Could you please help me. How can i run a PS or Cmd file after first windows boot (first logon?) I need to install some programs so installers should be run under super admin.
Hi! Is the DX9 Package faulty again? I have built with fresh downloaded files 4 days ago and protected view is not working. I used german 1809 iso. thanx
So I'm wondering why in v9.2 Changelog.txt you can read: "Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to Support Windows 10 Redstone 5 Source OS All Languages"
You may need to run install_wimtweak.exe first but in powershell run: Code: get-windowspackage -path %MOUNT% -packagename "*Windows-Internet-Browser-Package*" | remove-windowspackage -path %MOUNT% Of course %MOUNT% is the path to your mounted install.wim.
@MSMG Can you add this tweak into the tweaks section, since you can't modify it after install to remove the reserved space please.
Of course but the question was if Toolkit properly support others languages ISO rather than en-us & en-gb only...