I just wanted to add my two cents worth. I am often in awe of the talent that is present on this forum. There are some really clever people here. What MSMG and its contributors have achieved (to me at least), is nothing short of amazing, and I'm sure we are all extremely grateful for the hard work of so many people. And the fact that MSMG Toolkit is free is even more awesome. I would gladly pay for this product! I think it's fair to say we are all crossing our fingers that the nasty Microsoft can be defeated. It's sad that they are so passionate about forcing us to use bloatware riddled with telemetry that really (IMHO), isn't necessary or justified. Keeping junk out of the OS is I think what we all want, even if we do choose our words incorrectly at times. I'm feeling somewhat lost trying to keep pace with everything that's going on here at present. A lot of it is over my knowledge level. So keeping it simple as possible I think is always a good goal to set. Seriously, thanks to all who have made this a great product. I would not be using Windows 10 at all if it were not for MSMG. At this point, Windows 7 is looking more viable (As dumb as that sounds), Linux is not going to be a viable Windows replacement, at least not in the short term, and even though Windows 7 will soon be unsupported, at least some of the telemetry can be mitigated, and bloatware removed. Keep up the great work! Thanks.
God help this lady or miss because it has common sense and sense of gratitude for all of us including it is also clear, particularly agree with the reasoning of it in relation to the direction that M $ FT is taking is clear that they are going in the direction wrong is something that only the blind can not see unfortunately only my cents
If the DISM Image Cleanup with Full ResetBase setting is enabled may someone have problems installing updates (whether he integrated updates [and on this case have trouble installing future ones] or not)? And what about other problems caused by this?
Well said Yanta! Unfortunately, as much as the great talents of MSMG are welcomed, and supremely appreciated, I fear his back is against the wall. Microsoft will stop at nothing now to force this junk on its users, and that has been perfectly clear over these last few months. They are determined (for what ever reason?) to remove all control of the OS from the user, at any cost, and will continue to ramp up efforts in doing so into the future, there can be no doubt about that. I remember when the 'installation' of the Windows OS was the difficult part, now its the removal of utter junk, telemetry etc., and keeping it that way, that's time consuming, and a major headache for most. I loathe Microsoft now, but that is where we are today, unfortunately.
@MSMG If for modification I use the LTSC image and delete all the components in it, and then integrate the cumulative update, will the deleted components be restored as well?
I agree with you just see my signature and will understand why I did a "OS downgrade" because he was also no longer be supporting setting here there arre adjusts !! and yesterday I saw if I am not mistaken in own website M $ FT Reddit or a lot of users complaining the contents of the folders do not "hit" with what's inside ?? is absurd this kind of problem has never happened so far at least 2016 0 LTSB I wanted to do an OS upgrade along the lines of 2016 LTSB of course but I think we did not take advantage of any then ... just left the beloved Windows 8.1 that despite having to download and install 184 updates it is very stable believe it is the best is the end of time for Windows ...
hi sorry but because you try install Xnview or even Fast Stone that far outweigh the almost retired Photo viewer is just a suggestion ok
This issue is legit. I've added updates and apps with v9.3.2 and all the apps downloaded from store is working fine which were crashing in the windows created with v.9.4.2.
Hi MSMG today was working with the Toolkit V 8.8 and using ISO: en_windows_embedded_ 8.1 _industry_enterprise_with_update_x64_dvd_6052160 After integrating the language pack and DirectX 9.0 C and removing what was needed so in the phase (6) apply \ (1) Cleanup Source images appeared this information (see attached image) Well I decided to proceed with the sequence and made my custom ISO no more any kind information or error in this way I ask: can I move to the pendrive do the installation without fear... Thank you for your help in advance Tiger-1