MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
  2. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    But then there is no need to place conditions.

    Simply place the Edge Chromium to be displayed in the menu.

    If it is present, in a way that the toolkithelper current version recognizes it will be removed. otherwise, only that message will appear:

    "This component has already been removed."

    Today I had time to get involved in the Custom Toolkit, and I decided to merge with the last cmd that you posted on the 22nd.

    I'll take advantage and leave this option active, as well as some Custom typos have been fixed and the optimization has been implemented.
  3. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #18943 inTerActionVRI, Mar 31, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021

    Sent an 2021-03-31 updated file in the link above.

    Merged with Toolkit.cmd 11.4 2021-03-21 included in MEGA on 2021-03-22.

    Fixed Custom Toolkit typos:
    in the :StartIntegration session that was skipping Integrate Custom Features;
    in Select EdgeChromium to remove, for ImageBuild Greater than 19041.

    EdgeChromium display conditions, removed. It is now displayed in the Menu for any Build.

    If the Edge Chromuim is not present or the removal method has to be updated, at most that familiar message will appear:
    "This component has already been removed."

    Optimization of boot.wim and WinRE.wim has been implemented, regardless of whether they are mounted or not, whenever we save our work they will be optimized.

    Improved :WIMExport session code.
      [1] Just Create a New [Install.wim]
      [2] Create a New [Install.wim] and replace the previous one.
      [3] Add selected Image Indexes to the same [Install.wim]
          Note: The chosen ones will be added after the already exists Image Indexes
    Enter your choice :
    Before I didn't have the option to replace it, I needed it today, then I put it there.

    Merged with Toolkit 11.3 and 11.4.

    *Some Custom Toolkit Tweaks and Remove Menu minor fixes and code improvement.

    Returned to the Toolkit standard aspect Ratio.
    In this way, all the menus that require more space to show the menus on the screen, have been divided into more screens.
    just press B to Back and N to Next. This, just to avoid the use of scrolling with each choice made in the menu, which you are working on.

    Get ImageBuild from updated Image system, implemented to correct the error in the automated making ISO label and file name.

    All the environment and path variables for the packs were concentrated in some sessions, at the beginning of the custom toolkit. This way it is easier to reset the variables at each integration performed. Also so that the multiple choice system facilitates the multiple integration of features sequentially.
    Multiple choice has been implemented within the integrate menu, for all features that are submenus.
    In other words, if it is a sub menu, a negative sign will appear as a default. If it is to integrate this signal it will become positive. To apply the integration you must go back to the "Integrate Menu" and choose "Start Integration".
    In the options without signaling, integration will occur as soon as you select.

    These are the submenus mentioned:
    IntLanguagePacksMenu (tested)
    IntDaRTMenu (tested)
    IntGamesMenu (tested)
    IntCustomFeaturesMenu (tested)

    Note: As I said earlier in the post below,
    these changes were made in order to implement the multiple choice system in the menus but there may be variables that do not get the values set and end up breaking something. We always think that we thought of all the possibilities until we found something new to be corrected or improved. As I said before, I can't test everything here for lack of storage space.
    Then, for final images of daily use, make integrations with the Official Toolkit. Removal, Customizations, Tweaks, can be done with Custom, if you want.
    So, it is necessary that this part be tested by volunteers. I am grateful for the feedbacks.


    Edit: I forgot to mention changes in the session: WIMExport. Added in today's changelog.
  4. Fen-X

    Fen-X MDL Novice

    Aug 31, 2019
  5. Fen-X

    Fen-X MDL Novice

    Aug 31, 2019
  6. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I also thought like you.
    Currently, I do not exchange UUP Dump for anything.

    The Script downloads only the updates that are needed.

    If CU already has an update, it does not download duplicate.

    Whenever I download a new version, I go inside the UUPs folder and delete all the files "windows10.0-kb * .cab" the rest are only windows system base files, there is no need to download again. If there is such a need, the script checks the hashes and deletes and downloads the new version. It is much more practical.
  7. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    Wait... what?

    People on 1809 LTSC will get Edge Chromium installed when installing a CU?

    From which CU did this start?
    Is every CU going to add it back?
  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Only the condition to check the CU is not required as right now Edge Chromium is not included with 1809 CU yet, it may ne included in patch Tuesday update as there's a pattern with CU which I have seen that the fixes added to CU for latest Windows 10 version will be added to older version in next release.

  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    No for 1809 it's not included yet, need to wait for next CU to see if get's included or not, right now for v1903/19H2, 2004/20H2/21H1 it's been included.

  10. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    Well, if they've gone back to 1903 and stop there, great, but I can't imagine they'd miss any opportunity to force their garbage on more users.

    I will have to find a way to manually remove it because I don't want to be rebuilding images every month.

    This is exactly why I stay 2 CUs behind.
  11. Fen-X

    Fen-X MDL Novice

    Aug 31, 2019
    #18953 Fen-X, Apr 1, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    Much more pratical. You are genius. Definitely, in the future, i will use your method.

    Thank for that. It will facilitate my life now.
  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Why not asking in the appropriate and dedicated MSMG ToolKit thread?

    ps, it removes the non selected indexes.
  13. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #18956 inTerActionVRI, Apr 1, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2021

    Sent an 2021-04-01 updated file in the link above.

    Today I needed an iso with ei.cfg and realized that in the ISOs that I prepared yesterday the file is missing.
    Added the scheme to copy generic "ei.cfg" file for multiple indexes or write ei.cfg for only image with only one index, when saving changes.
    If you want to install another edition on a notebook with Product Key in the BIOS, this file is required. Otherwise, a multi edition ISO will only present the option related to the Product Key of that BIOS.

