Optimize-Offline Guide - Windows Debloating Tool, Windows 1803, 1903, 19H2, 1909, 20H1 and LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by KedarWolf, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    #2101 strotee, Nov 27, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2022
    Running Module : Optimize-Offline
    Optimize Start : 11/26/2022 06:51:52 PM
    Identity Name : strotee
    Computer Name : DESKTOP-OLU3K2R

    2022-11-26T18:51:52 [INFO]: Supported Image Build: [19041]
    2022-11-26T18:51:55 [INFO]: Mounting Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
    2022-11-26T18:54:06 [INFO]: Pre-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2022-11-26T18:54:20 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin
    2022-11-26T18:54:21 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.BioEnrollment
    2022-11-26T18:54:22 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.ECApp
    2022-11-26T18:54:23 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.LockApp
    2022-11-26T18:54:24 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
    2022-11-26T18:54:25 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient
    2022-11-26T18:54:26 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost
    2022-11-26T18:54:27 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog
    2022-11-26T18:54:28 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp
    2022-11-26T18:54:29 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager
    2022-11-26T18:54:30 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FileExplorer
    2022-11-26T18:54:32 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FilePicker
    2022-11-26T18:54:33 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls
    2022-11-26T18:54:34 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost
    2022-11-26T18:54:35 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.XGpuEjectDialog
    2022-11-26T18:54:36 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI
    2022-11-26T18:54:37 [INFO]: Removing System App: MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS
    2022-11-26T18:54:38 [INFO]: Removing System App: Windows.CBSPreview
    2022-11-26T18:54:40 [INFO]: Disabling Services, Drivers and Integration Content for Removed Apps.
    2022-11-26T18:54:40 [INFO]: Applying Windows Maps removal tweak
    2022-11-26T18:54:41 [INFO]: Applying Microsoft Wallet removal tweak
    2022-11-26T18:54:42 [INFO]: Applying Xbox apps removal tweak
    2022-11-26T18:54:43 [INFO]: Applying YourPhone removal tweak
    2022-11-26T18:54:44 [INFO]: Applying Microsoft Edge removal tweak
    2022-11-26T18:54:45 [INFO]: Applying Microsoft BioEnrollment removal tweak
    2022-11-26T18:54:47 [INFO]: Applying ContentDeliveryManager removal tweak
    2022-11-26T18:54:59 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability: Hello.Face.18967~~~~
    2022-11-26T18:55:07 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability: Hello.Face.Migration.18967~~~~
    2022-11-26T18:55:15 [INFO]: Importing Custom App Associations.
    2022-11-26T18:55:24 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.StepsRecorder~~~~
    2022-11-26T18:55:31 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.Support.QuickAssist~~~~
    2022-11-26T18:55:38 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OneCoreUAP.OneSync~~~~
    2022-11-26T18:55:46 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OpenSSH.Client~~~~
    2022-11-26T18:55:59 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.1
    2022-11-26T18:56:05 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.1
    2022-11-26T18:56:12 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.1
    2022-11-26T18:56:28 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root
    2022-11-26T18:56:40 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MSRDC-Infrastructure
    2022-11-26T18:56:46 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-Foundation-Features
    2022-11-26T18:56:53 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client
    2022-11-26T18:56:59 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features
    2022-11-26T18:57:05 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-XPSServices-Features
    2022-11-26T18:57:12 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: SmbDirect
    2022-11-26T18:57:19 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: WorkFolders-Client
    2022-11-26T18:57:31 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: DirectPlay
    2022-11-26T18:57:39 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: LegacyComponents
    2022-11-26T18:57:46 [INFO]: Applying Optimized Registry Settings.
    2022-11-26T18:57:50 [INFO]: Importing Registry Template: WindowsPhotoViewer.reg
    2022-11-26T18:57:53 [INFO]: Applying Setup Content.
    2022-11-26T18:57:57 [INFO]: Importing Registry Template: Additional Tweaks.reg
    2022-11-26T18:58:03 [INFO]: Disabling Windows Upgrade
    2022-11-26T18:58:05 [INFO]: Disabling automatic driver update
    2022-11-26T18:58:06 [INFO]: Enabling dormant OneDrive fix
    2022-11-26T18:58:07 [INFO]: Setting classic search explorer
    2022-11-26T18:58:08 [INFO]: Removing taskbar pinned icons
    2022-11-26T18:58:09 [INFO]: Disabling Microsoft Teams autostart entry
    2022-11-26T18:58:12 [INFO]: Enabling explorer classic UI ribbon
    2022-11-26T18:58:14 [INFO]: Adding Powershell as trusted installer context menu entry
    2022-11-26T18:58:15 [INFO]: Importing Registry Template: RunAsTi.reg
    2022-11-26T18:58:19 [INFO]: Cleaning-up the Start Menu Layout.
    2022-11-26T18:58:22 [INFO]: Creating a Package Summary Log.
    2022-11-26T18:58:26 [INFO]: Post-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2022-11-26T18:58:29 [INFO]: Saving and Dismounting Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
    2022-11-26T19:00:24 [INFO]: Rebuilding and Exporting Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC using Maximum compression.
    2022-11-26T19:00:55 [INFO]: Optimizing the Installation Media File Structure.
    2022-11-26T19:00:56 [INFO]: Creating a Prompt Bootable Windows Installation Media ISO.
    2022-11-26T19:01:18 [INFO]: Finalizing Optimizations.
    2022-11-26T19:01:18 [INFO]: Optimize-Offline completed in [9] minutes with [0] errors.

