMG Toolkit uses a RS6/19H1 range DISM, it covers all previous windows editions.
  6. Krager

    Krager MDL Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2017
    Didn't get an answer to my question I posted for LTSC 2019 (Post #9172), but I think I have it figured out. Looking at the readme in the MSMG distribution I should first remove components then apply updates. Then I should use dism /clean-image /startcomponentcleanup and finally add dotnet 3.5. That sound right? Seems to work fine in my script, reduces the size of install.wim about 320MB. The smaller the better so I don't have to split the image down the road when the cu files get bigger.
  7. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    Mine is 3.26 GB, but I could make it smaller by converting to .esd.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. Krager

    Krager MDL Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2017
    Sounds similar, 3.19 GB after integrating about 32 MB of drivers. Only thing I'm adding other than that is dotnet 3.5.
  9. app_raiser

    app_raiser MDL Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2018
    #9189 app_raiser, Dec 29, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    eh.. LoL ^^

    you are a customer, a patient, because you deal with this... eh .. os, named windows - without need!!!

    joke!! simply everyone still relying on this batch of cood of a os is totally insane, hasn't got the right corner. so..

    what you "are in", when you disabled uac (you should - it's ms' joke steal your time for various actions ;-) is called "admin approval mode"! this means you frequently have to provide credentials. and this is everything different than easy to.. "mitigate". often you in fact have to be fast. by using prepared links, scripts and so on, but even that was already adressed by microslop, windows is watching your actions all the time, in a number of layers!

    i erased "system restore" with good results! further there are "shadow copies" windows is using against you, resilient file system 2.0, and i think "MSQM" is one of the most brutal features of windows. admin is nothing.. sorry for posting so much, but i deal with this crap every day

    i almost destroyed my latest 1809 install. as always, but hiberboot still works and i notice windows is not amused because sysrestore is absent, reason for hope!

    - - - - -

    to make this clear, you have to use the septembre image 17763.1 !!! (i am also that dumb, used a dirty image many times)

    if you do not, component cleanup & resetbase doesn't work, it ends at 20% many times and says everything is fine....

    if you use RTM image (17763.1) the process works and takes much longer to complete
  10. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    Try running Linux. You will need to type in your password every few minutes to get anything done. :(
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    May be but I'm not in a hurry to add more components as it will become more difficult for me to manage/troubleshoot.

  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011

    If you want to use W81 ADK then you need to modify the script

    :: Setting WADK tools environment path variables
    if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" set "DISM=%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\DISM81\Dism.exe"
    if "%HostVersion%" neq "6.1" set "DISM=%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\DISM10\Dism.exe"

    :: Setting WADK tools environment path variables
    if "%HostVersion%" neq "10.0" set "DISM=%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\DISM81\Dism.exe"
    if "%HostVersion%" equ "10.0" set "DISM=%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\DISM10\Dism.exe"
  13. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Do try the next version which will solve most of the current issues.

  14. jinvidia

    jinvidia MDL Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    #9194 jinvidia, Dec 29, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    OMG i was thinking that version 8.8 was removed since the archive folder has all the versions except 8.8.
    Is version 8.8 working fine with windows 8.1 ?
  15. eevee

    eevee MDL Novice

    Dec 10, 2016
    Hi I was wonder what the effects of upgrading an MSMG created ISO would have (Using Windows Update)?
    EX. Upgrading 1803 to 1809. I have heard it would just install all the bloat back and have no other side effects.
    Others have said it would completely corrupt the installation i would just like some clarification on this.
  16. Krager

    Krager MDL Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2017
    Thanks, I will. This is the number one thread for me on this forum right now. The build itself is working well, haven't tried an install with the image it generates yet, but I will today probably. Hopefully will work well. Seems to build without issue though. Script posted below for anyone who wants to check it out, fully automates the process, runs from this shortcut, nsudo.exe -U:T -P:E build.cmd;