    Also added an option to create a file with a list of the choices you made. It is easier than copying the list that appears on the screen.
                     MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Menu
      [1]   Custom PreSets for Removing Windows Components
      [2]   Personal PreSets for Removing Windows Components
      [3]   Dependencies correction Filter
      [4]   Select Windows Components
      [5]   (-)Create a File List <C:\ToolKit\Bin\Lists\Personal> with the Choices
      [6]   Start Removing Windows Components
      [R]   ReSet All your Choices
      [X]   Go Back
    Enter Your Choice : 5
                     MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Menu
      [1]   Custom PreSets for Removing Windows Components
      [2]   Personal PreSets for Removing Windows Components
      [3]   Dependencies correction Filter
      [4]   Select Windows Components
      [5]   (+)Create a File List <C:\ToolKit\Bin\Lists\Personal> with the Choices
            Note: List name - "RemovePkgsList_[20210401_174744].txt"
      [6]   Start Removing Windows Components
      [R]   ReSet All your Choices
      [X]   Go Back
    Enter Your Choice :

    Merged with Toolkit.cmd 11.4 2021-03-21 included in MEGA on 2021-03-22.

    Fixed Custom Toolkit typos:
    in the :StartIntegration session that was skipping Integrate Custom Features;
    in Select EdgeChromium to remove, for ImageBuild Greater than 19041.

    EdgeChromium display conditions, removed. It is now displayed in the Menu for any Build.

    If the Edge Chromuim is not present or the removal method has to be updated, at most that familiar message will appear:
    "This component has already been removed."

    Optimization of boot.wim and WinRE.wim has been implemented, regardless of whether they are mounted or not, whenever we save our work they will be optimized.

    Improved :WIMExport session code.
      [1] Just Create a New [Install.wim]
      [2] Create a New [Install.wim] and replace the previous one.
      [3] Add selected Image Indexes to the same [Install.wim]
          Note: The chosen ones will be added after the already exists Image Indexes
    Enter your choice :
    Before I didn't have the option to replace it, I needed it today, then I put it there.

    Merged with Toolkit 11.3 and 11.4.

    *Some Custom Toolkit Tweaks and Remove Menu minor fixes and code improvement.

    Returned to the Toolkit standard aspect Ratio.
    In this way, all the menus that require more space to show the menus on the screen, have been divided into more screens.
    just press B to Back and N to Next. This, just to avoid the use of scrolling with each choice made in the menu, which you are working on.

    Get ImageBuild from updated Image system, implemented to correct the error in the automated making ISO label and file name.

    All the environment and path variables for the packs were concentrated in some sessions, at the beginning of the custom toolkit. This way it is easier to reset the variables at each integration performed. Also so that the multiple choice system facilitates the multiple integration of features sequentially.
    Multiple choice has been implemented within the integrate menu, for all features that are submenus.
    In other words, if it is a sub menu, a negative sign will appear as a default. If it is to integrate this signal it will become positive. To apply the integration you must go back to the "Integrate Menu" and choose "Start Integration".
    In the options without signaling, integration will occur as soon as you select.

    These are the submenus mentioned:
    IntLanguagePacksMenu (tested)
    IntDaRTMenu (tested)
    IntGamesMenu (tested)
    IntCustomFeaturesMenu (tested)

    Note: As I said earlier in the post below,
    these changes were made in order to implement the multiple choice system in the menus but there may be variables that do not get the values set and end up breaking something. We always think that we thought of all the possibilities until we found something new to be corrected or improved. As I said before, I can't test everything here for lack of storage space.
    Then, for final images of daily use, make integrations with the Official Toolkit. Removal, Customizations, Tweaks, can be done with Custom, if you want.
    So, it is necessary that this part be tested by volunteers. I am grateful for the feedbacks.

  14. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    Looking for an offline method, an offline method that is better than this one:
    Powershell -Command "Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\mount\Windows\SystemApps' | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select SystemApps to Remove' | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$False"
    Reg Load HKLM\S C:\mount\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE
    Powershell -Command "Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\S\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Config'            | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Config to Remove'            | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$False"
    Powershell -Command "Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\S\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\InboxApplications' | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select InboxApplications to Remove' | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$False"
    Reg Unload HKLM\S
    Because this command
    sfc /scannow /offbootdir=C:\mount /offwindir=C:\mount\windows
    returns removed item to C:\mount\Windows\SystemApps.
  15. Fen-X

    Fen-X MDL Novice

    Aug 31, 2019
    I m sorry but i don t know any offline method.

    The only way i know and i use is an online method (live os).

    If you re interested in, let me know and this week end, i will make a video tutorial for you on how to use pstool etc... to remove the non removable component.
    If you don t care and prefer an offline method, i can suggest you to wait the Msmg master work as he said he will include your missing components to the toolkit tool in the next releases.

    Let me know.

    Have a good night
  16. Demoxing

    Demoxing MDL Novice

    Feb 11, 2019
    "do you want to trim unselected image editions" - I selected yes here, is it fine? or did I make a mistake?
    what does that option mean?

    Attached Files:

  17. evildjkay

    evildjkay MDL Novice

    Sep 8, 2018
    for example,
    your image have home and pro edition, then you mount the pro edition.
    if you selected yes, the home edition will be removed.

    sorry for my bad English, hope this can help you.