    Optimizations Finalized : 11/26/2022 07:01:18 PM
  2. OpenSourceGhost

    OpenSourceGhost MDL Member

    Feb 14, 2022
    What exactly does "Importing Custom App Associations" do? It sounds like of self-explanatory, but is it for UWP or legacy app association?
  3. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    I'm just a normal user but look in Content\CustomAppAssociations.xml for the answer to your question. @gdeliana
  4. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    You choose the default program for file types with that xml.
    In OO tool this is the part of code that takes care of that:

    If (Test-Path -Path $OptimizeOffline.CustomAppAssociations)
                Log $OptimizeData.ImportingCustomAppAssociations
                $RET = StartExe $DISM -Arguments ('/Image:"{0}" /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:"{1}" /ScratchDir:"{2}" /LogPath:"{3}" /LogLevel:1' -f $InstallMount, $OptimizeOffline.CustomAppAssociations, $ScratchFolder, $DISMLog)
                If ($RET -ne 0) { Log $OptimizeData.FailedImportingCustomAppAssociations -Type Error; Start-Sleep 3 }
    Seems like its using DISM with Import-DefaultAppAssociations switch.

    Should work in W10, but am not sure for W11. Will check it.
  5. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016

    When a USB has multiple partitions like when you burn a large Windows ISO file and it creates two partitions, when you use the USB option on the graphical OO tool, it gets stuck on 'Creating Bootable USB' and never finishes.

    If you clean the USB first in diskpart or format it into one partition with RUFUS, then OO makes the USB properly.
  6. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    Something that I believe will note what version of the tool one is using (specifically your version) is to add (e.g) "gdeliana-7.1" to \Src\Public\Write-Log.ps1 (line 26). Thoughts?
    Running Module : $($OptimizeOffline.BaseName) $($ManifestData.ModuleVersion) $($Your version)
  7. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Thanks mate!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!! :)
  8. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    What type of partition structure is there? I have tried with my usb having multiple FAT32 partitions and everything works. In the background i am just using diskpart for cleaning up the USB.
  9. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    This can be a good reason to have a new page in the gui to make these editable from there.
  10. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    Yes. I use an unattend file and do all of the above and more.

    Just nice RUFUS now has those options though. :)
  11. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #2115 inTerActionVRI, Dec 12, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
    Yesterday I found a post from AveYo [2022-06-03], with this modification about TPM.

    About: edit it and put your region, user etc
    I have in my package (IMCK), all the parts with a readme of the information to be changed by the user. Perhaps this already helps you in your work in advance.

    ExtraUtilities.zip --> AutoUnattend - ReadMe.txt
  12. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Try the new answer file i added in master branch, unattend_basic, rename it to Unattend.xml and then run the script with the enabled option to apply answer file.
  13. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I missed it, :thinking::mml::thumbsup: