~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dolby Digital Decoder (AC3) for LTSC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Restore "Dolby Digital Decoder" (AC3 sound) support for LTSC (1809) 17763 [x64/x86] dll-files are from Enterprise (1909) Spoiler: How to Example for Live OS: 1) Copy files to the correspondent locations: Code: %SystemRoot%\System32\DolbyDecMFT.dll %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\DolbyDecMFT.dll 2) Register *.dll files in the OS: Code: %SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe /s %SystemRoot%\System32\DolbyDecMFT.dll %SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe /s %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\DolbyDecMFT.dll /s - silent mode Check location: Code: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{177C0AFE-900B-48D4-9E4C-57ADD250B3D4}\InprocServer32] (Default) = C:\Windows\System32\DolbyDecMFT.dll (REG_SZ) It would be nice to have this available for integration / already integrated for LTSC via MSMG Toolkit. (Thanks goes to AutoSettingsPS and westlife that already propose such impovement) Attachment Note: You need both files. Two 7z uploaded due to MDL Forum file size limitation.
MSMG, How do I make "my own build of Win 10 LTSC" on the latest version, what do I need to remove (list of components) to do this? And will it work compatible with the programs with the rest?
Does anyone have all the AppX Provisioned packages from Builds 14393 to 19041 that can pass? thanks in advance !
Good evening @MSMG, I would like to build windows 10 OS lite, but after extracting my ISO files using 7zip into DVD folder in toolkit and clicking start.cmd, the SELECT SOURCE FROM DVD FOLDER is not detecting my extracted ISO inside DVD folder. How can I make it work please And what are the things to put into consideration when building lite windows OS for Video Editing and Graphics System because I'll be using Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effect, Adobe Premiere Pro, Da Vinci Resolve etc.
I used a short toolkit path and no special character but still experiencing the same issue. I used the root folder of C:/Toolkit but it doesn't work. I also used desktop path, still the same.
Hello dear MSMG! Can you help me with a code to disable and uninstall OneDrive? Thank you. For mountded install.wim
Code: Edge OneDrive SecureAssessmentBrowser 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather Calculator Camera CommunicationsApps Cortana DesktopAppInstaller FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted HEIFImageExtension Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ScreenSketch SkypeApp SolitaireCollection SoundRecorder StickyNotes VP9VideoExtensions WalletService WebMediaExtensions WebpImageExtensions WindowsStore XboxApp XboxIdentityProvider YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo SecurityCenter SmartScreen WindowsDefender XboxGameCallableUI I don't know if this RemovePkgsList is correct or not for the latest version, so I asked for the full list (updated)! Why don't you create a menu item to make an LTSC version, I know for a fact that few people are happy with Win 10 as it is released or not at all, the latter being more likely?
I've just read the post at MS that @ingviowarr mentioned above. I didn't know about this method but after reading the article, I think it's a great idea to include this in the toolkit. This way, even if you have a single user account, many tweaks can be readily applied. Cheers.
setupcomplete.cmd Spoiler: setupcomplete.cmd @echo[/USER] off Set xOS=x64 If "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" If Not Defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 Set xOS=x86 if exist "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\Java\jre-8u291-windows-i586.exe" /s ( ) else ( "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\Java\jre-8u291-windows-x64.exe" /s ) "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\Silverlight_x64.exe" /q "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\W10DigitalActivation.exe" /activate call "%WinDir%\Setup\Files\HKCU.reg" rd /q /s "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files" del /q /f "%0" Exit
A question for those that use the "block windows update" tweak in the toolkit: Do you experience that after a while Windows update turns itself on? For now I have installed a third party app called "wub" to block it, but I'd rather do it by means of the toolkit, permanently if possible. Cheers.
@zero cool root • Via "setupcomplete.cmd" - Example: Code: reg load HKLM\_TEMP_ %Systemdrive%\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT :: You should adopt a root key path for "hkcu.reg" to the "HKLM\_TEMP_" prefix : reg import %WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\hkcu.reg :: Original line: reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Settings\FindMyDevice" /v "LocationSyncEnabled" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul 2>&1 :: Modified line: reg add "HKLM\_TEMP_\Software\Microsoft\Settings\FindMyDevice" /v "LocationSyncEnabled" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul 2>&1 reg unload HKLM\_TEMP_ where: HKLM\_TEMP_ = HKCU (in the future) • Via AutoSettingsPS (same set of tweaks I posted before) This method means you need to get patched NTUSER.DAT first on your present Live OS and then manually replace it in your ISO. AutoSettingsPS (ASPS) proceeds with patching NTUSER.DAT when CloudExperienceHost tweak is applied. Turn this option ON in the "Presets_EN.txt" (placed in the root AutoSettingsPS folder) ASPS will search and patch NTUSER.DAT file in your Live OS folder: C:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT So if you have "ready to go" ISO done by MSMG Toolkit as usual, you can: - Backup your present system NTUSER.DAT from C:\Users\Default\ - Grab NTUSER.DAT from ISO you want install (already modified via MSMG Toolkit) - Temporary put it into C:\Users\Default\ for patching via ASPS - Apply ASPS tweak for CloudExperienceHost (with NTUSER.DAT patch included) - Got it! Copy somewhere patched NTUSER.DAT from C:\Users\Default\ - Put patched NTUSER.DAT into your ISO - Restore back your original system NTUSER.DAT from the backup @ ALL - IMPORTANT! Fixed a typo in the last tweak I posted before for CloudExperienceHost The name of the parameter should be "LocationSyncEnabled" Sorry for inconvenience!