    @echo off
    whoami >%tmp%\tempfile & set /p batchident=<%tmp%\tempfile & del %tmp%\tempfile
    if not "nt authority\system"=="%batchident%" echo. & echo ERROR: Run from shortcut to set environment & goto :end
    if not exist d:\temp\wim_offline md d:\temp\wim_offline
    if not exist d:\temp\install.wim echo. & echo ERROR: Missing d:\temp\install.wim & goto :end
    if not exist e:\sources echo. & echo ERROR: Win iso not mounted to e:\ & goto :end
    dism /mount-wim /wimfile:d:\temp\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:d:\temp\wim_offline || goto :end
    echo. & echo * Removing AAD Broker Plugin                        & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline AADBrokerPlugin
    echo. & echo * Removing Adobe Flash For Windows                  & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline AdobeFlashForWindows
    echo. & echo * Removing Assigned Access                          & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline AssignedAccess
    echo. & echo * Removing Assigned Access Lock App                 & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline AssignedAccessLockApp
    echo. & echo * Removing Bio Enrollment App                       & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline BioEnrollment
    echo. & echo * Removing Customer Experience Improvement Program  & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline CEIP_SQM
    echo. & echo * Removing Content Delivery Manager                 & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline ContentDeliveryManager
    echo. & echo * Removing Cortana                                  & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline Cortana
    echo. & echo * Removing Device Lockdown (Embedded Experience)    & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline DeviceLockdown
    echo. & echo * Removing Ease of Access Themes                    & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline EaseOfAccessThemes
    echo. & echo * Removing Edge DevTools Client                     & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline EdgeDevToolsClient
    echo. & echo * Removing First Logon Animation                    & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline FirstLogonAnimation
    echo. & echo * Removing Home Group                               & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline HomeGroup
    echo. & echo * Removing Internet Explorer                        & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline InternetExplorer
    echo. & echo * Removing Kernel Debugging                         & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline KernelDebugging
    echo. & echo * Removing Lockscreen App                           & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline LockApp
    echo. & echo * Removing Maps Control                             & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline MapsControl
    echo. & echo * Removing MultiPoint Connector                     & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline MultiPointConnector
    echo. & echo * Removing Paint                                    & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline Paint
    echo. & echo * Removing Parental Controls App                    & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline ParentalControls
    echo. & echo * Removing People Experience Host                   & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline PeopleExperienceHost
    echo. & echo * Removing Quick Assist App                         & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline QuickAssist
    echo. & echo * Removing Remote Assistance                        & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline RemoteAssistance
    echo. & echo * Removing Retail Demo Content                      & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline RetailDemoContent
    echo. & echo * Removing Setting Sync                             & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline SettingSync
    echo. & echo * Removing Skype ORTC                               & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline SkypeORTC
    echo. & echo * Removing SmartScreen App                          & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline SmartScreen
    echo. & echo * Removing Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov)        & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline UnifiedTelemetryClient
    echo. & echo * Removing Windows Defender App                     & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline WindowsDefender
    echo. & echo * Removing Windows Error Reporting                  & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline WindowsErrorReporting
    echo. & echo * Removing Windows Photo Viewer                     & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline WindowsPhotoViewer
    echo. & echo * Removing Windows PDF Reader                       & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline WindowsReaderPDF
    echo. & echo * Removing Windows To Go                            & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline WindowsToGo
    echo. & echo * Removing Windows System Assessment Tool           & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline WinSAT
    echo. & echo * Removing Windows Sybsystem For Linux              & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline WindowsSubsystemForLinux
    echo. & echo * Removing Microsoft Xbox App                       & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline XboxApp
    echo. & echo * Removing Xbox Game Callable UI                    & toolkithelper d:\temp\wim_offline XboxGameCallableUI
    dism /image:d:\temp\wim_offline /add-driver /driver:d:\home\comp\software\win10\build\drivers /recurse
    dism /image:d:\temp\wim_offline /add-package /packagepath:d:\home\comp\software\win10\updates\kb4470788_serv_stack_12-05-18_1809-x64.msu
    dism /image:d:\temp\wim_offline /add-package /packagepath:d:\home\comp\software\win10\updates\kb4471332_cumulative_12-11-18_1809-x64.msu
    dism /image:d:\temp\wim_offline /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
    dism /image:d:\temp\wim_offline /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /source:e:\sources\sxs
    echo. & echo Updating registry...
    reg load HKLM\temp D:\Temp\wim_offline\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE
    regedit /s hklm_offline.reg
    reg unload HKLM\temp
    echo done
    dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:d:\temp\wim_offline /commit
    ren d:\temp\install.wim install_src.wim
    dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:d:\temp\install_src.wim /sourceindex:1 /destinationimagefile:d:\temp\install.wim /compress:max
    del d:\temp\install_src.wim
    echo. & pause
  17. jinvidia

    jinvidia MDL Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    @MSMG - Sir, if I replace the toolkithelper.exe in the archive with the latest version in your link, will it bring any performance improvement ?.
    Is the latest version meant for all msmg versions ?
  18. ffs_

    ffs_ MDL Junior Member

    Sep 17, 2016
    It wouldn't if you serviced both images with ToolKit.
  19. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    v8.8 is left to be in the main folder to support W7-10 RS4.

    The updated ToolKitHelper.exe is for RS5 only.

  20. panthersdude2001

    panthersdude2001 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2018
    @MSMG , how do you get the DaRT iso into a tpk file? It says it cannot find the tpk file for the DaRT.