If you have not removed IE, then you can use a Custom Start Menu layout with a shortcut to IE in Taskbar.
WHD pack refers to Windows Hotfix Downloader repository, you can get more info here Nowadays the Microsoft DISM tool doesn't follow proper order to while integrating updates from a folder, so it's better you use the option WHD Update Pack integration and copy the required updates to the corresponding folders specified in the readme.txt, Use the WHD Tool to get the required updates. It's user's choice to integrates updates to boot and recovery images.
Both in v1809, v1903 or v1909 removing Cortana will break the Start Menu or Settings Search box but the Windows Explorer Search box will work, In v2004/v2009 everything works when Cortana is removed. The only option for v1809, v1903 or v1909 is to not remove the Cortana but to disable it.
I told you about this earlier. This is due to the fact that SmartScreen scans downloaded files in Internet Explorer and a message appears at the bottom of the screen!
MSMG Little bug report: Removing method ToolKitHelper_Template 1. Onedrive didn't removed 2. Cortana button on taskbar (nitpicking) Please add search removing option, the one on taskbar, or I can uninstall it from control panel? And as always, thank you for work, you're awesome dude, stay healthy in this dark times.
From what I've found in testing, disabling it doesn't disable it. Cortana and the SearchUI.exe still run and hammers the system, even with indexing turned off too. Once you kill Searchui.exe, rename it and it's systemapp folder, haven't you then just got to the same broken place? The other option it seems is to use openshell, which provides it's own search box. Does that rely on Windows search? I have Cortana removed on my PC and when I use the Openshell search it seems to work fine, and is quite fast. Or use Everything or Ransack - two other search programs. Anyway, it doesn't matter He says the sky would fall if he doesn't have Cortana as he "occasionally" speaks to it??
Just to confirm, I'm on 1809 (LTSC) and using OpenShell + Everything is a winning combination. Couldn't be happier with the speed.
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-793#post-1606110 Sent an 2020-07-25 updated file in the post above. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-25 There was an error with an extra quote in the Edge removal lines, for some Custom Removal to make Specific Editions. First I thought about correcting it just by removing the extra quote. But I changed my mind and simply put it to remove the Edge directly on the command line to remove multiple components at once. I decided to make some changes mainly in the "Gamer Edition" (more components removed that can be added through the Windows Store), so I made changes in the other "Custom Editions" as well. But not in the "Accessibility Edition". I put some pauses in the custom integration steps "Integrate Custom Selection 8 7 6 5" so that you can see what happens. Fixed a registry error in my custom tweaks and added suggestions for use in the Windows Store, automatic installations in silent mode disabled. Autodownload - Update for installed apps enabled Thnks! Edit: 2020-07-31: Merged with new Toolkit 10.2
Overall, I have two questions: 1. Is there currently an option in version 10.1 to remove Edge Chromium from build 19042? If so, please answer where or how to do it. 2. Overall, this may be a stupid question. But I will ask. To the author. Is there an option to create a package for integrating Google Chrome into the system. Or maybe a hint on how to do it for yourself. I do a lot of modifications but unfortunately the main browser is always Google Chrome.
I agree. But can you speak to your computer? Personally I find it really creepy when people speak to their computers Reminds of Start Trek IV - The journey home - when Scotty talks to the mouse. "Hello Computer?"
Yes I noticed something similar. I know userbenchmark is not a particularly reliable site, but for the sake of the exercise I did two tests. One with his Windows 1903 installation which scored 83/98/82, 70th percentile. Then I put my Windows 1809 on the same PC and did the same test and scored 89/145/131, 80th Percentile. All non-essential tasks/processes were killed, so for the most part the only difference in the PCs was Cortana. Probably was something else hidden away in his system I didn't see and I couldn't get his PC below 2% constant CPU usage, whereas mine was 0% Now this is not particularly scientific but it should have been enough to show him how PC performance can be affected by system processes.
It seems to be a good difference to be only because of Cortana but I don't doubt it is. Anyway I try not to depend on Windows Apps as much as possible. The "infrastructure" for maintaining the UWP ecosystem is resource intensive. There are several services active in backgrounds with the sole purpose of providing resources for Windows Apps to use IF and WHEN they need it. I disable or remove all that are possible.
Good morning to all. I have a question about MSMG Toolkit. I have removed 4 editions keeping only 2. Can I directly apply, save and create ISO, or must I first select Index, cleanup Source Images befor saving and creating ISO?