You can get them from AppVeyor CI. But I don't add new features now. I am trying my best to discover Windows binaries for developing better.
Just learn basic syntax... made a one line command to start/stop windefender from context menu. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\WindowsDefenderToggle] "Icon"="%ProgramFiles%\\Windows Defender\\EppManifest.dll,4" "MUIVerb"="Toggle Windows Defender On or Off" "Position"="Bottom" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\WindowsDefenderToggle\Command] @="\"C:\\Path\\To\\Nsudo\\NSudoG.exe\" -U:P -ShowWindowMode:Hide cmd /c \"sc query WinDefend | find \"STATE\" | find \"STOPPED\" && (\"C:\\Path\\To\\Nsudo\\NSudoG.exe\" -U:T -ShowWindowMode:Hide sc start WinDefend & exit/b) || (\"C:\\Path\\To\\Nsudo\\NSudoG.exe\" -U:T -ShowWindowMode:Hide sc stop WinDefend)\""
I am focus on my study because I want to be a computer science postgraduate. I am preparing for the entrance exam now. It's a hard way for me. This is why the NSudo won't publish 7.x branch, because of that. I will in unactive status until the next summer. But my GitHub is still updating because my diary is a GitHub private repository. So the next major update of NSudo will be 8.x, and NSudo will follow the Semantic Versioning. Thanks for every NSudo user, and I hope most, or even every NSudo user can understand me about that. Mouri_Naruto
NSudo is so wonderful, but soon it may get black-listed by many anti-viral programs after I used it at work to disable every protective service, driver, and go around the company's VPN to make my PC run better .
NSudo 7.x will be skipped. Next version of NSudo will be 8.0.0, follow the Semantic Versioning because it's simple. Current stage is NSudo 8.0.0-alpha1, you can get binaries from AppVeyor CI. (Official Website -> Downloads -> AppVeyor CI) I won't publish this version now until all adjustments are completed. And this version may be the last version in 2019, because I am busy but I don't want you to wait a long time. Kenji Mouri
Any chance of a C# wrappers for NSudo SDK? Actually I have compiled the latest NSudo binaries for including with Toolkit, once again Thanking Mouri_Naruto for this wonderful tool.
Thank you for your suggestion. I may provide you both .Net and COM wrapper in NSudo 8.x. Is it necessary for NSudo to keep single executable file style? What do you think about that? Kenji Mouri